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Everything posted by jazzmanb

  1. Its almost like two different artists really .I agree it gets a bit patchy later but I like the random madness of the later stuff more than a traditional song
  2. The Ninth wave side of that Album is genius ,for me Kate really took off from there .She'd ran into P Gabriel and it showed in stuff like The Dreaming .Much more diverse and more about sounds than compositions .No boundaries,no pandering .That Dreaming album for me hasn't a duff moment and style wise its all over
  3. Loving my Quilter bassblock and Ampeg pf cabs .The cabs 60% lighter than my old ones and the amp fits in my leads bag Still sussing different tones but its just stage sound as my front sound is via a tonebone and a top quality rig .
  4. Its a shop window but for a lot of people now its past its best .Never sell on there anymore .Everyone knows the value of everything and there's too much hassle for sellers
  5. His show is great on Netflix
  6. Maybe Females don't feel threatened by a good Bass player ?No egos or upstaging , I Think they get Bass .
  7. I was at leeds and Glasgow green.What a time for those bands ,amazing
  8. Didn't take long to go from a great bass player in a great original band at their peak to some clever blokes showing of with little in the way of song or melody
  9. I Thought" she's better than here" type stuff was left behind when we left school .Don't see any comparison in their stuff at all .Both done great stuff ,Kate more to my taste and that's purely on diversity.Ballads to Screaming mad banshee ,Piano to Fairlights,Bulgarian folk backing singers to didgereedoos
  10. Great songs ,its fair to say Kate was a Bass fan for a lot of stuff from there .Mick karn,Eberhard weber and her fella Del palmer playing some great Fretless stuff Del's facebook page has him doing some recent tribute band stuff on fretless and its excellent .Babooshka included .The Dreaming album has some great bass work on
  11. Don't know if it still happens but after I viewed one on amazon I was getting prompts and the prices we all over the place,mostly mega cheap those little pop ups on the right of your computer screen
  12. Very heavy ? about 20 kg was a pleasant improvement on my 33kg peavey 210 .I have a 115 and a 210 cab and love them .One with upgraded castors and the other sits on top for wheeling to car etc .Proper covers were expensive though
  13. Hi ,is this still available ? where are you based ?
  14. Good weekend depping Classic rock covers with a twist Young lads birthday so he grabbed the mic in between sets and started rappers delight by the sugar hill gang .After a minute or so I picked up my bass and he was bang in tune as I dropped the Good times bassline in . 😎🤣
  15. I tend to interpret to a degree and it generally sounds ok.Some songs what have been gigged a lot i'll hear somewhere I realise i'm playing quite a lot differently but it works .You have to fill some songs out with the restraints you have in your band
  16. Sleaford mods .great bass player😁
  17. Horses Courses, they all sound better on my Arcam/ProAc Hifi set up
  18. Its a tough one Of course we want stuff for next to nothing and hassle free in hours not weeks but there's a cost somewhere i ordered something Sunday and got it 11am monday ! I didn't need it that quick .How is there any money in that ?Its using its size to control competition and the workforce etc .I use them as the best one stop shop out there but happy to pay the right price and wait a reaonable time
  19. Tough one but i think we insult the listener a lot of the time .Some really odd stuff is so important in a song and "makes the song" and bands just leave it out .Thing is the sets seem to go down well .I follow lots of pubs Facebook pages and they put clips up and i think it sounds very average but its followed with "thanks you guys were great "
  20. Used to do You do something to me ,brilliant tune to play ,loads of space in it
  21. Big trench on mine,great bass for money though
  22. Not exact to this but my various basses got relegated to house duty once i got the uv70 metro .Nothing near the sound and quality .Sold my 76 jazz and 62mij ri Precision .Kept one Fender jazz .Recently got a geddy usa jazz .It isn't better than the Metro just different
  23. i'D recommend finding one to try,not really much similar to a P except the generous sized neck .The euro and usa have a curved body and are long scale and the back strap button is a bid odd at first.Weight wise my Euro4 i'd say is average .Not lightweight but not a heavy as a Metro Sadowsky .Fab basses but different
  24. It's that assumption that everyone is a genned up savvy price shark and they aren't .To me they should do their homework and price stuff up at a good rate then have the old "seen a cheaper price ?" marking up here and there to invite a deal barter situation if need be .On top of this put together what they give on a deal that the price doesn't show and sell that to the punters too.
  25. Its views and subscribers that he's judged(and paid ) on .Watched the odd one and he's clearly a great player and seems comfortable in front of a camera .He seems to put out what people watch too so its hard to not consider him talented and successful
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