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Everything posted by YouMa

  1. I was living in Liverpool about 10 years ago and saw an awesome band called spicy goat at a club.I did have a tape of them but this has become lost in the mists of time,does this name jog any memories for anyone on here.They were supporting the herbaliser when i saw them (I think).Cheers.
  2. Rubbish! dennis waterman wrote the theme tune sang the theme tune and played every instrument on it.hahahhaha.Bergerac is an awesome theme tune.
  3. I am marooned in suffolk i thought i was the only bass player in suffolk (Apart from Bill Wyman).Anyway i currently have a label interested project going on at the moment and i am looking for Nude female band members with large breasts.Any interest P.M. me.
  4. Just hit the fuccka and make sure your tight!
  5. YouMa


    Who played the bass on the original zoot allures? that track is just beautiful.
  6. [quote name='walbassist' post='255271' date='Aug 5 2008, 12:04 PM']You asked for it.... My Mk III was one of the last two basses Pete made. It was very special for a number of reasons, not least because I supplied the facings he used (picked up on a ski-ing holiday in Vermont). This is the only spalted maple Wal in the world. I also asked for a walnut core ( usually mahogany), and Pete gave the bass a double pinstripe veneer (usually only one). As this was going to be my ultimate Wal, I also had Pete make fretted and fretless necks (ebony boards, no dots, unlined fretless) for the bass, so I could swap them over as and when I fancied a change. I also asked him to put his fish signature on the back of the necks. Pete also bound the pickups with contrasting laminates. Again, a very unusual feature. Often the back of a Wal looks just as good as the front! And here it is, finished.... Enjoy![/quote] Are you Paul macartney! HA we have found you,Knew he would be on here somewhere.
  7. YouMa


    [quote name='beerdragon' post='283472' date='Sep 14 2008, 01:25 AM']I saw the mothers in the seventies at a festival somewhere. it went way over my head i'm afraid. but then i could'nt wait for Led Zep to come on.[/quote] I suppose it depends on your frame of mind at that moment in the evening.I was just a baby,i do have the DVDs but i am very envious of you guys who were actually there.I would love to actually talk to someone who had been at space ritual live.Hawkwind were the bollocks! Bass playing reached a certain peak in the 70s.
  8. Very proud to be a north east man ala Trev Horn,this man is a god of production he can make mouldy bread sound fresh as a mountain stream.Numero one on my list when im a star!hahahahha
  9. Mate if you can pull it off live and still sound as slap choppy! RELAX
  10. YouMa


    Respect to you then jake.ZootAllures! Zappa makes me feel like im not going nuts.Zappa should not have died,there is no justice the best always get taken first.Get your prostates checked regular its a big killer,even the last interviews with Frank he was just the same and tobbaco was his favorite vegetable.For me Zappa is up there with mozart,and zappas doing a hand stand at the same time.
  11. [quote name='Stockholm Syndrome' post='283439' date='Sep 13 2008, 11:59 PM']Did you by any chance get this from Callum @ the Warwick Forum? It looks very familiar... This shouldn't last long, great price![/quote] I really dont know man,it was an ebay buy about 3 years ago i met the guy halfway in chelmsford he was from round hemel hempsteadl way,in some mod band.I got it because i had really got into jazz funk and wanted something a bit further up the scale from my precision.It does exactly what it says on the tin,and plays itself.Do you know this bass? I can email you the serial if you want.He said the previous owner was paul rogers! I didnt know he played bass(Thought it was Andy Frasers job LOL).Anyhow i would be interested if you know.
  12. [quote name='SJA' post='283437' date='Sep 13 2008, 11:55 PM']yep, Trevor Horn programmed this on a Fairlight sampler. Mark O'Toole was actually a pretty good bass player though (he wrote the bassline plus his original lead bass parts were used as string/horn parts)- [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1wIHrLci6Fw"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1wIHrLci6Fw[/url] closeup at 3.40 drop-D tuning (DADG), frets 3 and 5 on the A string, open low D string. and use the open A string. Welcome to the pleasuredome has a great bassline too.[/quote] Right on brother we are a long way from home "WELCOME".
  13. YouMa


    I have just watched the baby snakes DVD by Frank Zappa (Been a bit out there the last couple of months.) How good! is this guy,it was like watching a circus.Zappas guitar work is mind blowing.I love jazz a lot and thought id got into and liked some pretty weird stuff but i may pack in the reefa now,i cant believe zappa did all that stuff straight.
  14. I have a feeling this might be a sampled bass.
  15. Get a Boutique big muff with analog circuitry,run your bass through this and use plenty of compression.
  16. Im really after a fender jazz or a stingray mate.
  17. Relisting this 98 streamer.Very good nick only a couple of tiny dings/rash,neck on this one feels nice and action has been set up well and low.Gold hardware on this bass is unworn and shiny, electronics are also well looked after.Comes with strap/locks and decent gig bag.Powerful bass with good looks.Looking for 600 ONO,or trade.I cant afford to spend loads of money on guitars this year and i just fancy a change.Cheers.
  18. Him and Nile did the soundtrack to an 80s film called soup for one which features why by Carly simon,the film isnt supposed to be to good but apparently the soundtrack by edwards and rogers is well good.Does anyone have this? I cant find it anywhere.I presume it is now deleted.
  19. Walking on the moon started me off.
  20. Looks in need of a good slap!
  21. Not into the cyber look but she is very sexy indeed!
  22. Unless smack convertors have a very honest interested bass player working at this particular branch i would say the bass is nicked.It would be easy for a high end bass like this to slip through the net as they do look plastic. In my opinion,natural wood always seems to look more expensive.Saying that! I dont know a lot about furniture but im sure id know quality if i was holding a chippindale compared to an Ikea lazy boy!
  23. Dude keep at it,disco can be very difficult to learn.The blokes who played it were the best of the best bass players.Your technique is probably letting you down try and play lighter,mess with your amp to get a good tone,the notes should come just keep listening to the track constantly and it will eventually hit you with the right notes.
  24. if the pots are original you can date from the serial numbers on them also if there are any pencil initials from the factory checks it is possible to find out what year its body would be,there are loads of places on the web for fender dating.
  25. My warwick was owned by paul rogers from free which meant bugger all to me when i bought it i didnt even know he played bass! I doubt if he would be very good.Alright now!
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