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Everything posted by lateralus462

  1. Bump - would consider swaps if anyones got any pedals lying around they don't need.
  2. [quote name='enigmatic' post='252100' date='Jul 31 2008, 03:29 PM']what price d'you put on happiness?[/quote] 57p
  3. [quote name='Machines' post='251056' date='Jul 30 2008, 09:47 AM']Take a guitar stand... propping your up against the amp never works, and it WILL crash down. Plus it looks cool of the instruments are waiting on stage for you..[/quote] +1 - learnt this the hard way - you should see the dent in the headstock of my Les Paul - ouch!!!!
  4. [quote name='Scorchin' post='250880' date='Jul 29 2008, 10:33 PM']I'm the same! Whenever I try anything more than a few movements I completely forget what I'm playing or loose my hand positions.[/quote] Too right - I reckon standing as still as possiible while staring as hard as you can at the fretboard is the only way to go.
  5. For sure it's the ashdown 15's that give the "wooly" sound. I was toying with the idea of getting an ashdown 15 to go with my 210 ABM combo (just so it all matched) - I borrowed one to try out and it sounded sh*te - nowhere near as good as the combo with my trace cab. I love the ashdown sound, but their 1 x 15 cabs are rubbish
  6. There's no reason really why it shouldn't work - as long as the material you're playing is well rehearsed and you all know your parts - it's usual for the Vocals to be the last thing recorded anyway, so I cant see that having the vocalist present or not would really make that much of a difference to the finished track.
  7. Hi, My band's looking to record a couple of our new tracks at some point soon. We have used a few local studio's before but have never been completely happy with the sound (you can check the old recordings out at [url="http://www.myspace.com/withinourrights"]http://www.myspace.com/withinourrights[/url]) Basically we're prepared to spend a bit more money than we have in the past on the right studio/engineer to get some really decent recordings of the new material (which kicks ass by the way) and I was wondering whether anyone had any suggestion or recommendations. Cheers Chris
  8. Korg AX1000G guitar mutli FX pedal - I'd completely forgotten I had this as I've not used it in years. Full details on this here [url="http://www.korg.com/gear/info.asp?A_PROD_NO=AX1000G"]http://www.korg.com/gear/info.asp?A_PROD_NO=AX1000G[/url] A couple of the effects in this are a bit naff, but the distortion/amp models are ok and the flanger/chorus effects are pretty decent. Loads of bang for your buck and endless hours of fun. I reckon 40 quid would be a safe bet. Cheers Chris
  9. Just bought a DOD pedal off Eric - posted as soon as the money was sent and exactly as described. Great guy to deal with.
  10. all headless basses are fugly.
  11. Is this still for sale?
  12. I paid six quid for a new Behringer BLE100 Limiter/Enhancer from Thoman - Six quid and it's easily as good as the Boss equivelent. OK the build quality is crap but at that price if it breaks I'll just buy another. Whats the point in spending 60 quid for the Boss when there's no difference in sound quality?
  13. [quote name='alexclaber' post='246809' date='Jul 24 2008, 12:58 PM']Yep, definitely do that! Alex[/quote] +1 - Those TE cabs sound amazing
  14. That is quite possibly the best headstock ever!!!
  15. I'll take the DOD if it's still going
  16. I've just spoken to GAK to try and source a replacement and apparently it's going to cost 60 quid. Looking around at some different sites on the web it looks like I should be able to get a half decent aftermarket preamp for not much more - for example [url="http://www.thomann.de/gb/seymour_duncan_stc3p.htm"]http://www.thomann.de/gb/seymour_duncan_stc3p.htm[/url] Any one used one of these and are they any good? I would imagine they are better than the stock Ibanez pre and I like the idea of the "slap contour"
  17. I hadn't thought about wiring it up passive - it's a thought but I do use the 3 band eq a lot when I'm playing and I don't know whether I'd want to lose that level of control over my sound.
  18. Well not quite boom but............... At band practice this evening I started having some problems with my gear. At first I though I had a blown speaker but I tried another bass that was lying around at the amp is working fine, so I went to check the battery in my bass - when I removed the cover I noticed that the battery was hot, like so hot it was uncomfortable to hold and the back of the guitar smelt like someone had been soldering, so I took the control cavity cover off. The active EQ looks exremely scorched around where the power connects to the board, so I'm guessing the unit is fried (when I hook a new battery up all I get is extremely faint and extremely distorted sound) The fact that I need a new EQ is a bit of a no brainer, but I have a couple of problems with this - The first is that the bass is just outside the one year guarantee I had on it, so I'm gonna have to pay to get it fixed (which is a problem because I have serious cashflow issues at the moment) so the second problem I have is how to fix it. Do I try and source another Ibanez EQ the same, or do I replace it with another pre and if so which one and how much is it likely to cost? My next thought is what's caused the problem in the first place - if it was a problem with the EQ itself, then fair enough I can get a new one, but could it have been caused by something else, ie dodgy battery/wiring and if so could the same thing happen after I install the new EQ? Any thoughts or suggestions would be greatly appreciated as I need to sort this out as quickly as possible - this is my only bass and I have a load of rehearsals and some recording coming up over the next week or so. Cheers Chris
  19. Have a listen to my band @ [url="http://www.myspace.com/withinourrights"]Within our Rights[/url] and let me know what you think. I'm not playing on these tracks - I joined the band after these were recorded and we've been working on whole heap of new material since then, but I'd be interested to get some feedback on what the guys have done previously. Cheers Chris
  20. [quote name='lowhand_mike' post='185331' date='Apr 25 2008, 02:39 PM']thats pretty much what i want to have eventually, with my 2x10 on a 15 any reason why you didn't go with an ashdown 15?[/quote] Purely Financial. I couldn't afford the matching ashdown ABM cab and I needed to get something fairly quickly (the guitarists and drummer in my band are LOUD and the 2 x 10 on it's own was struggling to keep up) - I got the Trace cab secondhand from obbm and it's really helped to fatten up my sound - I would definitely recommend adding a 15 to your rig. The rehearsal studio I used to go to had a similar set up with an ashdown Mag Head and the ABM 2 x 10 and 1 x 15 cabs - sounded awesome.
  21. My Ashdown ABM combo has a low pass filtered sub output and I am kinda toying with the idea of adding some sort of powered sub to my setup. Has anyone tried this at all? I guess the easiest way to go would be to buy an active PA sub but I'm not sure what would be suitable.
  22. [quote name='budget bassist' post='182701' date='Apr 22 2008, 12:20 PM']Haha cool, someone that's actually heard of stuck mojo [/quote] Stuck Mojo were awesome
  23. [quote name='Lfalex v1.1' post='182655' date='Apr 22 2008, 11:32 AM']. Do bear in mind that your string choice/type/gauge can help to tailor the sound and feel of your chosen instrument, too.[/quote] And the amp/effects you're playing through
  24. [quote name='lwtait' post='180228' date='Apr 18 2008, 11:43 PM']ibanez SR500, or any of the SR series at that. or the ergodyne.[/quote] +1 on the ergodyne - I have an EDB700 and it's awesome - lightweight, super comfortable to play and sounds grrreat.
  25. Self Taught - although I had saxophone lessons for years up untill I was about 16, which gave me a fair grounding in theory and reading. After that I picked up the guitar, and then eventually moved onto the bass a couple of years later. Haven't ever had a lesson on the bass and I'm sure my technique is pretty awful in places, but I like to think that it just adds a bit of individuality to my playing.
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