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Everything posted by DrBob

  1. Bump for a 'reality check' price drop.
  2. Hi, I hope it's okay to post a FS ad ? Whilst I've been a member of this forum for a while I did join it as a guitarist looking to buy a Bass and if I'm being honest I haven't posted much since. If it's not appropriate mods please delete & my apologies I dont know if it helps add anything to my credibility but I'm good friends with (and in fact bought this bass from) @dub_junkie of this very forum and I'm pretty well known as DrBob over at www.thefretboard.co.uk. So yes, anyway, I've got a MIM Fender Mark Hoppus in Sonic Blue with the pearloid pickguard up for sale [url="http://i526.photobucket.com/albums/cc343/lorddonricci/Fender%20Mark%20Hoppus%20Bass/2014-09-11114918_zps24c06850.jpg"]http://i526.photobuc...zps24c06850.jpg[/url] [url="http://i526.photobucket.com/albums/cc343/lorddonricci/Fender%20Mark%20Hoppus%20Bass/2014-09-11114907_zps707bc113.jpg"]http://i526.photobuc...zps707bc113.jpg[/url] As I said I procured this rather fine bass from @dub_junkie of this very parish a few years back now and much as it is a lovely bass I would have to say that I'm not really playing very much guitar, let alone bass these days and on the odd occasion that I do I tend to reach for my USA SUB Sterling, not because I think it's better in any way but more because whenever I pick up the Hoppus I seem to end up descending into Lynott/Harris style 'galloping' bass as it just seems to suggest it ! [url="http://i526.photobucket.com/albums/cc343/lorddonricci/Fender%20Mark%20Hoppus%20Bass/2014-09-11115040_zps1ee34958.jpg"]http://i526.photobuc...zps1ee34958.jpg[/url] Thru Body Stringing detail [url="http://i526.photobucket.com/albums/cc343/lorddonricci/Fender%20Mark%20Hoppus%20Bass/2014-09-11115118_zpsfac0988c.jpg"]http://i526.photobuc...zpsfac0988c.jpg[/url] Real deal, heavy duty Schaller tuning pegs [url="http://i526.photobucket.com/albums/cc343/lorddonricci/Fender%20Mark%20Hoppus%20Bass/2014-09-11115032_zps69c95a28.jpg"]http://i526.photobuc...zps69c95a28.jpg[/url] The mans name on the neck plate, cool if you like Blink182, hidden round the back if you dont so win win right ? In good nick, the only points to make are that the owner before dub_junkie removed the 'Mark Hoppus' bit off othe headstock logo (I'm guessing he wasn't a Blink fan) and also it was previously in a heavy smoking environment and one presumes out on a stand so there is a bit of a 'yellowing' inside the cutaways. That said it's been on a wall hanger in my non smoking home for a good few years now and any such odour does appear to have disappeared [url="http://i526.photobucket.com/albums/cc343/lorddonricci/Fender%20Mark%20Hoppus%20Bass/2014-09-11115150_zpsc8b44e38.jpg"]http://i526.photobuc...zpsc8b44e38.jpg[/url] Regrettably no hardcase with this one only the Fender gigbag it came with. [b]I'm based in Glasgow[/b] so I think it's prudent to say i will ship at cost. I'm sure I can hit up a local guitar shop for a shipping box or if it helps I dont mind taking the neck off of the body to make a shorter, less vulnerable package [s][b]£430 plus postage on this.[/b][/s] On reflection I might have 'gone in a bit hard' on the pricing ! So I'm thinking that as long as you are OK with me dropping the neck off of it for postage that [b]£400 Posted to the UK [/b]might be a bit more realistic Thanks for reading
  3. Any love for a Fender Mark Hoppus in trade ?
  4. Hmm, okay, right need to flog my Hoppus as the slush fund isn't what it once was but definitely interested...
  5. Errr. Ooh. I've been toying with getting one of these.. Where in Suffolk are you at ?
  6. Hey mate, where in SE London are you ? I'm in Sutton
  7. Go on, colour me interested, particularly given my Sutton location. Might have to shift on my Fender Mark Hoppus mind... Pics would be good
  8. [quote name='rogerds' timestamp='1350034349' post='1833713'] welcome to the forum drbob! PhD / Med / wishful thinking ?? not uncouth at all... still available and i'm in sunny (at he moment for a change...) Poole on the south coast will pm you for any further chat [/quote] Back at you
  9. Thanks for the kind words and welcome chaps, looking forward to hanging round and picking up on a few things. Now, what is the right way to play "Good Times" or is that the bass equivalent of "Stairway"...
  10. Hi there, After years of being that most annoying of people (i.e. a guitarist who thinks he can play bass) I've realised that I can't but that I'd quite like to have a bit of a go at doing it properly. My only musical outlet at the moment is jamming in my friends posh shed/mancave and what they really need is a bassist. So about a year back I went out and got a used EBMM S.U.B. Sterling (one of the earlier U.S.A. nade ones with the black painted necks & 'hammerite' finish bodies) Sounds lovely, can't stop playing the intro to 'Summertime Rolls' by Janes Addiction on it. It's gonna take a while but I'm really enjoying it. My wife's just getting into a bit of Bass as well. she's always been musical (grade 8 clarinet, grade 8 flute etc) and just fancied having a go, we've just picked up a seafoam green Mark Hoppus for her so it's got really low and thumpy round here of late ! Look forward to learning a lot and apologies in advance for the stupid questions Rob
  11. Hi, I know that it's a bit uncouth to come busting straight in with your first forum post in the classifieds section but I saw this and had to get in touch. I'm looking for a decent 'first bass' for a friend of mine who's always wanted to have a go at bass playing. We've discussed it and given that he'll probably be taking most of his first steps on the path whilst sitting in front of a computer something small and shapely like this would probably be the very dabs.. Would you still have it ? and if so where might you be ? (might be able to collect) If it helps I promise I'll go and introduce myself later and I've been over on the Musicradar forum as DrBob for years now ! Look forward to hearing from you
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