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Everything posted by YouMa

  1. Trevor "Welcome to the pleasure dome" horn,hats off to synths and big airy chords!
  2. [quote name='Marcus' post='273044' date='Aug 30 2008, 10:20 AM']Alreet Bonny Lad ? Living in Sunderland isn't a problem marra ! I've bought and sold well over £150,000 worth of Basses in the last 10 years, all over the world (Japan, USA, Canada, Brazil, Chilli, Holland German, France, Italy.... and god knows where else) Even sold a few in Newcastle...... but don't hold that against me Good luck with the sale !! Mark The Makem[/quote]
  3. [quote name='greyparrot' post='269464' date='Aug 25 2008, 12:16 PM']As new in hard case and tags etc, £550! This is the best bit of wood i have seen on a fender! Photos to follow or can be emailed, Rich 07957300029 prefer cash p/u.[/quote] Would you be interested in a trade?
  4. Anything with dave liebman on it (on the corner) Dave liebman plays like a snake charmer.
  5. The bass line to 80s sitcom "sorry". I dont know who the bass player is, probably one of ronnie hazlehursts mates,wish i knew who his main bass player was.
  6. quit playing in a rock/goth band.meeeeowwww
  7. Burn them all!
  8. Im trying to trade my streamer stage 1 at the moment and to be honest im having trouble.
  9. Really, i wish someone would hurry up and buy my streamer! im skint.
  10. Id do that red haired dragon that used to be on, the one who owned red letter days and it went tits up! phhoarrrr.
  11. YouMa

    Larry David

    Someone must know it sounds like an old northern soul tune.I must find it AAAArrrggghhhhhh.
  12. I reckon its stimulants i think a lot of fast bass players took or take things to help,i have a DVD of level 42 in 84 at the rock palast and king is off his tits while being interviewed.
  13. Well retro i thought they were crap but hendrix seemed to like them.
  14. Alan hawkshaw girl in a sports car
  15. +1 for steptoe and son.
  16. Why isnt there a crumpet forum,bummer!
  17. Cheers for that mate!
  18. brbrbrbrbbaaaa baa humbug wheres me pudding,f*** off im watching blockbusters!
  19. Just been listnin to some old ozric tentacles stuff lately, the bass on the early stuff was class,i think Roly wynne was the bass player,i also just found out he has passed away! a few years back and it was suicide. How awful does anyone know what happened?
  20. [quote name='phil_the_bassist' post='244061' date='Jul 20 2008, 09:24 PM'][url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/INLAY-SOLID-POPLAR-BIRDEYE-5-STRINGS-ELECTRIC-BASS-7777_W0QQitemZ310068089070QQihZ021QQcategoryZ4713QQcmdZViewItemQQ_trksidZp1742.m153.l1262#ebayphotohosting"]THIS[/url] is [i][b]STUNNING[/b][/i]!! How awkward is it to ship something from vietnam?! I WANT IT!!! [/quote] nnnnnnnnnnnnnnn nineteen wasnt really sure what was going on!
  21. alot of people think zappa is really rude (not many women seem to like him) Titties and beer is well cool though.I also like stuff like watermelon in easter hay.I try to play guitar like zappa the man used some weird modes like hungarian minors and things along those lines.I wish i could memorise more of the modes,and use them to my advantage,you get a bit sick of pentatonics sometimes.
  22. YouMa

    Larry David

    Has anyone here seen an episode of curb your enthusiasm called krazee eye killa,its the one where larry david is hanging out with a rapper. There is a scene in it where larry goes to find his wife in the night club and there is a well funky tune in the background anyone know what it is.
  23. Zoot allures by zappa has a lovely bass line and is such a mellow tune.
  24. Dont try and do it on your own you need a special clamp thing,i tried and failed.
  25. i cant play with a pick,and i play electric guitar(even leads) without a pick it feels like im playing by remote when i use a pick.
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