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Posts posted by chrkelly

  1. [quote name='philparker' timestamp='1422994966' post='2679347']

    ...and how would that Bryant sound on a cheap DB?

    In the right hands (not mine!)...awesome. I'd rather play a crap bass with a good bow than a good bass with a crap bow.

  2. I've never liked any Yita I've picked up, they're way too long & the balance is all off. I've got a Finale carbon though that's amazing for the money. They come in at under £300 including case from the states. I've played a Grunberger Carbow in the past too that was lovely but for the purposes of the OP, it's way too much money for a beginner bow. My advice is buy Finale & be done with it. A Yita will just annoy you & your teacher in the long run. For reference, my 'proper' bow is a 3 grand Bryant & the Finale compares favourably in all aspects other than sound (you'll never get that tone from carbon).

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