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Everything posted by jazzmanb

  2. Jean jacques Burnel dabbled on the high stuff a bit Tony butler played high ,melodic stuff a lot in Big country 11 42 8 507 683
  3. Can you put that in laymen terms 😃,the simple layout appealed to me .I read a bit about experimenting with the gain
  4. Quilter landed yesterday,had a brief blast into one ampeg pf210 at home last night Well made and super compact,nice solid tone about it Full range gig on Thursday next week when the other cab will come out 😎
  5. Rabbi williams ..The Jewish cheeky chappy Amal Shukup Indian Elvis show
  6. Not as hard as answering What sort of music do you like i was in a band doing 80s tyep stuff now its Classic rock if you do a heinz 57 set its good to get the furthest extremes and quote those two "we do everything from Waterloo to Pretty vacant "
  7. Gig with my regular dep band but a 70% new set due to a Dep singer Had three nights to brush up on set and i learn by ear. went down well considering the set included Bat out of hell full version and we're a 4 piece(bass guitar drums vocals) !!
  8. Mine is on its way I'll give some feedback in a week or so
  9. Thanks,i thought the 400w 800w etc was a stepped switch rather than gradual .conventional volume ...Great stuff
  10. Looking at this head to buy How does the volume work as in gain and master .I play with the bass on full through a Basstone di box so on the Quilter am i on 400w or 800w rather than turning it up gradually ? Or is the gain the main volume control ?
  11. Got my second used bass this year off them on Friday.Ordered it online at 1.30pm ,recd next day well packed ,set up ready to go .Both great deals .Some of their stuff seems mad prices but they do stuff well
  12. That's the only way loud bits work for me ,having quiet bits in ,with the odd exception of course
  13. Worst guitarist disease is end every line with a fill Cult Sanctuary And the world ! myangwarhyyyangyyangyang The world drags me down yangyangyangworrrrrr!! And the world mwaarrr yangteeeeteeeeyang !! you get the idea
  14. Sounds like you've been in bad bands if you can't do quiet bits well.
  15. I don't read so the octaves are my main reference point when wandering around ,love doing high stuff and ringing open notes as well in a Tool style Flea is great at getting up and down too but you need a monster tone or you go missing in the mix My main gigs are classic rock ,one guitar so I need to protect the bottom end first and foremost
  16. Card verification online etc ,more security to cover the shop
  17. Apart from using the edge of a plec on a roundwound string both can do what the other can if the players ability allows.I couldnt play Ace of spades with the same consistancy with fingers for example but i'm no Steve Harris
  18. I'm happy to stick with CD's as i have a high end HiFi set up,don't do digital except whats in my amazon library from buying the cd they will probably cease and there'll be a few die hard audiophiles with set ups left
  19. More like something a keyboard player would post
  20. Not the first person to think that the best music was when he was the most open to it and when the stars were aligned.We all turn into our Dads (well most ) ,turn that rubbish down,back in my day bla bla !!
  21. There's a difference between being a band no one wants to watch and being a band that plenty go to watch but its not your cup of tea.The band are a great set of lads,we do the songs well,we go down well,we get paid,i'm out playing ,all positives.Would i go to see the band with out all that ? No,just not my thing
  22. Agree but not many go to own material gigs without liking the band .A gig to me is seeing and original band peform their stuff which i've known through listening .Looking at some of the cover gig punters i get the impression they don't do proper gigs (touring bands etc )
  23. Radial bassbone for me ,two basses plugged in ready,two channels,DI ,boost,effects loop ,bingo !
  24. I'd pop to see them on a catch up basis but if i saw the band advertised and i didn't know them i wouldn't go
  25. I love playing covers in my pub band,we're good at it and we get a regularly good crowd who like to see us but would i pop out to see the band if i wasn't in them ? No Never really been one for cover bands in pubs ,i'd travel 200miles on a tuesday night to see an original band i like but the cover thing has never really been my thing Tried to do the whole ,write songs get a deal thing back in the day and like many it was a nearly.The only way to get out after that if you enjoy gigging is to do covers i suppose .
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