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Posts posted by ianrendall

  1. 2 hours ago, Frank Blank said:

    Me too, I’ve seen them twice, the last time being at the O2 last year, both times were lacklustre performances, like they were just going through the motions, with or without Becker. I love SD but do be prepared to be disappointed, I left the last gig half way through.

    Yes I’ve heard this. It’s probably the only time I’ll get to see them live though. They have been touring very heavily for years now, can’t be easy to keep up the enthusiasm and freshness for that long. I’d rather a new album to be honest. 

  2. 8 hours ago, CokeyW said:

    I bought both an ACG and Everson used on BC and they’re both fine basses which I won’t part with. However it was Paul Everson I went to when I wanted my own build. To me his basses are unlike anything else I’ve ever played and just suit me to perfection. The best advice I can give is make sure you play examples of your shortlisted luthier’s basses before you decide.

    Those Everson’s are extremely attractive instruments aren’t they? 

  3. 11 minutes ago, therealting said:

    I looked at Shukers etc around the time when I bought my Sadowsky. In the end, the right Sadowsky came up secondhand at a price that meant I would at least break even if I ever decided to move it on. I also found that replacing the pickups with Nordstrands brought the thing to life. 

    Thanks to this thread and many helpful basschatters I’ve discovered that there are so many custom builders that could build me something within budget, albeit a basic model. Trouble is, I could get a second hand NYC Sadowsky within budget or order a new NYC Satin (HMRC notwithstanding!). I’ve really given myself a lot to think about. 

  4. 1 hour ago, NJE said:

    I have played a few of the British custom basses mentioned on here and I can honestly say that the two Sei Basses and GB Spitfires I have played have probably been the nicest instruments I have ever played and are not the benchmark for feel for anything else I own. Actually I also need to give an honourable mention to the Overwater J5 I had, the neck was just phenomenal but it was someone else’s order so not 100% what I wanted in a bass.

    I found the Sadowsky basses I have played to be impeccably built and nice to play but soulless, just very clinical and the ones I played (metros I should add) didn’t have the nice rolled fretboard edges I like but that’s a personal thing. They were great but just a bit clinical. I would also rate the three makers above over an Alleva Coppollo I played as well.

    I tried two Enfield basses as a show once, beautifully made but the G string kept rolling off the edge of the fingerboard when I played it, god knows why, never happened to me on any other bass.

    Not sure if your after a 4 or 5 string but there are used examples of both GB and Sei at the gallery.

    More very useful info thank you. My purchase is many months away yet, but already I am obsessing! Gives me plenty of time to think

  5. 8 minutes ago, three said:

    I've had both (and an embarrassing list that includes many of the other contenders).  As a direct comparison, the US Sadowsky had a slightly more expensive and cultured look and feel - the whole package (case, candy, hardware) just felt expensive.  The Sadowsky pre is lovely - not dramatic but a professional, studio-style gloss right out of the box.  The bass was also very light and comfortable, and capable of a very low action (if that's your kind of thing - it was highly adjustable).  All that said, it didn't feel or sound particularly 'alive'.  It was a bit 'ordinary', possibly anonyous for the price.  However, that might be what makes Sadowskys so popular and desirable among big-name and session-players.  Just an excellent Fender clone that feels familiar, is light and an can emulate a Fender tone (and then a bit).

    The Shuker was a much heavier but beautifully built instrument - somebody else's custom order that I bought second-hand.  Excellent timbers, really good construction with top-quality fit and finish (in the main).  Again, the circuit was Sadowsky, along with the pickups, so great tone on tap (if nothing extreme).  Not as comfortable to play as the Sadowsky and suffered from some fret-sprout (an easy fix and nothing out of the ordinary - this is a feature of many Alembics - but a little frustrating).  It was possible to feel and see where the extra money had gone into the Sadowsky (but maybe not the 1000-1200 at contemporaneous prices).  The Shuker had its own elegance but was a little more chunky and workperson-like than its US counterpart.  Overall tone was a little more aggressive but this is probably down to timbers and design.  Hardware was high-quality sourced-in rather than in-house.

    Overall, both very good basses if not absolutely top-of-the-line game-changers.  I picked-up the Shuker for around 1200 and the Sadowsky for maybe 1750 - prices have changed (obviously),  At the time, the premium was probably justifiable.  With current prices, I'm not at all sure.  I'd have no hesitation in custom ordering from Jon.  Excellent, professional instruments at realistic prices.  Just to throw another curve in - Atelier may be worth consideration - some bargains appear on here (and excellent Japanese build quality).


    Thank you so much, really useful info. I think if I do go the custom route it would probably be Shuker. If anything he is nearer to me should I want to visit. 

  6. Following on from my thread asking for advice on US super jazzes, a number or replies from that thread has changed my ideas somewhat, and I think that deserves a new thread. 

    I was courting the idea of a used super jazz, Sadowsky, Lull, Dingwall et al possibly others such as Overwater, Mayones, all the usual suspects, which may still happen if the right bass comes along at the right time at the right price  

    But I’ve since been seriously flirting with the idea of a British custom build. 

    I’ve looked at Shuker, ACG and Zoot. The likes of a new Overwater are well out of my likely £2k budget.

    Are there any other luthiers I should look at? I do love Sei but I don’t know if they are still being made.

    I have a basic idea of what I want:

    Classic J body, simple active electronics with passive/active switching, JJ or MM J pickups, natural finish but happy with solid colour if it keeps the price down for the right bass, 5 string lined fretless, but happy with 4 for the same reason. 

  7. On 30/08/2018 at 09:58, ambient said:

    I don’t actually like meeting people, but it’s peace of mind.

    Sounds a bit like me. 

    I’m convinced that my nervousness and awkwardness, not to mention the slight stammer caused by said nerves makes me seem dodgy around strangers or during a private face to face transaction. 

    • Like 1
  8. Ok. I have been very tempted by a Shuker custom build. Talk to me. 

    All I want is a J type with a 2 band and active/passive switch. I don’t have a solid budget yet and not in any hurry but I would estimate my max to be £2500. 

  9. 13 hours ago, songofthewind said:

    A rare (unique?) instance of Walter singing lead on a Dan track.

    Yes and no. Book of Liars is a Walter composition from his 11 Tracks of Whack solo album. He also sung Slang of Ages on the Dan studio album Everything Must Go. 

  10. 1 hour ago, bubinga5 said:

    My favourite subject..American made Super Jazz Basses.  OOhhh let me think for a second. Xotic, Low End, Pensa, Sadowsky, Suhr, Lull, FClef, Modulus, Pavel,Valenti. The list goes on. Xotic Imo make the best modern Jazz bass today. Just my opinion. Pensa Jazz basses are just pure jazz bass porn. But they are very expensive for a jazz bass. If my coin was on the line it would be this. Pensa Jazz 5 in cherry burst quilted maple. 


    Just visited the Pensa website.....lord god in heaven I have never seen such pretty shiny things. 

  11. 50 minutes ago, bubinga5 said:

    Celinder are an instrument not many will play I guess. Is he still making them.? Ive never played one.They seem to be the holy grail when it comes to Jazz basses.Whether this is a myth or not.? His 6 string basses I've seen go for very low prices. I nearly bought one before I got the Sei. 

    He is not currently accepting orders for new builds. 


  12. Thank you everyone. Lots of useful information. I was worried I might rub people up the wrong way with my US only caveat, but this is based on childhood romanticism. I will definitely consider other makers, perhaps I should have a look at Dingwall too. 

    Forgot to mention, I would be buying pre-owned, as I always do.

    @LeftyJ I would dearly love a Fodera. I think even pre-owned would be beyond my means though. 

  13. 8 hours ago, JBP said:

    I would go with a Sadowsky every one I have ever tried has been fantastic and I am seriously eyeing up something special for my 50th in a few years time (got the Wife saving up). But to echo the thoughts above, why does it have to be American?

    I think it goes back to my early playing years when I really wanted a Fender and I had this idea that the MIA ones were the ‘real’ ones. 

    Its not just rose tinted glasses that make me want a Sad, I genuinely love their tone too  

    I’ll certainly broaden my horizons though and have a look at Overwater, Celinder etc and definitely Goodfellow. 

  14. Just now, therealting said:

    Sadowsky for sure. Immaculately made, and the preamp makes them sit SO well in a mix. 

    Despite everything I look at, I always keep coming back to Roger’s finest. I COULD get a Metro but I know I’ll still be hankering after a full-blooded NYC. 

  15. 14 minutes ago, chris_b said:

    I can vouch for Sadowsky and Lull Jazz basses. IMO they're just a class above all other J basses I've tried. Sadowsky now have the Satin series which is a lower cost NYC bass. Lower cost only because of the reduced options available. They also have the new Metro Express range which is their first factory bass and made in Japan.

    You could check out Moon, Moollon, Atelier, Suhr, Low End and all the European basses, the list is endless. Everyone's got a J bass in their catalogue.

    How could I forget Suhr! Didn’t Victor Bailey play one on Weather Report’s Procession album (a Pensa-Suhr?)

  16. What would you get that’s not Fender? I’m talking classic setup - two single coils, 34”, no fancy tops. I’m saving hard for a dream bass and I am solidly set on a classic American built J type. I’m thinking Sadowsky NYC, Lull, anything that isn’t ‘factory’ built. 

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