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Everything posted by lateralus462

  1. I had exactly this problem with my ray - wacked in a bit of extra low mids on the amp eq and problem solved.
  2. [quote name='AdamWoodBass' post='508741' date='Jun 9 2009, 12:35 AM']Liking this mate, reminds me of A Perfect Circle. Get it multi tracked so you can get more breathing space between the instruments as everything sounds really close. Sounds good though considering it was improvised in one take. Love the little drum sample, where did that come from?[/quote] Cheers dude - the drum loop is just a sample I had from somewhere (used to write a lot of loop based music so have tons and tons of wav files) the original is a lot faster, it's been time stretched and messed about with a fair bit.
  3. lateralus462


    Right - I set up cubase on loop record and laid down some bass and a couple of acoustic guitar tracks - everything in one take and completely improvised. The bass is my squier fretless through some fx and stuff. Sounds kinda weird and the recordings not great (or the playing) but thought I might as well chuck it up here anyway.[attachment=26732:loop.mp3]
  4. Me and the guitarist in my band have got fed up with our band not actually ever getting anything done and started to write some heavier tunes as a bit of a side project - this was done in 2.5 hours round his house today. Cubase is the bestest thing ever [attachment=26233:demo1.mp3]
  5. I bought this on here a few months back - it's a great sounding and very versatile wah - I've just not been able to find a real use for it in my sound other than messing about at home. Full specs are here - [url="http://www.ibanez.com/Electronics/model-WD7"]http://www.ibanez.com/Electronics/model-WD7[/url] and a demo here (there is some bass towards the end of the video) [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8EnKSkaymdA"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8EnKSkaymdA[/url] There is no box or manual but the pedal is in good condition. I'm after £50.00 including postage.
  6. [quote name='carlitos71' post='467750' date='Apr 20 2009, 07:05 PM']Hi, I might be interested, going up (and down) the m40 form London on Saturday and again on Sunday, would you be available to sort out exchange? Thanks Carlos[/quote] I should be but it depends on what time.
  7. [quote name='bassman2790' post='467364' date='Apr 20 2009, 12:10 PM']The cab or your Mum? [/quote] Either if the price is right
  8. Right - got this to sell as well - it's a 1 x 15 with the original Trace speaker in it. Sounds absolutely massive with a nice fat low end. It's pretty tatty but fully functional - being trace (old vinyl covered trace from the late 80's in fact) it is built like a tank. It's 8 Ohm and 250 watt according to mr speaker inside. It's a bit of an odd shape, being part of their 'multistack range' - see this link for more info [url="http://www.quicksound.co.uk/articles/trace_elliot/images/10-11.jpg"]http://www.quicksound.co.uk/articles/trace...mages/10-11.jpg[/url] - it's kind of shaped like a monitor but you can use it on it's end like a normal cab as well as long as the head on top isn't that big (although saying that I've been using it under my ashdown 2 x 10 combo which ain't exactly small with no problems at all) I don't have any any pics at the moment - I can get some if needed, but not untill tuesday as it's currently residing at our rehearshal rooms. I'll take £50.00 for it and it'll be collection only cos it weighs more than my mum (although I can probably deliver within a reasonable distance of Reading/Oxford for petrol money)
  9. Right - this has got to go as I'm not using it at all - I've not had it that long and it's in pretty much perfect nick but unfortunately it's not getting played that much. I have added a scratchplate but that can be removed easily enough to get that poroper Jaco look. Currently strung with Rotosound flats, but I can always chuck some rounds on. Great sounding and playing bass for the money and I wish I could justify keeping it. I guess £160 would be a fair price. I would prefer collection or I can deliver within a reasonable distance of Reading/Oxford for petrol money - postage could be difficult as I've only got a padded gig bag for it at the moment! Apologies for the quality of the pics - my phone camera's rubbish
  10. Are these still available? - I'll take them if they are.
  11. Bought an Ibanez Wah pedal off Ray - turned up really quickly, great condition, well packed etc. - great guy to deal with.
  12. Mike bought my ODB3 - paid straight away - great guy to deal with.
  13. Behringer Limiter added
  14. And Replied - ODB3 sold to Bidd
  15. [quote name='Jamesk86' post='411227' date='Feb 16 2009, 03:45 PM']Cheap and nasty? how can you compare Ashdown to hartke or trace? I mentioned the Ashdown cabs due to the fact that the guy uses an ashdown head and Ashdown heads are not well known for their hybrid features. And as for selling the 8x10 to get a 2 4x10's the ABM won't be able to match the power he already has in fact he will probably loose power and clarity doing that or just stay the same. True the 2 4x10's will allow more flexibility for manoeuvrability but then you have to think to yourself what is more important? the fact that you can carry your CABs easily or improving your sound to your own needs? like I stated that was just my view on the situation and is this.[/quote] Actually I think you probably mentioned the Ashdown MAG cabs cos you're selling some
  16. David bought my bassballs nano - paid straight away, quick response to pm's etc. - great guy to deal with.
  17. How about adding another 8 x 10 and having more of everything?
  18. Bassballs sold to eubassix
  19. [quote name='skankdelvar' post='399814' date='Feb 4 2009, 11:33 AM']If you want to go this route, you may want something like a DI box with a dummy load and a speaker sim, e.g the H&K red Box - here's a review which kinda explains it and some of the issues - [url="http://www.houstonmusicreviews.com/GearReview/redbox/hughesandkettnerredbox.htm"]http://www.houstonmusicreviews.com/GearRev...ttnerredbox.htm[/url] Maybe not the best example as it's said to be for guitar and the speaker cab sim is a 4x12 IIRC - I'm sure someone more knowledgeable can point you at a bass-relevant model somewhere[/quote] Surely you could hire just a cab from the rehearshal room and just take the head from your walkabout along - should be a bit cheaper. That way you can keep your combo at home and it shouldn't be as expensive as hiring a whole amp and also you don't have to buy any new gear. Actually I just checked the Joint's hire prices and you can hire an Ampeg 8 x 10 for 1 pound an hour!! that seems super reasonable to me. [url="http://www.thejoint.org.uk/equipment_pa_hire.asp"]http://www.thejoint.org.uk/equipment_pa_hire.asp[/url] (I assume this is the place you're using?)
  20. [quote name='MB1' post='396855' date='Feb 1 2009, 02:27 PM']MB1. Thought i'd Share this one!....Phoned Ashdown late on a Friday Afternoon regarding a replacement pot on a small practice amp,id just been to Maplins and it seemed the pot wasnt standard(shorter shaft on the Ashdown one).Anyway i spoke to a guy called Russ i believe,who knew exactly what i was talking about and even sorted another wiring dilemma i had.He took my name and address and said he would pop a replacement in the post no charge!.......which was Nice!........Bloody Hell!.....Saturday Morning! the parcels on the doormat. Now if thats not Great Service...... Many Thanks Ashdown!... Martin. For a split second that was confusing!.....Thanks for moving this! [/quote] I just had an email from Russ - someone pinched one of the knobs and all of the little white tips for the eq sliders off the front of my ABM, so I emailed Ashdown to try and get some replacements and guess what -they're in the post today free of charge!!! I don't care what any of the Ashdown haters on here say - the company is genious. And in general the stuff is super reliable - ok they had some qc issues when they moved production over to prc, but then again tell me one big manufacturer that hasn't had some sort of QC issue at some point, cos I can't think of one.
  21. Zon?
  22. [quote name='molan' post='386449' date='Jan 20 2009, 05:30 PM']Don't say you're bored with it already [/quote] Not at all, and I think my better half would kill me if I even thought about moving it on so soon - that DJ does look amazing though. If only I had the spare cash (and somewhere to hide it!!!! )
  23. Swap for a Stingray?
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