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Everything posted by ZMech

  1. only time i ever want one is when playing jazz stuff in Eb. Other than that, not a real concern of mine
  2. judging by view count, your bass is now twice as popular as rugby hope the build's going well.
  3. Well, I was sitting in my room today, looking forlornly at the corner of my room where my DB normally sits, as it's getting an adjustment. My bass guitar's still here, but it just doesn't really cut it any more, and I just had a moment where i realised that, I truly am converted to the ways of the upright. Has been a good couple of months. Anyone else had a moment like this?
  4. Do you mean you're trying to write interesting solo basslines? don't think i've heard very many of those at all that capture my interest, let alone ones i've come up with. From my (limited) experience, I only really enjoy playing bass if it's with a drummer. Try seeing if there are any open jam nights near you, will at the least get you some band playing experience
  5. try going through this setup guide, have taken the link from the basschat wiki. [url="http://garywillis.com/pages/bass/bassmanual/setupmanual.html"]http://garywillis.com/pages/bass/bassmanual/setupmanual.html[/url]
  6. some great ideas here, thanks for all the responses. Being an engineer means I don't think i can resist the temptation to go the DIY route with a bunch of piezo's, and see if i can get a decent sound for a fiver Have also just found my dads old piezo he used for his acoustic guitar, so that'll be my starting point. If that all fails, I guess my wallet will take the hit. Edit: Seems it might not be a piezo pickup, it's a FRAP (flat response audio pickup), so might be terrible, but it has a box with batteries and a jack socket, so that could prove useful.
  7. Some interesting suggestions, feel free to keep them coming That's a fair point oldslapper. I'm using a laminate acoustic, on which i'm about to switch the rubbish old strings for a set of spirocores, for use mostly with jazz .'. playing pizz.
  8. Well after a few months of playing I finally want to start taking my DB out live, but since i'll be playing with a drummer I'm guessing i'll need to amp it. I'll mention now that my budget is more of a concern than getting the best possible uncoloured amplification. At the same time, it won't be super loud, so i'm hoping feedback won't be a problem since I'd rather avoid spending the extra money on a preamp. So if anyone has any suggestion of how is best to do this, it would be much appreciated, I'm guessing a piezo clipped on the bridge will be the best option. p.s. the stinginess can be explained by one word, 'student'.
  9. Just to add some variation, try checking out Black Rebel Motorcycle Club, I think their bassist has one of the nicest overdriven/distorted sounds i've heard.
  10. it depends what you mean by pivotal. If you mean is essential for a band to generally function, i'd say drummer, if you say most replaceable in terms of the public not minding, it would be the drummer. Whilst i'd agree most people would notice a bad singer more, they'd also feel something generally isn't right if it's a shoddy drummer.
  11. A trio of Wooten on bass guitar, alongside Ray Brown and Edgar Meyer double bass. I get the feeling Ray is standing there thinking 'i'm so glad i don't have frets'.
  12. serves me right for only skimming the posts oh well, a bit of reiteration never hurt
  13. wow, 9 responses without a 'go to a shop' comment, guess i'll have to make it then. The most obvious suggestion i can think of, assuming you're able to, is to go to a bass shop and go try as many as you can until the owners chuck you out, so that you can actually find out which one you want for yourself. If you're in london, then i'd highly recommend spending an afternoon at the bass gallery in camden. A great shop, with a superb of basses, and guys in there who're always happy to help and let you try out lots of things.
  14. Just realised that i've had the same set of la bella flats on my bass for two years now. I still like the sound, so don't really see the point in changing them, but part of me just feels i should do. So I was wondering who on basschat holds the record for longest time without changing the strings on their main bass. Anyone over the decade mark?
  15. I'd second the landrover comment. my mate has one (not sure why) and he can fit four of us down both benches in the back, so by that logic it must surely accomodate a DB.
  16. In: Double Bass Out: The idea that 'surely double bass isn't THAT hard'
  17. started off 6 years playing in a usual teenage rock band. Jump forwards to when i started uni two years ago, and since then it's been mostly jazz and funk due to a regular open jam session. Unfortunately, i've just discovered that all that freedom means i now get bored and restless as a rock bassist, which is quite annoying.
  18. ketchup or mayo with chips?
  19. [quote name='hillbilly deluxe' post='1100795' date='Jan 24 2011, 02:09 PM']Hagstrom 4 string. [url="http://www.nevadamusic.co.uk/Bass_Guitars/Bass_Guitars/Bass/sc1114/p8828.aspx"]http://www.nevadamusic.co.uk/Bass_Guitars/...1114/p8828.aspx[/url][/quote] Anyone care to guess what a 'resinator fretboard for ease of playing' means? I can't see how having your fretboard vibrating loads at a certain note would ease your playing.
  20. Greetings from another bristolian (well, ish, studying here). if you want to avoid GAS you may want to find a way to block your access to the for sale section...
  21. I sincerely hope that that advert is a joke. Surely no one would hand paint their own bass and then expect to sell it on?
  22. I bet this kid in 10 years time will be able to tell you:
  23. It's moments like these that remind me why i love basschat. Tux guitar looks great, cheers bloodaxe!
  24. hey all For various reasons, i'd find it very helpful if i could get a programme that can let me put in a short chord sequence and just kick it out on repeat, preferably with adjustable tempo, has anyone got a suggestion of one? of course i don't have a keyboard (that would be too sensible), and free is generally preferable. Cheers
  25. anyone tried a smart car?
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