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Everything posted by YouMa

  1. I have a horrible feeling it may have been suicide.....What is going on!
  2. Gutted.
  3. I liked it. Well done Scott.
  4. The Smiths were huge in the states. Johnny Marr married an American and Morrisey lives in Hollywood now.
  5. Cute cute in a stupid donkey way. Amazing voice.
  6. Saw him and met him in Newcastle riverside. He was amazing.
  7. I'm on Del Palmers Facebook. He's an interesting man. Underated I think.
  8. I remember finding all these tracks so magical as a very young child. If I had been old enough to be Kate's bass player I would be married to her now. Amazing woman.
  9. Wish fender made necks like ibanez. My sire v7 feels like a tree trunk compared to my SR
  10. I'll raise you I got the blues. Aja is a sublime album. The Dan rule. It's just the best music in the world to think too and the lyrics are just mental. Green earings?
  11. Most of the bass lines are doubled with synth. I had a good book on them about recording at polar studios. Benny was a synth wizard.
  12. Great band. The drummer was a bit scary. The Slits did some mental stuff. Typical girls is brilliant. I like that female band in The killing of sister George film,the one at the Gateways Lesbian club.
  13. Wish someone would find his bass. I find it very strange how it was stolen just before he died. Did he owe money? I know he had drink problems towards the end. Despite trawls on the internet there is very little info on the man even from family.
  14. I think muting foam and a high action had a lot to do with his sound. There is no denying that he was very gifted though. It's just such a shame he did not live longer. I always got the impression they berry Gordy didn't really give much of a toss about those blokes playing for him.. From the stuff I have read and heard about Jamerson he could test the patience of a saint and was very stubborn. Although I wasn't there so this is all hearsay.
  15. 2468 is a Jackson 5 track mate. I think Jamerson was first to really make the bass dance. It's Jamerson and Edwards that really float my boat. There is true beauty in their phrasing.
  16. I like 2468 he was brill wasn't he.
  17. Not a big fan of her playing but this was rather good.
  18. Great band.
  19. Slade were an excellent band.
  20. Cheers Rodders!
  21. I must admit I really admire the guy but his early funky stuff is much better. I don't think you can really get away with Donna Lee on bass it does just sound like noodling. I wish Jaco had been more jazz/funk that would have been awesome.
  22. It's the Ohm symbol. Look it up.
  23. I just never got the hype of kiss. I think Michael Buble is very clever singing like a robot when he doesnt even use auto tune though
  24. Shocking!! never mind "get the fire brigade!" call the police.
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