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Posts posted by ianrendall

  1. 2 hours ago, Chopthebass said:

    I would have thought those settings would be pretty bright. Maybe give us some more info..

    Type of bass you use, what strings, and what cabs.

    But of course. 

    Ibanez 5er with active eq and passive switch, 2 humbuckers. I 99% of the time use it passively. BF Midget. Brand new D’addario strings

  2. I very recently went from dinky little heads to a big Trace AH600. Heavy but a doable two handed lift. Pair it with one or two lightweight cabs. Sounds absolutely amazing. Can’t see myself going back to class D anytime soon.

    Dont worry too much about the age - they are built to last, but get an amp tech to check it over when you get it just to be sure. 

    • Thanks 1
  3. 7 hours ago, Baxlin said:

    I’m sure I read something a couple of years or so ago about changes to the music licensing laws, don’t venues now have to have a different (ie expensive) licence for more than 2 musicians, or have I got that wrong?

    I think this is accurate.

    For the record, I hate ‘acoustic nights’. Usually some over-earnest scrotter with a beard and unbuttoned lumberjack shirt with the sleeves rolled up and a Jack Daniel’s tshirt underneath playing ‘his take’ on classic rock numbers. 

    • Like 1
    • Haha 2
  4. 58 minutes ago, BrunoBass said:

    Yes Billy Joel seems to be perennially overlooked as a songwriter, particularly in the UK where the general public only really know him for Uptown Girl and Just The Way You Are. A pity really, when songs like Captain Jack, Allentown and Scenes From An Italian Restaurant are so well observed lyrically and brilliantly realised musically - everything I want in a song. He’ll probably only be reappraised and appreciated once he’s gone, unfortunately.

    Agreed. His 2 biggest hits are his least interesting musically to me. Rosalinda’s Eyes is one of my favourites. I am also quite fond of his earlier work which featured a fair amount of pedal steel guitar. He’s so much more diverse than people think with distinctive style changes over the years, he really can do it all. 

    • Like 1
  5. Next Feb is my 40th. I had the idea of either getting a cheap project 125 Honda bike to fix up or a YOB bass. Obviously, the motorbike idea got nixed, so it’s a ‘79 YOB bass.

    I have an idea of what I’d like ideally budgeted around £400. 

    A nice Aria perhaps or an Ibanez. Fretless would be nice. Maybe Westone? Something Japanese of quality, Fujigen or Matsumoku IIRC. 

    I’m quite a way off from a purchase so just looking for ideas really.

    Any thoughts?

  6. On 29/04/2018 at 22:38, Deedee said:

    Did the DI on this lovely SMX require a repair or was it ok?


    I couldn’t see anything wrong visually. I don’t have the means to test the audio output at the moment, so all I’ve done for now is tested connections and cleaned the pins with contact cleaner. And they were filthy. I rarely DI, maybe once a year. If it doesn’t work I’ll just have to turn it up to 4. 

  7. 1 hour ago, D'Addario UK said:

    Mind-boggling number!

    At last count we have over 120 distributors in 101 countries, that's a lot of orders to fill. Glad you like them.


    I’ve worked that out as 429 miles of strings based on an average 34” scale. That’s London to slightly past Edinburgh!

    • Haha 1
  8. Great strings and not too pricey either. I had a problem with a rogue medium scale that had found its way into my long scale set. A quick tweet and 3 days later a whole new set arrived. This is the sort of customer service that generates return custom. 

    • Like 1
  9. 8 minutes ago, paul_5 said:

    Yup, 12AX7 (or ECC83) are standard as regards voltage and current requirements, and have identical pin outs, so you can basically stick anything in there. 

    It’s always worth a phone call to Derek at Watford Valves to discuss your requirements (more bassy / mid rangey, early breakup etc) as he really knows his onions.

    Oooo early breakup sounds like a lovely option. Especially if her indoors nixes my Barefaced 15” fancying. 

  10. I’ve recently got hold of a Trace AH600SMX, nicknamed ‘The Herniator’ and was wondering about valvage. Neither I nor  the previous owner have any idea how old the valve is, so it could be 20 years old as it’s a ‘98 amp. The valve is a 12ax7 Golden Lion. 

    I’d like to replace it and am looking for recommendations. Am I right to assume that all 12ax7/ECC83 valves are designed to a certain spec and that any tonal variations are manufacturer dependent?

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