Its like drumming on a bass,two things going on
the simple version sounds more convincing,i think its the pressure of opening the song with it as well ,ha!
Agree,by John Paul jones's admission he never repeats himself so on Zep stuff i just role around the neck on the fills and get it on the important bits
The whole dying for my art thing can only last so long ,it's false anyway all that posturing .Not a fan of Oasis but they blow your empty venue theory out of the water
I got it with a bit of a plan
Wanted a Jpj look ,Cape arrives soon
I have a nice neck for it and pick ups if needed but happy to see how it goes
Had a quick look to see if this has been covered
Just picked up a nice 3tsb one tonight .Expected it to be a bit lacking in the sound department but it's really quite loud doing volume comparisons in the house
Anyone any idea what they're like at gig volume ?does the loudness just go muddy and toneless or is it decent .Impressed with how it plays
Yep,a world of cold hard perfectness.He's a name there is no doubt but very little of his stuff interests me and he never has that welcoming look on his face
Just read the title,i'm not even a Beatles fan but the majority of top grade musicians are sheep who are good at doing what creative people tell them to do
Every bass player heard someone and wanted to pick a bass up,that will have been Tone and possibly image
Yeah you have punters who don't know what makes a bands sound but there's plenty who clearly i cared watching King crimson with 3 drummers .
Still gigging my Peavey T max 500
Bought new in a combo with a 1x15 black widow,wasn't cheap mind £799 in 1994
combo cabinet long gone so the head is in a rack and i use 2 Peavey 210 cabs to get it full range
Loads of crunch from the valve section.
just moved onto lighter cab options