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Everything posted by livingbasshead

  1. Ampeg Flip Top Portaflex Range. 2 x 10” and 1 x 15” cabs. 400w each. The 115 has a broken handle, and a couple of scuffs (shown). The 210 has a broken wheel socket (I have the wheels) Portable but packs a punch, sound great together at 400w at 8 ohms each. Any Portaflex range head can be attached to the flip top lids Sold as a pair
  2. I bought a GK NEO 410 off of Douglas. Was a swift transaction and a pleasure to do business with. Thanks!
  3. I bought a GK NEO 410 off of Douglas. Was a swift transaction and a pleasure to do business with. Thanks!

    1. SpondonBassed


      This could do with moving to the Feedback sub-section.

    2. Soledad


      Yep. Started you a feedback thread @livingbasshead, here:

      me here :)



  4. Ok I’ve got clearance from the Mrs. I’ll take it for £400
  5. Would you take an Ampeg PF-210HE plus cash?
  6. Does anyone know where I can get a neck to fit the Squier Modified Bass VI? Can't find one anywhere! It's 30" scale, 'C' shape. Also used on the modified baritone jazzmaster.
  7. Thought I'd share - £699, thats a great price [url="http://www.pmtonline.co.uk/ampeg-svt810e-bass-cabinet.html"]http://www.pmtonline.co.uk/ampeg-svt810e-bass-cabinet.html[/url]
  8. I use these ones from Maplins with Van Damme XKE cable [url="http://www.maplin.co.uk/p/635mm-side-entry-mono-jack-plug-yl03d"]http://www.maplin.co.uk/p/635mm-side-entry-mono-jack-plug-yl03d[/url] I bought a load in bulk and have been making patch cables and selling them on ebay at different lengths (10cm, 15cm, 30cm, 50cm and 1m). If anyone is interested I can make custom sizes too. I stuck an advert up on the 'affiliates' page - 10% discount (i.e. 10% less than the ebay price). These little jacks in my opinion are just as good with regards to sound and are very low profile. [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/265016-custom-built-pedal-board-cables-pancake-jacks-and-van-damme-cable/"]http://basschat.co.uk/topic/265016-custom-built-pedal-board-cables-pancake-jacks-and-van-damme-cable/[/url] [sharedmedia=core:attachments:197715] pm me if you're interested
  9. Thanks for replying. I have a newer phase 90 and don't have a problem with gain suck - but i thought i'd try a phase 100 as i wanted a bit more control over the intensity. At the weekend I replaced the switch back to a stomp switch, and changed one of the jack inputs (which was a bit dodgy) but still have the problem. I have a workaround that I can use my a patch on my BDDI deluxe with a higher gain, but I'd like to customise the MXR to increase the gain somehow - any suggestions welcome
  10. I recently bought an old phase 100 and I have a problem that when I switch it on it sucks some gain out of my signal so the effected tone is lower output than the clean tone. Has anyone experienced this or know a way of tweaking it to address this problem? Its been modified with a flick switch at some time in the past but I don't imagine that would affect the resistance. Happy to post pics etc if anyone can suggest anything, thanks!
  11. PM'd
  12. Hi it's DC power. You have just reminded though that the battery connection doesn't work - I bought this second hand and never knew of the input B issue when i bought it. I doubt that could be related (especially as input A is fine) but someone correct me if I'm wrong!
  13. Hi thanks for the reply - I have tried some contact cleaner inside and inserting/removing a jack over and over to try and clean it, but haven't tried wet and dry. I'll give that a go but I suspect it isn't that that's causing the problem so open to any other suggestions
  14. Not sure anyone can help here but I have a sansamp BDDI deluxe pedal in my board. It has two inputs (A and so I can plug in two basses and preset for each bass. The problem is Input B is temperamental - after playing for some time (which seems to vary in length) the signal starts to break up, crackle and go really quiet. I can change banks and have the same problem. Input A doesn't have a problem at all, so it must be something to do with the input? maybe the socket itself - but would it behave like this? Doesn't seem logical to me. Any ideas? Cheers!
  15. Theres never a right way, its always down to the player how they want to sound but I never have the blend 100% - The best results I find you get are from blending in the dry / wet signals
  16. Yeah it's on the longer, held notes that it starts to struggle. The ESP fretless has active PUPS vs my J bass with its passive, so I kinda thought it would track a bit better on the fretless. The neck on the ESP does rattle a bit so I'll tweak the action when I get a chance. Awesome pedal by the way, especially sliding up and down a fretless neck with it
  17. I think raising the action a little might be the way to go. My j- bass is fretted. Thanks for the replies
  18. Sorry - boss oc-2 and boss cs-2.... Confusing myself now!
  19. Hi. I recently bought an ESP LTD B205 fretless, as a second bass, new toy etc..... Lovely bass by the way, and a bargain from Thomann at the mo. Anyway, at rehearsal when I went through my board I noticed that it didn't track as well as my 1st bass ( j bass deluxe with shielded noiseless pups). It was ok for short notes but when I held certain notes for too long the oc-2 got 'confused', I guess by the component frequency harmonics. Has anyone else experienced this - or got any tips on how to avoid this issue? I was going ESP > Boss CS-2 > Boss OC- 3 ( then through rest of my board). I bypassed the cs-2 which didn't help
  20. Got it today Si - thanks. In time for rehearsal tonight!
  21. Missed that thread! Pm 'ing right now
  22. I'm really after one of these for my board - if by chance anyone is looking to sell them please PM me, thanks. At the moment I'm making do with the octave setting on the bass synth wah
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