Always assumed they appeared to go sub bass,synth like for modern artists rather than save your fingers
I like going up and down the neck ,I never do the open note stuff and stay at the nut either .Just sounds odd to me .Chord stuff I can see being handy with that 5th string
That's my take on it too.Unless you're playing those low notes why bother ? I'm enjoying the gauge and quitaryness of the 5 string but struggling to find a need for it in the set I play
13 Years in the making and you've sussed them on one listen(now two ) .Sorry don't get this "lateralus style " comparison thing ,what does it matter ? . I listened to it last night expecting not much due to peoples comments and it sounded great and will only get better.
They've always sounded like them,which is okay with me ,i'll buy it .Some of the tracks will be good ,some less so .Some instant some slow burn .They can't help other peoples expectations or wants . I wouldn't say Justin is a bass God but he fights for a good size space and is clever at filling it .
I only ever do the pub band thing when I play and we draw a decent crowd.Even then i'm doing the maths on the ££ .I had a spell of dating and seeing a band most Fridays and I was surprised how average some where and how little a draw they were .These are bands doing the same circuit regular.That means big losses for pubs
I've got a great balance.I turned down the chance to be bass no1 because of the amount of gigs ,I get about 30 of the 100 plus a year and arrive fresh as a daisy .We go down well 90% of the time so its always pleasant enough.Get a chance to get my nice stuff out etc
agree on the load in load out etc bit and a lot of the songs aren't my thing either
not bothered about cheeky pints ,plenty other nights for drinking
That's why I ditched pedals etc and keep it simple
its more venues than band members ,most pubs are tight ,some very..The guitar side is also Pa and lights control .Singer likes to swing his mic around so I found my spot and stick there
Why I hate selling stuff ,had strings of questions then nothing .90% have no intention of buying
I do my research then look for something ,if I find it its done in a couple of messages
90% Fingers,i like the Jazz style set up .That back pick up is ideal for digging in on the last bit of string to get the bite .My Sadowsky metro really picks the tone up across onto the G and D strings without them getting lost.The other side of that is I like to move up and down the E string for max bottom end when needed
Another shout for quilter bass block,simple and super .It fits in my leads bag. My cabs aren't tiny (ampeg pf's ) but I've gone out with one and its plenty loud. Get two cabs in my estate no prob
Yeah that's my bug,they take it too far "you can have this tomorrow" ,I don't need it that fast,ive only paid £6 for something etc etc ….They are providing a service people rarely need .Bit like modern cars ,full of stuff no one wants or asked for
a lot of amazon stuff is from independants ,lots of music shops do zeros hours and min wage,in fact retail is built on it .Some shops may be paying better and are not sorting customers out very well so its a bit more complicated that Amazon or not
Although it stands for nothing he's placed a bid in an auction not bought from a shop .That bid is meant to be binding but people just do what they want which is why ebay is no longer worth a look for a lot of old devotees