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A string bounce

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Everything posted by A string bounce

  1. What Star Wars figures did they have!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  2. [size=5]Two peavey microbass 20watt combos for sale...... plus a quality made custom 'monitor' style stand, plus a brand new Planet waves 'Stereo' Y cable.[/size] [size=5]Ideal practice rig.[/size] [size=5]Collection preferred, but will post. £65.00 collected, £90.00 Posted.[/size] [size=5]Basildon, Essex.[/size]
  3. Bass / Vocals - Phil Lynott Drums - Neil peart Guitar - Stevie Ray Vaughan Guitar - Gary Moore
  4. [quote name='Big_Stu' timestamp='1354567923' post='1887574'] You haven't said what you'll be wearing yet? Who's going to be brave enough? [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TLm9iBUAogk[/media] [/quote]
  5. Just for you.........The Glitter Band...............................Just remember to duck!!!!
  6. 1.Hello Hooray (Alice) 2. All the young dudes (Mott the Hoople) 3. Ziggy Stardust / John I'm Only dancing / Space Oddity.... Medoly (Bowie) 4.Cum on feel the noize (Slade) 5. Burning (Sweet) 6.Do the Strand (Roxy Music) 7.Children of the Revolution / East Action / Get it On.......Medoly (T Rex ) 8 Billion Dollar Babies / Schools Out (Alice) Encore 9. Hellraiser / Blockbuster (Sweet)
  7. Billion Dollar Babies / Schools Out by Alice Cooper are a must !!!
  8. Jeez that's a beaut! please, somebody hurry up and grab this' otherwise I'm going to have to sell one of my kids to buy it myself!!!!
  9. [size=5]Dimarzio Model One pickup.... sounds awesome! looking for £45.00 delivered???[/size] [size=5]Anyone interested let me know?[/size] [b] Attached Thumbnails[/b] [list] [*][url="http://basschat.co.uk/uploads/monthly_11_2012/post-27987-0-25001000-1352885732.jpg"][/url] [*][url="http://basschat.co.uk/uploads/monthly_11_2012/post-27987-0-85657300-1352885750.jpg"][/url] [/list]
  10. Hi guys, I'm just about to give my Ric a new lease of life' and would like a little advise please from all you Ric experts here ? Ok' to cut a long story short, I recently got me a 1975 4001 FG, and she's a beaut! only thing is the previous owner decided (some years ago) to change the original neck pickup for a Dimarzio Model one? Now Im not knocking the sound of the guitar, it sounds great as is , but looks hideous! but this did reflect in the price. Anyway I now have all the necessary parts to start afresh and put her back to her former glory! New Pickup, New pickguard, New CTS pots, Cloth wire, everything that is' barring the tone caps. Now my question is what caps would you recommend?? I have these on my shortlist'(see pics) would these be a good edition?? They are two NOS Mullard mustard caps or Two NOS K40Y-9 paper in oil? Im personally favoring the mullards due to actual size? the POI caps are around an inch in length and was wondering about room for them?? btw' I'm also not going to bother installing the .0047 cap that's on the output of the bridge pup. Thanks.
  11. [size=5]Dimarzio Model One pickup.... sounds awesome! looking for £45.00 delivered???[/size] [size=5]Anyone interested let me know?[/size]
  12. Hi' up for grabs is my Epiphone Joe Bonamassa Les Paul.. This is a 2010 model. The guitar is in MINT condition and benefits from a pro set up, Gibson Burstbuckers as standard, unchambered body and Long neck tenon, this is not your run of the mill Epiphone. The guitar comes complete with fitted hard case. Im looking for £375.00 ono plus £25.00 p/p Paypal or Cash on collection. Im in Basildon, Essex. Cheers!
  13. Hi mate, sorry should have said, I'm in Basildon Essex
  14. [size=5]Here's my custom built Flying V, originally an early 90's Korean Epiphone 58 'Korina'[/size] [size=5]Only original Epi' parts are body/neck (obviously) plus scratchplate.[/size] [size=5]Refinished about six years ago now? in a lovely nicely aged vintage White / Nitro[/size] [size=5]Other parts replaced as follows:- [/size] [size=5]Gibson Humbuckers.[/size] [size=5]Grover Tuners [/size] [size=5]Alparts Vibrola Trem[/size] [size=5]Alparts Bridge.[/size] [size=5]Gibson Reflectors[/size] [size=5]Gibson TRC[/size] [size=5]CTS pots[/size] [size=5]Vitamin Q cap[/size] [size=5]Switchcraft pup selector switch / Switchcraft Jack.[/size] [size=5]Guitar in very good used condition, has a couple of tiny marks, but nothing at all nasty.[/size] [size=5]Zero fret wear.[/size] [size=5]Comes with fitted Hard case.[/size] [size=5]Looking for £ 275 .00... inc £25.00 P/P..................Or collection from Basildon, Essex.[/size]
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