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Everything posted by ZMech

  1. on a summers day, Mr Blue Sky by E.L.O. If listened to on a rainy winters day it just annoys me.
  2. I'm confused, since when did improv mean 'over the top twiddly playing'? as that's what it seems most people are referring to when they say improv on this thread. Most of what I play is improv, and the majority of that time it'll only be half a dozen notes per bar. I can't see how not having working out the bassline beforehand, which would probably result in something similar anyway, can be detrimental to the song.
  3. come on gcordez, stop teasing, tell us about them! i'd contribute to the list, but the only one i know is for bristol uni students.
  4. Played the always fun hypothetical game with some mates of 'what would you buy first if given £1m'. Of course I said i'd phone alembic, followed by a trip to the Bass Gallery. I currently adore the Balance Heart K body shape, simply brilliant.
  5. I have no idea what album you're all talking about. Can someone put up a link so I'm less clueless please.
  6. yeah i've also been starting fretless. I've found playing basslines i'm most used to playing, and so i know how they're meant to sound the most helpful thing, I think getting the muscle memory to play without looking at the lines will take a while.
  7. whilst I may not be in love with it, after spending most of the last month playing around with my new cheapo fretless, I started noodling on my spector and it just felt like coming back to an old friend I hadn't spoken to for ages.
  8. [quote name='7string' post='844611' date='May 21 2010, 08:57 PM']Those Squiers are really good basses. Definitely worth modding. Changing the nut can make such a difference to the sound. Tusq or bone has got to be better than plastic! Go for an unslotted blank if you can for a better fit and control over the string spacing.[/quote] correct me if i'm wrong, but surely the nut only effects the open strings? in which case wouldn't the ultimate nut be made of the same material as the fretboard, so that you get the same tone between open and fretted notes?
  9. absolutely brilliant performance. the backing singers were absolutely loving it too. [quote name='ashevans09' post='838111' date='May 15 2010, 01:25 PM']<smugness> No need, seeing him for the second time in June! </end smugness> Can't wait![/quote] same
  10. even if it fits and plays correctly, surely it'd result in an obscene amount of neck dive?
  11. I don't get why you'd need a set measurement, surely you keep lowering it until you like how it feels?
  12. obviously not spotted by myself, but shows a few daft punk tracks in sampled and original form:
  13. if you're a londoner (or nearby), then head down to [url="http://www.thebassgallery.com/"]the bass gallery[/url]. Try out various stuff, talk to the guys, you'll get a good idea of the options. If you want i'd happilly sell you my first bass and practise amp ([url="http://www.dolphinmusic.co.uk/product/28251-rockbass-streamer-standard-4-string-double-pickup-blue.html/?utm_source=google&utm_medium=shopping&utm_campaign=base"]rockbass streamer std[/url]), just send me a pm.
  14. Did you offer to correct her about her misconception about bass Vs 'normal' guitar, or teach her how to set up the PA? if not then I can't see how you feel it's justified to mock her ignorance. I'll admit I don't know how to set up a PA system, although I might be able to work it out, but i wouldn't feel that that makes me a worse person/bassist, i don't see what the big deal is.
  15. look on the bright side, your finger is probably now strong enough to kill someone with a flick.
  16. looks promising, despite the need to go through and tranpose them for the horns, but that's not so bad. Found a site with a good collection online, but don't think the society can afford £20 a song unfortunately.
  17. I've been going along to an open jam night at uni, where anyone can come along and just join in and play along. It's mostly old classics (watermelon man, red clay, blue bossa etc), with keys, bass, guitar, drums, and horns. however, the song choice is getting a bit repetitive, so we'd like to add more, but don't know any good source from which to do so, can anyone help?
  18. My reading is basic at the moment, although i started working through the 'sightreading for bass book'. still trying to get my head round the different variations of semi-quaver rests, and at slow tempos at that. I'd gladly join you on the journey, if i didn't have exams coming up. however i might start making reading practice my 30-min revision break filler.
  19. cheers jsixties, that's a good shout. am now doing extensive googling of cheap archtop basses, and that eastwood is coming out on top.
  20. this thread, in combination with the White Falcon for sale, has given me my first serious bit of GAS for a good year or two. My wallet hates all of you.
  21. Cheers for taking the time to respond, was hugely helpful, and the most thorough and coherent explanations i've read about time sigs. now just 17 more boot camp sessions to take in!
  22. one of the few times i've seen a bass and have actually gone 'phwoar!'. anyone know where i can buy a cheap clone? don't think i can justify spending my whole student loan on one bass.
  23. I've never noticed myself listening to a particular part of the drumkit, is that unusual/detrimental? only focusing on one part seems like an unnatural approach.
  24. smooth roundwounds ... aren't they called flats?
  25. yeah i think that makes sense. am i right in thinking that the main difference between x/8 and x/4 is where you are meant to accent notes?
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