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Everything posted by onemanband

  1. AS NEW!! Boxed in original packaging, complete with User Manual, FX Guide & Power Supply. [url="http://www.zoom.co.jp/products/b1"]http://www.zoom.co.jp/products/b1[/url] Far more effects than I need or want, and having just acquired a TC BG250 with downloadable "toneprints" this is now surplus to requirements [s]Bargain @ £30[/s] PLEASE NOTE; THIS IS THE B1 [u][b]NOT[/b][/u] THE B1X (with integrated footswitch).
  2. Fawlty Towers x 8 Dad's Army x 16 One Foot In The Grave x 8 Only Fools & Horses x 8 The Fast Show x 2 The Clitheroe Kid x 4 Steptoe & Son x 4 1/2 hour episodes of each, shuffled play, don't half seem to make those long, homeward bound journeys in the middle of the night go fast !!
  3. Well, that's it for me!!! Two gigs over the weekend, BOTH guitar cables fitted with the "Neutrik" silent jacks failed miserably, both in silencing the signal and making it live again on re-inserting the jack; (the muting sleeve kept sticking)............. very disappointing in a live show!! It's back to "normal" jacks for me and I shall contact Neurtik to see what they have to say.
  4. Years ago, I played golf (not anymore). I had a great set of "branded" clubs, flash bag, trolley etc. as did my mates, but it didn't matter how much we spent on "better" sticks, our game never seemed to improve. One day we had a game with a young lad of about fourteen who obviously didn't have much cash, and played with four or five old battered clubs that he carried under his arm, not being able to afford a bag. He hit the ball absolutely superbly, straight as a die, much further than we did, went round in under par and wiped the floor with us. The moral of this true story............brand snobbery is bollocks, it's how you sound and what you play (or don't play in some cases) that counts!! (just my opinion)
  5. Well, thanks for the interesting and varied responses, so many differing opinions; there certainly seems to be an issue with the r/a jacks. I bought the silent plugs as a sort of "belt & braces" type of remedy for the occasional time I do forget to mute or unplug at the amp end first, (mind on other things, like the blonde at the back or who's round it is ); I just never expected an issue with anything that says "Neutrik" on it. Meanwhile, I'm going to see how it goes, having put some very light shaver oil on the sliding sleeve, if that doesn't work, then it's back to fixed jacks.
  6. [quote name='Roger2611' timestamp='1365702654' post='2043278'] Excellent....ordered one earlier this week and now this is posted! I guess that's bass player timing for you! [/quote] Sorry, but your response made me laugh out loud; congrats on a great sense of humour!!
  7. It's always been my policy to buy/use good quality leads and connectors, in the belief that you can have the best instrument and gear in the world, but it's only as good as the cable that connects them. That said, I recently purchased a Neutrik "silent" right angled jack and fixed it to my bass lead, in order to avoid the terrible popping that occurs when I inadvertently forget to mute the channel before disconnecting; (the plug has a small sliding outer sleeve that shorts the hot and earth when removed). I have also fitted these to my spare cables that I use for my acoustic guitars, but have found them to be a bit hit and miss, sometimes not silencing the cable (the outer sleeve sticks on the plug shaft), or remaining silent on re-inserting the jack (when swapping guitars etc). I have now tried lubricating the jacks with some very light shaver oil and am waiting to see the long term result, hopefully that will cure it, but it's bloody annoying on a live show when your main instrument cable is hit and miss!! Question is, has anybody else ever tried these Neutrik "silent" jacks, if so how have you found their reliability; I must confess, I was expecting better from Neutrik.
  8. I've recently bought a Fender Mustang "Pawn Shop" bass in Sunburst (my favourite finish) but, I just didn't like the "pearloid" pick guard. As this new model has a single (Telecaster bass) humbucker pick up rather than the old style split single coil, there are no ready made replacement pick guards available as yet, so I bought a blank sheet of three ply tortoiseshell pick guard material and made my own and am pretty pleased with the result.........much better!! [url="http://www.flickr.com/photos/69592184@N07/8577427383/in/photostream"]http://www.flickr.co.../in/photostream[/url] [url="http://www.flickr.com/photos/69592184@N07/8577427247/in/photostream/"]http://www.flickr.co...in/photostream/[/url]
  9. [quote name='casapete' timestamp='1364892250' post='2032158'] Whoo.......!!! Another Danelectro Longhorn fan!! Was going to mention these, but think people getting fed up of me always banging on about how great they are!! Light as a feather, great to play with 30.5 inch scale and sound huge. Built out of firewood, but who cares? [/quote] Also doubles as a cricket bat I believe!! ONLY JOKING!!
  10. [quote name='neepheid' timestamp='1364834276' post='2031454'] This thread began by asking if going short scale would solve the weight problem. It is not certain that it would, it depends entirely on the bass. The principal problem the OP is suffering is weight of bass, not length of scale. People seem to have leapt onto the short scale part of this, somewhat unnecessarily. Of course, many semi-hollow and hollow basses are short scale (Gibson EB-2, Epiphone Rivoli, Guild/DeArmond Starfire, Hofner Club etc), so we may not be at such cross purposes after all. But my suggestion is both expedient (as in readily available) and correct (I can vouch for it being light) - thus neatly solving the OP's problem. [/quote] True! For my part however, I can only say that changing to a short scale eased my back issues; it isn't JUST the weight, the short scale does seem to contribute to a better posture too, a very important factor in back issues. If however the OP wants to stick to long scale, I agree, a hollow body is the way to go. Gibson do a nice new model, The Midtown; don't know the weight of it though! [url="http://www2.gibson.com/Products/Electric-Guitars/Bass/Gibson-USA/Midtown-Standard-Bass.aspx"]http://www2.gibson.c...ndard-Bass.aspx[/url]
  11. Hi MoJo I have recently done exactly what you're considering and I can completely empathise with your thinking after health issues have left me struggling with large/heavy basses, resulting in backache etc. Like Paul S above, I now have two short scale basses, and love them both; a Gibson SG and a new Fender "Pawn Shop" Mustang; both seem to have solved the problem and as posted above, I also found wearing the bass higher improved posture and reduced stress on the body!! The Mustang is now my preferred bass, balances better and seems to have a sweeter tone but both are excellent instruments; I also now much prefer the short scale option anyway; I'm happy I was forced (so to speak) into the change!! Lightest bass I ever played way way back, was the iconic [u]Hofner Violin (beatle) bass[/u], probably worth a look too. There are many "short scale" players on this forum, try one, you'll see why!! Good Luck.......Brian PS. Just as a side issue ([b]NOT[/b] the reason for the post), I am considering selling the SG; if you might be interested PM me.
  12. Forgetting music for a moment; I wish Pompey all the best.......hope they get out of the dire straits they're currently in and recover to become the great club that they really should be!! Boing Boing !! (Baggies fan).
  13. [quote name='Ziphoblat' timestamp='1363876411' post='2018766'] I suppose it depends on what you're using it for. For home use their stuff is fine. For live use, I'd be a bit more cautious.[/quote] Ain't that the truth!!! I would NEVER buy Behringer again!! Let me explain. I had a Behringer mixer (can't remember the model), not very old and well treated throughout it's short life on the road. I was using it on what for me was a prestige gig (P&O cruise ship), in which I DI'd the mixer into the theatre PA system. Halfway through the show, the right chanel went down, f*****g up my whole show!! With the help of the sound technician's, I did manage to salvage some sort of performance, but I will never forgive that bloody Behringer mixer for causing me such embarrassment!! Behringer.....never again!! I now use a Soundcraft EFX8, British made and totally reliable (wish I hadn't said that now!!)
  14. I usually go to the store it's easiest to knick stuff from, preferrably where there are none of those nasty surveillance cameras watching your every move.
  15. One tip I was given years ago and forgot in my earlier post; make your own "cable ties". Buy a metre or so of stick n' stick " velcro (any good market, B&Q or haberdashery store). Taking [u][b][i]great care[/i][/b][/u] to line it up, stick it back to back and then cut in to pieces of any desired length. BINGO!! no more tangled cables!!...........custom cable ties, much cheaper than buying ready made ones, and can be used for tying long cable runs on stage too. This tip was given freely and without charge !!
  16. I'm absolutely convinced that there is a "lead gremlin" goes in my box every night and messes my cables up. After every gig (as mentioned before) I meticulously twist and loop my leads and lay them flat in my old army ammunition box; but sure enough, next time, come to get them out.......they're twisted & knotted like a chinese puzzle; it's one of life's mysteries I'm afraid ... Bottom line though is, good quality cables, twisted, looped & stored correctly = long life;...............definitely don't tie & knot them !!
  17. Hi Truly enjoying this Fender Mustang bass; gigged it twice now and must say I do prefer it to the SG; the short scale and light body suit me and it balances perfectly with no sign the dreaded "neck dive"! It seems to have a sweeter tone too. Does anyone out there know where I can get a hard or semi-hard case for the Mustang bass? I don't want a long scale case as it totally swamps it, but a short scale case is proving to be a bit elusive!! Cheers........Brian.
  18. Why not confuse everybody.....................put a "Gibson" sticker on it !!
  19. [quote name='spaners' timestamp='1362920132' post='2006149'] Completly agree about the tort pick guard on the sunburst though (would a been my choise too)[/quote] Hi, So, I bought a Tortoiseshell pickguard blank off ebay, and made a new pickguard today. Took most of the afternoon; I used hand tools so as not to risk any mishaps and I'm pretty pleased with the result. As I said, it's a personal thing but I think it looks much better. Now to get on with some playing!! [attachment=129798:IMG_0334.jpg][attachment=129799:IMG_0338.jpg]
  20. [quote name='spaners' timestamp='1362875268' post='2005815'] I got one too, last fri from Navada music,they had 3 in stock (one in each colour) I got the red one and it realy is the muts nuts. Its still got original strings on at mo as i am away working for a couple a weeks. Let me know how it is with the flats, prob guna get some black nylon tape wound flats to try on when i get back to uk. what colour did you get ? I tryed most of the fender range befor chosing the mustang and I have to say the feel, tone and finish was better than anything else i tryed, even beter than the American P that i have wanted for the last two years (and could never aford). This bass will be a long term keeper for shaw [/quote] I got the sunburst finish, my own favourite; but I am fitting a new tortoiseshell pick guard! Just a personal thing, but I can't live with that white pearloid one fitted as standard. I just prefer tortoiseshell, which I think looks 100% better on sunburst. As far as strings go, the (D'Addario Chromes) flats sound great; mellow, lots of low end 60's thump that really suits me but remember, sound is subjective and you probably need to try them to see if they give you the sound you're looking for. One thing to remember is that you'll need medium scale to allow for the through body stringing.
  21. I have both a Gibson SG and a Fender Mustang (new "Pawn Shop") model. In my opinion, you won't go wrong with either but new, you'll get a Mustang for less £'s than an SG. The main difference is that the SG suffers a little from "neck dive", but it's no big issue, just use a rough leather strap....problem solved!! Love 'em both; each has it's own voice and both are absolutely excellent basses. How do I choose which one to gig ?..............flip a coin!!
  22. Since the original posting, I've had a trip into the "Long Scale - 5 string" territory.............biggest mistake ever!! Didn't like the long scale and just couldn't come to terms with the "5-string thing" always mistaking the bottom B for bottom E resulting in bum notes being dropped in the band rehearsals.......not good!!!! Kept going back to my Gibson SG. [b]SO[/b], i've sold the 5-string precision and bought one of the new [b]"pawn shop" Fender Mustang[/b][i]........WOW!!.[/i]absolutely superb; immaculate build & finish, excellent tonal variety and of course my beloved short scale!! I shall re-string this bass with D'Addario Chrome flat wounds and then it will probably be my gigging 'bass of choice"
  23. I am open to offers !!
  24. Didn't know him or much about him, but from these responses he was obviously highly regarded. So, to any rock n' roller who passes on i say,............. total respect for your contribution to the music scene; you will be well respected and remembered, good luck in "Rock N' ROLL HEAVEN" (let me know what's goin on, I'm not so far away myself! ;-)
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