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Everything posted by Longmayyourun

  1. You have made my day - that is magnificent.
  2. And this is its bigger sister - the Baritone 'Tele' [attachment=143274:IMG_0905.JPG] [attachment=143275:IMG_0909.JPG] [attachment=143276:IMG_0913.JPG] Chambered Sapele body, Maple neck, Wizards again (Country Set)
  3. Just recently finished this [attachment=143271:IMG_1173.JPG] Mahogany body and neck, Maple top with Walnut, Cherry, Laburnum, Maple and Blackwood binding. Wizard 'Novatron' pickup. It's a bit of a beast [attachment=143272:IMG_1170.JPG][attachment=143273:IMG_1175.JPG] I like the way it looks kind of folksy, but can sound like it wants to rip your head off.
  4. I've just finished a 6 string with one of Wizard's 'Novatron' pickups in. Man that thing snarls and bites when you stick it into an overdrive. Such a shame I wont be able to repeat it, but happy the man is following his dream. Best wishes Andy - you'll be missed.
  5. But on a serious note - what kind of mad, wonderful, out there music are you playing with pitched birdsong? I think we need samples
  6. Any minute now someone is going to ask if you find the ironing board makes your sound kind of [i]flat.[/i] I'll get my neatly pressed coat.........
  7. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1375617363' post='2163450'] I've never heard of him [/quote] Well of course ''Google is your friend'' here, but you're going to need a [i]heck [/i]of a long time to work through his discography. Couldn't quite believe it myself when I had a quick look just now. Roughly equivalent, I would say, to Danny Thompson saying ''nah mate, it's your gig, I was just sitting in till you got here'' What's that? Who's Danny Thompson?
  8. [quote name='Count Bassy' timestamp='1375573485' post='2163151'] Many years ago I was late arriving at a gig (as a melodeon player). Got there just as the band was about to strike up with a stand-in melodeon player. I burst in through the door just in time and John Kirkpatrick stood aside to make room for me. Glory days indeed. [/quote] I know we're not being competitive here, but as far as I can see we have a winner
  9. Can't resist adding a picture of the 'sister'. Quite pleased with this [attachment=139975:IMG_0973.JPG] [attachment=139976:IMG_0972.JPG]
  10. Progress so far - Neck blank laminated and fingerboard on, headstock attached, body wings laminated and rough cut [attachment=139972:IMG_0963.JPG] [attachment=139973:IMG_0964.JPG] And here with its fretted sister which is almost done now [attachment=139974:IMG_0969.JPG]
  11. Myke - if you want to PM an address I'll put a piece of the offcut in the post so you can get the feel of it.
  12. Actually some progress, but no photos I'm afraid. Epoxy resin is the answer to gluing this stuff, but it needs to be abraded with something like 80 grit paper and then thoroughly cleaned to remove all traces of dust. Ive got as far as gluing up my neck blank - laminates of figured Sapele and Wenge - fixed the 'board on and shaped it. It took about twice as long as a Rosewood 'board. This stuff is hard. Went down as far as 2000 grit paper before T-cut and then Brasso and it's smooth as a very smooth thing and shiny. Putting the radius on the 'board has revealed [i]very slight [/i]lines a bit like contour lines on a map where I've cut down through the laminates of the material. You can only see this when holding it up to bright light, not at all from more than about 18 inches away. I'll endeavour to get some pics sorted soon. Thank for your interest
  13. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1372966044' post='2132296'] For the first 3 days (non-stop...)..? Grateful Dead, like back in them thar good ol' days..! [/quote]Good call - that'll do for me. And a bottle of Tequila mixed into a grapefruit juice carton so no-one asks for a drink. Well, it worked for me back in'82.
  14. There's something about that that just makes me want to say '[i][b]Yes!'[/b][/i] Absolutely brilliant - nice one.
  15. The blank I got is more than long enough for a 24 fret 'board and about 4 inches wide, 1/4 inch thick (sorry - I'm that old). Darkish charcoal grey in colour and slightly rough finish - a bit like worn out 240 grit glasspaper. To be honest it didn't look that encouraging. Yesterday I took an offcut from the blank, glued part of it to some Wenge (I'll see how that went when I get out to the workshop) and set about polishing another part. It's hard stuff. Worked down through the grits to 800, then some fine wire wool followed by T-cut. It comes up [i]very[/i] dark grey, not quite black, no sign of any 'grain' or structure on the face or edge, shiny and extremely hard. I did a completely un-scientific thumbnail test on it and couldn't make a mark at all, whereas the same test did mark a piece of Ebony (left a slight depression that I could feel) If it sticks to the wood successfully I think I'll go ahead with using it. I'll let you know. Andy Ed. Just realised I haven't actually answered the question. You'd treat it like any other fingerboard blank for shaping, but I reckon it will be a longish job with lots of re-sharpening if you use block planes or scrapers, and messy with ultra fine black dust if you use sanding sticks
  16. Thanks for your interest Harry - I did do a quick search in the hope of finding a post from someone who has built using a micarta/ebanol/richlite 'board, but without luck. Fortunately the blank I've got (from Tonetech) is large enough to allow me to experiment with offcuts to see how it glues and finishes. It might take a while but when I get the build off the ground I'll post a few pics. [i]If[/i] it turns out well - you're just down the road from here and you'd be welcome to look it over. Cheers, Andy
  17. I'm about to start a self build - fretless, 4 string, Basslines MM pup - and am considering using one of these phenolic resin impregnated 'boards, just because it would be a new thing for me. Is there anyone out there who can offer experiences / advice regarding the suitability and workability of such things. Thanks for your time A
  18. And 'Hi' from just over Kit Hill. Hope you find some folks to play with soon. We're going to have to have a Peninsular Bass Bash one of these days..........
  19. Blimey! I thought I could hear something rumbling. And I'm in Cornwall
  20. Very glad for you that the new rig meets expectations. And it just looks so damned cool doesn't it? Enjoy
  21. Nice. I've got a real soft spot for Phil Jones gear - I'd love to hear how you get on at rehearsal/gig volume.
  22. [quote name='kevin_lindsay' timestamp='1361459768' post='1986011'] I've been looking through old issues. How about this sartorial smoothie????? [/quote]Why is that guy wearing comedy yeti feet?
  23. I've been playing bass for 40 years - used a lot of different gear - and sometimes it has sounded good to me, sometimes so-so, always I'd say not [i]quite [/i]how I'd like it to. Cut to this week's practice. It was raining and I was running late so to make it in one trip to the car I picked up one cab (self built with Deltalite 12), baby Phil Jones D200 amp (usually only used for home stuff, gig amp is Trace 300) and bass. Set up at rehearsal room with cab on a table behind me so I could hear myself and decided to try (I think this is the crucial bit) my Micro Red Dragon in the effects loop. It is normally on the floor. The little amp was pretty much maxxed out to keep up with the rest of the band, inbuilt compression on full to try and tame the dynamics at that volume and the drive on the MRD set at about half. THAT is what I have always wanted to sound like - just a great, warm, full on slightly gritty sound. My problem now is to replicate this at gig volume. First I guess is to try the effects loop on the Trace, but am I going to have to invest in a bigger Phil Jones amp? Try all your combinations of gear - you never know
  24. Oh - thank you for posting that. I'm going to work with a huge smile on my face now. Excellent!
  25. A quick ten minutes on google turns up loads of stuff about this, and the majority of thinking seems to be that single coil pickups might be, erm, picking up signal from the induction loop and turning it into a self perpetuating descent into howling uncontrolable feedback, but it is sometimes possible to move out of the critical areas. Having said that - in my band the lead guitar has a problem in this one venue, and is a single coil equipped Strat, but the rythm has no problem and is running humbuckers. As I said before, I'm completely out of my depth here and would love to hear from someone who knows what they're on about regarding this problem. It must have happened to more than two of us??
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