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Everything posted by chumba

  1. [quote name='spinynorman' post='627181' date='Oct 15 2009, 06:12 PM']Usual expressions of outrage, how come no-one wants ... such a bargain ... don't any of you beggars practice ... etc etc.[/quote] Hi there i haven't been in here for a while ..I may be interested ...I have the crappiest practice amp ever but i want to upgrade to something that will help me with my slap/pop technique...would yours be sufficient??? or in honesty should I be upgrading again ...thanks for your advice
  2. Sound advice ...if i may use a pun. It's nice to have it all confirmed. i do think a good amp is in order and i am trying to move from each note as quietly and as smoothly ...trying to get to an easy note with the occasional run. It's in my enthusiasm i leave a note ringing and annoys the hell out of me as i never do this on the guitar ...However......keep practising i am enjoying this much more than the guitar ....I think it's a much harder technique, but for some bizarre reason far more enoyable. any other advice on practising gratefully received cheers
  3. Thanks for that paul. I plan to purchase a good amp but a little homework and research first...plus practise. cheers
  4. Hi all A couple of questions if you don't mind. Firstly i am loving playing my new bass. I have a really pish wee guitar practise amp that sounds totally crap....however heres the question. I played the guitar fairly competently but...while playing the bass the tone is qute crisp and missing the lower end. i reckon a lot of that has to do with the amp ..but..despite practising I am still getting a lot of hanging notes despite trying hard to make clean moves and clean notes. Also a real rub noise when moving from string to string ie the actual string itself is being really amplified greatly. Is it just the crap amp? Is there anything else I can try to improve my technique or will a good bass amp really improve it and the sound that much? I and the bass sounded great in the shop through a mega amp ..but then again I was totally hung over ! Any help pointers advice greatly appreciated....I couldn't practise any more if I tried ! cheers
  5. Thanks for all the advice ..it is indeed a wonderful obsession
  6. too kind my friend. I like the tone from this bass it suits our style and sound. sometimes when you buy something new you over analyse..however.. I am well into this new obsession ..sorry hobby !! thanks for being gentle with a newbie ... back to practising!!! cheers
  7. you know what ? I think it's just poor technique ...must keep practicing!!!
  8. Hi John tends to be as I leave the string a ringing as if the string is hitting off the fret
  9. Hi all I am asking a lot of questions but I am new to all this. While playing my new bass yamaha rbx270 I tend to get a ringing sound from the strings .....not as smooth as i would like. Is it the strings ? or does The action needs lowered? I know it's not me as on another bass i don't get the same ring when I change note. I bought the guitar in a bit of a hungover state and just paid and left ...not a good idea I know ..but impulse purchase! Any help greatly appreciated
  10. superb advice lads thanks
  11. Hi all I know i am a newbie and probably this is a really daft questoin ...but.....I have been playing bass for only a few months. A borrowed one from a friend and my newly acquired one. However I have been putting them through a small cheap guitar practice amp........please tell me that a good bass amp will make a massive difference ? thanks and apologies for the stupid question but sometimes just a little confirmation is a good guide to progress.
  12. Hi there i would also recommend strung out guitars at kings court glassgow ..google them ..they did agreat job for me on a guitar and i know they do basses too
  13. chumba

    Hi all

    Hi all, Just saying hello. I was a guitar player until we needed a bass player ...and ...have I loved the change....got myself a good old obsesion now! Desperate to learn more and different styles hope you tolreate me while i amon this learning curve. just abought a yamaha rbx 270.
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