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Everything posted by loushort

  1. Bump for my friend with the Sterling
  2. [quote name='morsefull' timestamp='1356815056' post='1914018'] No, I haven't. But if I want to buy or sell on this forum I want to do it with the confidence that comes from knowing that people on here act with respect to each other. I think what you did was disrespectful to the buyer who offered the asking price. [/quote]Had I agreed to the buyer to sell it for £300 then changed my mind then he is totally in his right to be upset-but I sent him a message saying thanks for the intrest but I cant let it go for that price an error on my part I underpriced it
  3. so none of you have ever underpriced a bass before.......wow your all amazing
  4. guys I'm sorry but I cant justify letting it go for £300 but am asking for £400 as I would kick myself forever if I let it go for less as its a stunning piece of work i feel really bad repricing up but I'd rather keep it than give it away hope you all understand and thanks for the intrest
  5. happy new year folks I'm sadly having to part with one of my Letts custom basses this stunning custom flame maple 5 string I got it back in April 2012 and its never let me down thru neck construction 35 scale passive IMP soap bar volume tone and kill switch hipshot ultra light tuners its just had a service from Mr Letts giving it a new bridge name plate tailpiece and bone nut as well as a waxing I'm looking for [b]£400[/b] I will post to anywhere in the UK using parcelforce 48 hour service which will add £27 will accept paypal cash on collection etc *sorry no case * Jon's basses are all one off's and have to be seen to be belived they also play like a dream and weigh next to nothing thanks for looking rgds Lou
  6. [quote name='Sibob' timestamp='1355701205' post='1901699'] I priced up a singlecut with Jon, it's still in my sights, but some other business has to clear up first. I was under the impression I had to have a wood finish......he might not appreciate that I want a solid white finish now Si [/quote]As you know what takes the time is prepping the wood and filling it sanding it down ready for paint,then its a good couple of coats-leaving it to dry. Then the lacquer coats go on and have to dry then buffing it to a shine its a lot of work for a one man show and if one of those processes screws up its back to the bare wood and start again,I can't speak for him but I'l be surprized if he does anymore colours but he might surprize you and do it
  7. hello folks does anyone know if the TC head racks for the RH450 etc will fit the BH250 as well ? thanks for looking Lou
  8. Got a few duran tunes in the set "Wolf" "Rio" & "Girls on film" great to play and sing at the same time
  9. [quote name='Sibob' timestamp='1355679252' post='1901281'] Whats the white one? Didn't think Letts did lacquered solid colours?? Si [/quote]Under the paint its made of different striped woods like Claypool's rainbow bass Jon wasn't happy with the out come so decided to spray it white as it was Christmas time It took him ages to do as he is a real perfectionist and wont let anything go unless hes totally happy with it So I borrowed it for the Christmas shows we play at The Cluny Warehouse in Newcastle every year (back there again end of this week)then became a keeper The soap bar pick up has a little white light inside it which comes on when plugged in and its got a great sound to thanks to the unique position of the pick up, plus uses very little battery life
  10. [quote name='Dread Bass' timestamp='1355589088' post='1900291'] Yes! If it wont work BURN IT! Here is an iphone pic of mine. [/quote]i saw this in the work shop stunning but luckily neither Jon or I can play leftie so we have no idea what it sounds like
  11. here is my Sterling ray 34 I recently got hold of its a great plug in and play bass cant wait to gig it soon I had a blue Stingray 5 back in the 90's and regretted selling it to this day
  12. hi folks Last Three shows for the Daintees are Leeds Brunell social club on the 20th December then two nights at The Cluny Warehouse Newcastle for our Christmas Special Fri 21st & Sat 22nd December have a great Christmas and New Year
  13. hi folks Last Three shows for the Daintees are Leeds Brunell social club on the 20th December then two nights at The Cluny Warehouse Newcastle for our Christmas Special Fri 21st & Sat 22nd December have a great Christmas and New Year
  14. hi folks Last Three shows for the Daintees are Leeds Brunell social club on the 20th December then two nights at The Cluny Warehouse Newcastle for our Christmas Special Fri 21st & Sat 22nd December have a great Christmas and New Year
  15. hi folks Last Three shows for the Daintees are Leeds Brunell social club on the 20th December then two nights at The Cluny Warehouse Newcastle for our Christmas Special Fri 21st & Sat 22nd December have a great Christmas and New Year
  16. [quote name='lettsguitars' timestamp='1355530006' post='1899772'] Lou returned the bass after noticing some twisting in the neck (a lot of twisting in the neck). I must say it is the only neck I ever had trouble with. Anyhoo, mad him a new neck, nice one, the bass played great and I had alot of compliments from friends etc. I, however had a bee in my bonnet about the carve. The bass was made before my stuff really took shape and I finally fell into my neck-through groove and found a decent level of continuity of carve and contour. It kept me awake one night too many and found it's way into the wood burner like a good few of my early guitars and anything else that I dont think is right. Lou is still waiting for his replacement and is very dubious about leaving any of his 'early models' with me nowadays. I have 2 of his sitting here waiting to be picked up after a few updates. Jeez,it's cold tonight! I feel a burn comin! [/quote]are you about tomorrow or Monday I'll drop in
  17. [quote name='andydye' timestamp='1355479770' post='1898833'] Lovely! Destroyed!? What happened to it? It was gorgeous too!! [/quote]Good question you'd have to ask Mr Letts about that
  18. [quote name='JohnFitzgerald' timestamp='1355489212' post='1899057'] I would have called that cab an 1818x. Am I wrong ? [/quote]Thats Bang on the money my friend yes 1818x was the name of the cabs
  19. the pink one had a broken truss rod so I had John Diggins respray it Pearl Blue with neck and head binding he also fitted SN2000 pick ups which are now in my green GA24
  20. Here are the six I had back in 99/2000
  21. For what its worth this was my rig many many years ago a really old GP11 series 2 with the original hard wood case UV light and giant fan plus a series 6 200 watt head(not pictured) a 1018 1x18 cab which sounded great and a multi stack 2x10 on the top which I used to give to our drummer on gigs the GP11 used to break down a lot so I replaced it with a Peavey Firebass 700 which turned the rig into a monster sorry bout picture quality its a scan of a photo
  22. very nice have a bump on me
  23. [quote name='Chris Horton' timestamp='1354959616' post='1892318'] What bass is this ? It looks lovely. [/quote] its a Letts custom nitro bass have a look at www.lettsbasses.co.uk
  24. hey guys/gals I'm in the market for some double gig bags and have spotted these Madarozzo bags on the net has anyone got one or had one what's your opinions ?? http://www.soundunlimited.co.uk/products/madarozzo_double_electric_bass_guitar_gig_bag_ma-g0050-debbk
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