I remember finding all these tracks so magical as a very young child. If I had been old enough to be Kate's bass player I would be married to her now. Amazing woman.
I'll raise you I got the blues. Aja is a sublime album. The Dan rule. It's just the best music in the world to think too and the lyrics are just mental. Green earings?
Great band. The drummer was a bit scary. The Slits did some mental stuff. Typical girls is brilliant. I like that female band in The killing of sister George film,the one at the Gateways Lesbian club.
Wish someone would find his bass. I find it very strange how it was stolen just before he died. Did he owe money? I know he had drink problems towards the end. Despite trawls on the internet there is very little info on the man even from family.
I think muting foam and a high action had a lot to do with his sound. There is no denying that he was very gifted though. It's just such a shame he did not live longer. I always got the impression they berry Gordy didn't really give much of a toss about those blokes playing for him.. From the stuff I have read and heard about Jamerson he could test the patience of a saint and was very stubborn. Although I wasn't there so this is all hearsay.
2468 is a Jackson 5 track mate. I think Jamerson was first to really make the bass dance. It's Jamerson and Edwards that really float my boat. There is true beauty in their phrasing.
I must admit I really admire the guy but his early funky stuff is much better. I don't think you can really get away with Donna Lee on bass it does just sound like noodling. I wish Jaco had been more jazz/funk that would have been awesome.