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Everything posted by ZMech

  1. [quote name='walbassist' post='1265862' date='Jun 12 2011, 11:28 AM']Having tried out most of the EUBs out there, I'd go for a BSX Allegro over any other EUB.[/quote] Those Allegros do look pretty sweet. I'm suprised how few semi-acoustic EUB's there are, as with the Allegro, I would've thought a small bit of resonance room would help it sound less electric. Are there any makes other than BSX that do this? p.s. nice youtube demo vid WB.
  2. [quote name='TimR' post='1265354' date='Jun 11 2011, 08:53 PM']It took two pages on a bass player forum to get to Higher Ground? Man we're slipping.[/quote] Change your forum setting then, it's on the first page for me
  3. I'm not sure if this is within the rules, but I'll post it anyway! Absolutely love this cover of As, done by the ever brilliant Gene Harris: so much funk there should be a warning label.
  4. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' post='1265200' date='Jun 11 2011, 06:38 PM']most people will tell you "Its the same songs every week".[/quote] Well of course, am i meant to improvise over unknown material?? Then I'd seem like even more of an amateur
  5. just listened to weren't worth the money. Good song, kind of reminds me of The Answer. My one critisism would be that whilst your singer does have a well suited voice, his note choice seems rather limited, with him sometimes singing the same note for a whole bar. Not sure if I'm just being too harsh, but compare him to other singers you like and you might see what i mean.
  6. [quote name='bassmachine2112' post='1264635' date='Jun 11 2011, 09:03 AM']Looking for a set of flats that sound and behave like rounds.Now that is like an oxymoron[/quote] Unless I'm missing something, why not get rounds then? You could try halfround/groundwound as a compromise between the two, although I haven't had any experience with them myself.
  7. John recently bought a DB case from myself. Complete gent, offered to wire me the money so that I'd hold it for him whilst he went on tour before having seen the case. He was also kind enough to not mind that I'd forgotten one of the straps was broken. A good guy, and a pleasure to deal with.
  8. [quote name='toys19' post='1264192' date='Jun 10 2011, 05:49 PM']but just want to bang out[/quote] I recently discovered how much of a monster a double bass is to play. Luckily I absolutely love the sound, so it makes it worth the time, money, and massive blisters. So honestly, I wouldn't recommend getting one unless you're planning on putting the effort it, else it's not really worth it. Of course I may have completely misinterpreted the tone of your post, in which case ignore this one
  9. Looking forwards to my summer starting, just six days till my last exam I'm quite glad it hasn't been overly sunny yet, revision's bad enough without the knowledge that some of your friends are sitting with a few beers in the park.
  10. Sounds like you've had a productive day! glad to hear the confidence is back. A small bit of advice. I've found when approaching any daunting task is first to sit down and cut it down into small sections, which normally brings on the realisation that each one individually isn't so bad. My last application of this was writing my 40pg lab report, when I made myself write the contents page so it was down to 8 different 5pg sections and it suddenly looked much more doable. Same goes with music practise i think, seperating out your concentration to rhythm, notes, and technique individually can make you much more productive, provided you remember to bring it all back together at the end. not sure i'll be venturing into 13/4 anytime soon, i find 5/4 bad enough! best of luck.
  11. Loving their use of a bass guitar nut, that's definitely gonna match the fingerboard radius well.
  12. [quote name='grich154' post='1262493' date='Jun 9 2011, 11:58 AM']when gigging with 2 sets of percussionists my bass sound seems to get lost amongst the drums :\[/quote] Could this be of more of an EQ issue? Have heard it many times, and used to make the mistake myself, of applying a nice big mid-scoop. Whilst it sounds great unaccompanied, those lower mids are the main bit of frequency space that we get as a bassist, so boosting instead of cutting them should help. Try experimenting during a band practise, see what works.
  13. Good lesson, think I'll take a look at that again with my bass later. On a side note, just read the explanation for the glove, massive respect for you, great to see you finding a way to handle the rubbish life sometimes chucks at us.
  14. I normally look to see if they curl away the little finger on their left hand, seems to be a give away that they're a guitarist who's just picked up a bass. Although of course forgiveness will be earned if they're playing well .
  15. This thread might interest you, 51mon mentions using a slight bit of overdrive to both act as a compressor and cut through, whilst not actually sounding distorted in the mix. [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=138906&hl="]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=138906&hl=[/url]
  16. Despite that it's an envelope not a wah (although I think you can add a pedal if you want), check out the Source Audio bass envelope filter. From the demo vid's it looks seriously awesome! GASing after their distortion pedal atm.
  17. [quote name='Mykesbass' post='1259547' date='Jun 7 2011, 12:08 PM']Nice work. Forget the Sansamp, looking at your sig all you really need is the Stella and kebabs to come on board![/quote] Well you joke, but my mate's band (Sylosis) just had a tour sponsored by Jagermeister!
  18. [quote name='Bilbo' post='1259281' date='Jun 7 2011, 08:09 AM']I am finding that the best way to build up your left hand 'muscle tone' is to play the thing. I don't think you need strength as such, just finesse. If all the muscles in your left hand are working together efficiently, you probably had enough strength in that hand before you even started. PS I got three hours double bass practice in yesterday with no tension in my hands at all. A good action and tried and tested technique and it all comes together. Gain without pain [/quote] Yes that's true, but the engineering exams kinda get in the way of practise, and will carry on to do so for the next two weeks. If you can play double bass whilst revising fluid dynamics I'll be very impressed! and TNiT, noone makes you squeeze it fully. Have been doing so up to just a slightly stronger grip than I need to stop the buzzing when fretting with my little finger. Even with the correct technique I was taught it seems to happen, and whilst practise would indeed be the more ideal trainer, this will at least help in the meantime.
  19. Have just borrowed one of these from my mate, so that I can build up the left hand strength and stamina whilst watching tv. Just spent an hour whilst watching Dr Who doing some slow cycles with them, omitting the index finger, and now my pinky is feeling the burn. I think this could be a good way to get the left hand strength/stamina back up, since I've hardly been playing due to revision.
  20. Would be worth going to some jam nights if you can find them, will give yourself a nice amount of variation, and experience with different areas.
  21. I asked a similar question in a thread [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=136069"]here[/url], and got the answer of a Zoom-h1. Haven't had a chance to use it at a rehearsal yet due to exams, but just experimenting with it at home the quality is great, check out the youtube vids.
  22. Good stuff, the song kinda reminded me of early lostprophets. I just hope you gave your bass a thorough cleaning after shooting that vid!
  23. can you add an 'i'm not buying' option please.
  24. you know that 'search' button at the top of the page? [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=134304"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=134304[/url] If I had two 210's I definitely would.
  25. love this band, and this bass tone:
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