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Everything posted by YouMa

  1. Jim Morrison, Ian curtis, and a myriad of others must be doing electro boogie in their graves. Oasis were one of the most rag tag cobbled together overated plagerist rubbish that came out the 90s. How the hell they havent been sued for nicking nearly every song I dont know.
  2. Cest Chic I wore this old vinyl copy out I bought in 1994. I bought it from an old crumbling record shop in Blaydon it still had the plastic and original price tag on it. Bernard and the band were just the pinnacle of tight funky playing. I always thought to myself why does no one realise how great these guys were. 20 years later everybody finally realised. Guess daft punk must have been thinking the same.
  3. Beadle!
  4. Hahaha. Nice one the acts really coming along.
  5. Exactly!!!
  6. Old people have a right to whinge because they are sick of young people whinging.
  7. Yes hungover,but let's be honest here the basis of most British rap music is whinging about social injustices.
  8. Sick of hearing rappers whinge constantly. Just like I'm sick of hearing "young people" whinge. If you don't like it here sod off to somewhere else and whinge there otherwise deal with it.
  9. Jackson pollock just dribbled and flicked paint. Check out his work Autumn. That's pretty similar. Just look up his technique.
  10. You can get coloured oil mate
  11. Cheers mate is there a finish apart from poly I can use that will not darken the wood.
  12. Does anyone no if clear Danish oil is actually clear on wood. I used Tru oil and this has given a slight Amber hue to my bass finish. Any suggestions please?
  13. My advice. Don't go for basses your heroes play. Try a load. I'm not a big fan of metal but my Warwick streamer was amazing as are most Ibanez necks in the Soundgear range. You may feel you are playing a tree trunk with some of the classic basses.
  14. It's a tool mate.
  15. You can create your own Glastonbury festival at home. Pitch a tent in your garden,put on radio 6 Then get whizzed and stoned out of your mind. Don't forget to steal your own shoes and urinate up the side of your tent.
  16. I'm talking about the black oxide coating mate like when you have Black metal bridge etc. It wears really quick.
  17. Has any one tried to reblack tarnished hardware screws etc. I have looked at gun bluing but this seems a lot of hassle.
  18. Thanks mate but I contacted Nordstrand and I also have there diagram of how to wire to the switch so hopefully it should work.
  19. 29 quid mate shame the wood cover don't match the bass wood but heh Ho.
  20. To late ordered the switches from shaggy link thanks mate. Will be brandishing my soldering iron and diagram next week. Think I'm going to sand the body again as gunstock oil has brought out a couple of imperfections my ocd won't deal with.
  21. Appreciate this thanks all. I might just get the chrome switches as the black ones are twice as much.
  22. I quite fancied having the split as well so I can get a single coil sound. I'm more worried about drilling another little hole for the switch. Black switches are a bit of a con the on/on/on is 12 quid at stew Mac.
  23. HI all,I have got hold of an ibanez sr600 which was a bit beat when I got it. It's been stripped and cleaned,guts removed. I have acquired a Nordstrand humbucker with wooden cover very cheaply. Question is do I just stick it in as is or have an on/on/on micro switch for series/parralel/ split. It's going in the bridge position. Is it worth drilling a hole for another switch.Any thoughts.
  24. I'm having same problem with sr600 but need screws for bridge.
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