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Everything posted by ZMech

  1. no problem. It seems wikipedia agrees with me, so that's reassuring: 'The 'log pot' is used as the volume control in audio amplifiers, where it is also called an "audio taper pot", because the amplitude response of the human ear is also logarithmic. It ensures that, on a volume control marked 0 to 10, for example, a setting of 5 sounds half as loud as a setting of 10'
  2. that really helped me make sense of time sigs, cheers. one question though, what about if the number on the bottom isn't an 8? i've yet to understand the difference between 6/4 and 6/8.
  3. considering the rule of having to 10x the power to double the volume, power to volume is an exponential relationship, and therefore to stop your pot turning output also being exponential, you need the pot to be logarithmic to transform pot angle Vs output into a relationship that's closer to linear. hooray for A-level maths, lets just hope i've remembered it correctly. Edit: have thought of it more properly, you start of with something like 10^p=k.V, where p is power and V is volume, with k being some constant, and using log pots changes that to p=log(kV), so your response graph goes from [url="http://hotmath.com/images/gt/lessons/genericalg1/exponential_graph.gif"]exponentional[/url] to[url="http://people.richland.edu/james/lecture/m116/logs/logarithmic.gif"] logarithmic[/url], which is just a bit nicer.
  4. well my mate got me listening to american beauty a few months back, which is just superb, but I haven't really listened to any of their other stuff yet. Any recommendations would be warmly received.
  5. [quote name='NAS' post='806007' date='Apr 14 2010, 01:23 PM']ONLY FOR DEAD NERDS If you really want to get into Dead nerdery here's Bill Giles' analysis of Dark Star played at Wembley Empire Pool on 8th April 1972 (yes, I was there). Dark Star - APRIL 8 1972 - A Musical Odd-Essay GRATEFUL DEAD (FIRST AND LAST SLEEVE NOTES) Bill Giles Improvised music is not normally a subject for writing: it advances by osmosis . . . lots of writing . . . Responsibility for the article's contents remains, of course, mine alone. Copyright: Bill Giles, 2001[/quote] so they were quite good then?
  6. some of you may find this to be sacriledge, but this cover of september is bloody brilliant: it's also a great video, especially the fill done with face slapping and the dancing grandma.
  7. other way round unless i'm also too sleepy. speed is overrated.
  8. well obviously you'll get better value if you go second hand, since it'll be half the price. £400-600 should get you a nice plank without my difficulty, the problem is knowing what you want.
  9. Is there anything else you'd be interested in studying? If so, perhaps do that, and whilst you're at uni get involved in the music societies. At bristol we've got a JazzFunkSoul soc, and a Live soc, so i've managed to do quite alot of playing over the last year. Whilst I haven't been trying to network through it, since I don't intend on going pro, it would definitely be possible, and gives you a much better fall back plan
  10. just saw this '[url="http://essentialsound.com/product/MCord-PRO_Cord.html"]pro power cord[/url]' advertised, and seriously can't work out how it justifies the price tag of $180, considering the wire going from the power station to your plug socket is made from standard copper, how is the last meter going to make a difference? i suspect a massive placebo effect is going on here.
  11. voiced interest in the bass about 4 days ago, and it arrived safe and sound in a case today. no complaints whatsoever, quick responses to messages, generally seems like a good chap to deal with
  12. If it's after June 20th, I can come, else I'll be at Uni. I should really go to one of these at some point...
  13. yeah that makes sense. cheers guys.
  14. Was looking at my bass (as you do), and a question occured to me that I'm hoping someone on here can answer. I understand that the bridge is slanted in relation to the frets because otherwise the intonation would be wrong, but why is this necessary? I'm guessing the reason is something to do with the string gauges, but I couldn't think the whole reason through.
  15. At the uni jam nights I go to, new bassists sometimes turn up without a bass, and I'm nice enough to let them play mine, with the half joke of 'just treat her nicely'. Coming back to find it being played without permission is just a different thing entirely, and something I certainly wouldn't be happy about. I hope he came back to find you playing his drumsticks against a set of knives.
  16. I still think that most of the loveliness people get from a boutique bass is probably the placebo effect, in that you expect it to sound better so it does. Am I right that someone on BC actually did a psychology thing testing this theory? If so I'd be interested to know how it turned out.
  17. here's a link to the[url="http://www.jazzfm.com/shows/robbie-vincent/robbie-vincent-blog/robbie-interviews-marcus-miller/?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Email-69"] jazz fm interview with marcus milller[/url]. Guessing some of you will be interested. about 5 minutes in, interesting so far.
  18. my grandma's first cousin was Brian Epstein, manager of the beatles. will that do? The bad part of the story is that my mum and uncle used to get sent excess stuff that was produced for fanclub members e.g. signed photos, special recordings etc. However, when my granparents moved house it all got lost. Edit: I also got taught karate my baby spice's mum.
  19. and just think how much theory we could have all learnt in the time we've spent reading this thread! perhaps my new years resolution should be to spend my time more productively... Edit: [quote name='purpleblob' post='698230' date='Jan 1 2010, 06:38 PM']EDIT: Smiley wasn't showing [/quote] oh no!
  20. the justification of 'you can play fine without theory' is all very well, but what's to say that you wouldn't play that bit better with some knowledge? At the least it can't exactly make your playing worse, so what have you got to lose, except time, by learning basic theory?
  21. perhaps don't wear your favourite shirt for gigging. Surely it will end up ragged and sweaty?
  22. I've realised my university life is lacking in live bands, so was wondering if anyone on here is gigging in Bristol. Give me a time and a place, and I'll try my best to be there. I'll be the one in the crowd who's ignoring the singer and guitarist.
  23. I've thought about putting an anchor on to emulate the position of a B-string. this is only as i use a floating thumb, and when playing the E my thumb is just in mid air.
  24. if there's electricity in the shed, why not buy an electric heater and leave it in there? the power will would probably be substantially less than replacing wrecked gear. Perhaps turn it on an hour before you're gonna get in the van, which should mean the gear will heat up nice and slow, and have the added bonus of not making the fan cold enough to freeze your junk off when you get in. Not that i've had any experience with this, so it's purely speculative.
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