Enjoyed it
Couple of points to comments,
Not everyone who will watch is a muso so "i knew that already" goes out the window.Its a good peep into a world normal punters probably don't think about.The show off jam sessions i thought were good,again its saying "we can turn up plug in and do this !"
BJ does appear ruthless but i think at some point solo guys think i need a change some new people to bounce off.He could of done it better but hey.
it was quite a small bunch it focused on but how many do you talk to? I've seen docs about the Bacarrach guys etc before ,Osbourne etc,then docs about Zappas guys and Peter Gabriels guys .The BBC just did a one about Slick with Bowie and the Stones's guys and Wendy and lisa so its looks like we'll get a big picture over various programmes. I'm doing my Hired hand this weekend with two gigs ,i'll get about 30 of the 100 plus gigs they have in for 2018.Be nice to get a few more but it does me