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Everything posted by lateralus462

  1. [quote name='Linus27' post='354992' date='Dec 15 2008, 01:29 PM']To be honest, that was my thought at first, that Mexican Fender's were horrible. I was after a mid range bass that I could use as a solid workhorse and would either be my second bass to a Musicman or my joint main bass to the Musicman. So I did a search and saw some threads on here regarding this bass and the Mexican Fender 50's Precision. Both basses were being raved about. Especially the 70's Jazz. Some were even saying that it was as good as and better than the American models which people had played in the shops or owned. Of course, the proof was in the playing so I went down to Andertons in Guildford to try a few different basses, including the 70's re-issue Jazz. The standard Mexican jazz bass was horrible. The standard Mexican Precision was okish but certainly not what I wanted to spend £350 on. So I tried the 70's re-issue jazz as this was what I really wanted to play and from just holding it, the bass felt fantastic. Please note, this was also brand new out of the box. Plugged in and again, fantastic. Clear, punchy with lots of great tone. The bass does however feel very 70's. Bit frets, defined C shape neck and looks very retro. I fell in loved with it and my wife said your playing that as if its been your bass for years. I then compared it to a musicman and this also sounded fantastic (I used to own one so I know how they sound and play) but no better or worse than the 70's Fender. Just very different. Totally different tone and totally different neck. So the Fender stood up very well and I happily parted with £450. I then went about comparing it to my 1988 Japanese ESP 400 Series Jazz bass which is one of the best basses I have heard and to be honest it sounds as good if not slightly better. So as you can see, it really is a superb bass and as others have said, some of the Mexican basses are stunning and better than the American counterparts. All you can do is go and try one for yourslef. I would also have a read through these threads. [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=31064&hl=Linus27"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=...&hl=Linus27[/url][/quote] I think I'll probably end up going for one of these, unless something amazing turns up secondhand. Now I just need to find a shop near enough to me that has them in stock!!!
  2. [quote name='Linus27' post='354785' date='Dec 15 2008, 08:52 AM']I have just bought a Fender 70's Reissue Jazz bass, exactly as you described. Block inlays in Sunburst. It does have a black pickguard but you can change that or take it off your VMJ and put it on the Fender Not only highly recommended here (look for my other threads) but when I was buying it, I was comparing it to a Musicman and there really was not much in in it. Yes it had a different sound and neck but no worse, just different. It cost £440 and I love it. Check the picture below. [/quote] How do these compare to the USA Jazz's? I've always been a bit wary of the Mexican fenders - the bass player in a band I used to play with as a Guitarist had one and it was really nasty to play (and didn't sound that great either) that said they look absolutely amazing - I can't find them in stock anywhere though
  3. [quote name='rjb' post='354831' date='Dec 15 2008, 10:13 AM']These are brilliant basses - they play as well, if not better than US Fenders I have tried. When my bank balance has recovered from Christmas will definitely have to get myself one of these, despite not being a Fender fanboy. For the price they cost new I can't see a decent pickguard harming the value at all, especially if it's an official Fender plate.[/quote] That was my thoughts on it - hence the new pickguard for what I paid I can't see it mattering too much and tbh I doubt I'll be selling it. Actually fitting the pickguard was a pain though - the control plate was slightly off where it needed to be to line up properly so I had to fill the holes and move it slightly - it was impossible to get it 100% in line but it's close enough that you can't really tell.
  4. [quote name='Linus27' post='354785' date='Dec 15 2008, 08:52 AM']I have just bought a Fender 70's Reissue Jazz bass, exactly as you described. Block inlays in Sunburst. It does have a black pickguard but you can change that or take it off your VMJ and put it on the Fender Not only highly recommended here (look for my other threads) but when I was buying it, I was comparing it to a Musicman and there really was not much in in it. Yes it had a different sound and neck but no worse, just different. It cost £440 and I love it. Check the picture below. [/quote] That's a lovely looking bass - pretty much exactly what I'm after (I think!!!)
  5. I have just sold the last of my g**tar stuff to finance some new bass stuff. My original plan was to buy a Squier VMJ Fretless (which I have and am sooo happy with) just to try the fretless thing out, and another bass as well. So I'd kind of decided on getting an Ibanez SR506 (I've always been happy with my Ibanez basses) but since the VMJ has turned up I've realised 2 things 1. I was only looking at 5/6 strings cos of the look of them, I don't think I've ever been playing and thought "hey I could do with a higher/lower string" and 2. After dismissing Fender/Jazz basses for so long thinkking that they looked nice but probably weren't for me the VMJ has completely changed my mind - in fact at the moment I think my ideal bass at the moment would be a Sunburst 70's style jazz with block inlays and a tort pickguard, but that just sounds so unlike me. So the fact of the matter is I have 450.00 burning a hole in my paypal account for a new bass and no real idea what to buy. Help Cheers Chris
  6. [quote name='Pentode' post='354071' date='Dec 14 2008, 09:57 AM']Looks pretty smart to me! Enjoy going Fretless! [/quote] Thanks Dude And I am - I haven't touched my other bass since this turned up!!! I might see if I can learn the whole of our set on the fretless before practice on tuesday - I wonder what my band would make of that!!!
  7. [quote name='LWTAIT' post='354085' date='Dec 14 2008, 10:20 AM']is that neck painted white or is it just the light? i didnt think fender painted their necks, just lacquered them.[/quote] white binding I think.
  8. How about an Ashdown ABM 2 x 10 - they're great and you could pick one up new for that sort of money - or if you can find one secondhand you'd probably be left with enough cash for a nice extension cab as well.
  9. Here are some really sh*t photos I took on my phone (still can't find my camera!!!) I'm guessing that you'll all hate the pickguard colour but I don't care cos I like it I've also put some new strings on cos the ones it came with were nasty.
  10. [quote name='Linus27' post='353430' date='Dec 13 2008, 11:06 AM']See, we knew you would love it. Its such a bgreat bass. Now get some pictures up with the scratchplate on [/quote] OK - I'll post some a little later on today (I was going to do it last night but I couldn't find my camera)
  11. That's it - I'm officially hooked. I was expecting this bass to be a cheap introduction to fretless (which it is) but I'm blown away by the quality - easily matches the standard of my Ibanez which was a fair bit more expensive!!! Sounds good as well - although it's a little bit noisy, but I'm sure some proper shielding will sort that out. Oh and it looks sooo much better with a pickguard as well.
  12. [quote name='Stylon Pilson' post='352871' date='Dec 12 2008, 04:29 PM']You only ordered it two days ago - that's prompt service! Where did you buy it from? S.P.[/quote] Dolphin Music - 196 quid delivered as well which I thought was pretty good
  13. it's at home waiting for me Might have to duck out of work early today!!!!! And the scratchplate I ordered arrived today. I love it when a plan comes together.
  14. [quote name='simon1964' post='352142' date='Dec 11 2008, 08:59 PM']Cheers - only selling as its fallen behind the Thumb as first choice 4 string. They are fantastic basses, and I would happily trade it for a $$ five string![/quote] PM Sent
  15. [quote name='jono b' post='349987' date='Dec 9 2008, 05:43 PM']Does anyone know if the Japanese re-issues are still available in blue? I've been doing some scouting about online because I'm looking to try one when I expand my collection at the start of next year, but I can only find the Fiesta Red and Vintage White, both of which don't really cut it for me. Can anyone point me in the right direction?[/quote] imo red and white fenders look cheap - blue is much better
  16. [quote name='jono b' post='351068' date='Dec 10 2008, 06:06 PM']I recently bought a set of Prosteels (55-105 methinks), and I'm another convert. Lovely zing and better sustain than the nickels I had been using previously. I don't like the coloured ball ends though, I know it's supposed to help you identify which string it is but really, how inexperienced do you have to be to not be able to order stings by thickness without the need for individually coloured ball ends? It looks so sh*t, I'll need to get a bass with through body stringing to hide them.[/quote] I like the different coloured ball ends
  17. [quote name='cheddatom' post='350461' date='Dec 10 2008, 10:28 AM']Yeh any guitar OD pedal with a bass EQ control should be fine. I like the ODB-3 and the Marshall Jackhammer myself, but i'm sure there are loads of other great pedals out there.[/quote] Those be great pedals - in fact I use both of them!!!!
  18. [quote name='BassMunkee' post='351038' date='Dec 10 2008, 05:31 PM']Epic Pun Amusement. Seriously though, I threw all my toys out of the pram last week and threatened to leave and everything, but - and here's the rub - I didn't institute a poll. Can I therefore now please have a sticky poll as whether or not I should have a poll about the fact that I had a big old strop last week; kind of a retrospective poll, if you will.[/quote] Tell you what - I'll start a poll and get back to you on that
  19. [quote name='stevie' post='351034' date='Dec 10 2008, 05:25 PM'].... although the original Soapbar was the Gibson P-90, a single coil pickup.[/quote] Soapbar = large single coil Humbucker = Humbucker no matter what the size
  20. [quote name='Linus27' post='350930' date='Dec 10 2008, 04:01 PM']HEHE I have a black jazz that I have taken the white scratplate of leaving the holes and it looks great. Anyway, I love my VMJ and I am sure your going to love yours when you get it. they are superb. The neck is especially brillaint.[/quote] I certainly hope so - just checked and it may be with me tomorrow - I can't wait!!!!!
  21. [quote name='waynepunkdude' post='350963' date='Dec 10 2008, 04:17 PM']I'm suprised you're walking.[/quote] Now that just lowers the whole tone of the conversation doesn't it? - you lot should be ashamed of yourselves.
  22. [quote name='cheddatom' post='350908' date='Dec 10 2008, 03:51 PM']Yeh? Well I care enough to reply even though I couldn't give a t*ss.[/quote] ok - I can understand that, but maybe you should start a poll just to see how much of a toss you should give?
  23. [quote name='waynepunkdude' post='350910' date='Dec 10 2008, 03:52 PM']You should complain about it [/quote] Well maybe I will, and while I'm at it I'm going to complain about people telling me to complain about things
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