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Everything posted by ZMech

  1. great track, and some tasty playing too. I'd agree that the more expressive sound of a DB lends itself beautifully to the more soulful/ballad end of the music spectrum.
  2. nice solution! although was slightly dissapointed, was expecting something more like flea at 2:55 in this chili's vid: [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2N1XbKHNH7Y"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2N1XbKHNH7Y[/url] p.s. nice idea linking from dropbox, hadn't thought of that.
  3. [quote name='thepurpleblob' post='1256781' date='Jun 4 2011, 08:16 PM']Children's brains are wired up to learn stuff quickly..[/quote] I'm not sure that's true, I think it's just that they have excessive amounts of time. People say 'oh, but when you're a baby you learn how to speak in just a few years', whilst that's true, would it take any longer to learn if you just dumped an adult in a foreign country? I reckon they'd pick it up faster. If you didn't have school/work, and instead could spend many hours a day playing around with music, then yes, you'd learn it quickly too! The difference with starting as a kid is that if you average two hours a day from age 5, then you'll have your 10,000 hours by your early 20's. I think this is enhanced much further if you're surrounded by a musical family who constantly expose you to it.
  4. Damn that SourceAudio stuff is awesome. Quite a bit of gas for that bass distortion!
  5. So if you want to hear/own all 20 tracks you need to buy the album twice? very sneaky!
  6. I remember seeing a gospel choir playing at Glastonbury, and thinking that if synagogue was like that I might actually go occasionally, was awesome. Playing bass along to worship seems like a completely foreign concept to me, but it does sound like it'd be great fun.
  7. sounds great, but the word excelsior just makes me think of al Gore saying it with a lisp in South Park.
  8. I'm a multi-instrumentalist, I can play bass, kazoo, and this thing: It's a unique instrument that I think would really thicken up your 'sound'! I'm studying in bristol, but will come to rehearsals the odd time i come home to london (a weekend every few months). Just let me know
  9. Whilst it's by no means essential, when having Real Booked based jams, you just get the chords and the treble clef melody (unless it's got a specific bassline). Whilst you can happily play over the chords without reading the melody, I find knowing what I'm playing over better means I can contribute more solidly, although for me this is a case of looking at it at home as I can't sight read it. Should probably mention I'm not by any means pro
  10. [quote name='ShergoldSnickers' post='1253825' date='Jun 2 2011, 12:39 PM']Couple of Midget -Ts with a [url="http://barefacedbass.com/product-range/dubster.htm"]Dubster[/url] might be able to replace the entire set of Peavy speakers.[/quote] Just read the blurb for the dubster, I should probably wipe the drool off my desk. Now I just need to join a band to justify it, preferably one that'll earn me £750...
  11. After two years of playing I thought I was getting pretty good. Then I decided to go along to a jazz jam night... [quote name='scottkincaid' post='1253441' date='Jun 2 2011, 04:34 AM']For example, i have learned to play bass within two weeks, and i could now, pretty much play whatever you wanted; Funk, Indie, Rock, Metal ect.[/quote] A challenge to test yourself. Set the metronome to 160bpm. Play straight crotchets over it. Then stop, halve it to 80bpm, but start again playing 160 crotchets. Stop, halve it again so you've only got the first beat of each bar struck, then try again so that it's only playing one beat every two bars, and again to the first beat of every four bars (10bpm). If your still starting every 4th bar perfectly in time with the metronome, then you do indeed have perfect timing, one of the biggest roles of a bassist. p.s. I thought I was naturally talented too, then I came to uni where there's lots of people better than you at whatever you think you're good at, and you have to start working for it.
  12. So I should use a slight dab of overdrive on my double bass??? crazy, but that's just more reason to try it Should I be roughly shooting for a sound that sounds only slightly distorted when playing solo? A sound clip example of a distorted/compressed bass first solo then playing w/ the band would be great if someone can put one up.
  13. On top of this, you then have the issue of the speaker sensitivity. Every cab with have a dB @1W rating thing that I don't really understand or pay attention to, although I think the barefaced cabs aremeant to be super good for this.
  14. I'm guessing full size are also that bit louder, which would be useful when playing acoustically in an orchestra, but when amped up in a band becomes a null point, if anything it might make the resonance worse (I dunno about that last bit). Most people play 3/4, there's nothing child sized about it!
  15. [quote name='ahpook' post='1251940' date='May 31 2011, 07:37 PM']whilst playing with the techno/spacerock band a bloke danced his way up to me, looking very enthusiastic and wide-eyed (i.e. on drukqs) and asked me "what note are you playing ?" now - at this point in the song i'm playing a simple rhythm on bottom G, with a big filter going on and some phasing. "G" i shout back at the fella with a smile he bellows "i f**kin' love G !" and danced back into the audience [/quote] That's absolutely brilliant!
  16. [quote name='Bilbo in the God I love Jazz! thread' post='1233253' date='May 16 2011, 04:35 PM']I find myself repeatedly drawn to freer forms of jazz but I almost always leave disappointed and confused. Must try harder [/quote] [quote name='Bilbo' post='1251647' date='May 31 2011, 03:39 PM']Never been drunk or stoned, let alone played in that state, so cannot contribute to this debate. Bye.[/quote] Anyone else see a connection?
  17. [quote]not having a great time with the bow - serious issues with a nerve at the end of my thumb going to sleep and such[/quote] Are you using a french bow? I also found that it brutalised my thumb, so I tried my teachers german bow and it was so much more comfortable. I'd recommend giving it a go, felt much more natural to me.
  18. [quote name='Bloodaxe' post='1250994' date='May 31 2011, 12:41 AM']As far as I'm concerned, such types have actually failed as they've completely missed the fact that growing older is compulsory but growing up is optional.[/quote] A similar theory I came up with, is that you don't get more mature, your immaturity just gets more refined.
  19. Lets play The Chicken!
  20. Those drones seem really useful, cheers for that!
  21. [quote name='silddx' post='1250472' date='May 30 2011, 04:53 PM']I'm not really sure what this poll is telling me [/quote] it's telling you that whilst the numbers show about half of BC wish they knew more theory, and a bunch of those that don't reckon they know loads, there are still people who will argue it's not at all needed
  22. I think once you get past the stage of sounding like a bunch of teenagers in a shed, and work out how to get your instruments to fit in well with each other, then your audience won't notice much improvement above that (or not consciously at least). Some bands I do reckon spend ages tweaking, one example that jumps to mind is tame impala [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vxvf7gR4-2M"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vxvf7gR4-2M[/url] p.s. if I had the money and time I would no doubt spend ages playing with various effects and combinations, but mostly as i'm a massive geek
  23. I do know that my pool skills peak at the second pint. dunno about bass though.
  24. [quote name='Bilbo' post='1246240' date='May 26 2011, 09:00 PM']GENE HARRIS!!! GENE HARRIS!!! Monster![/quote] He is indeed, spent most of yesterday listening to his stuff, was brilliant. To continue my currently pianist spree, just found this gem. I love how much space they give each other to play around with, such selfless playing from both amazing pianists.
  25. 3rd year Bristol for me. Don't worry, you probably don't have it as bad as me, 7 exams with 5 left, the last one being on June 16th. Fun times...
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