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Posts posted by Jonse

  1. Like you say, if you've never had any issues before I wouldn't bother. In fact, you might cause yourself some problems by adding some shielding and having the electronics ground out on it. 

    If it ain't broke...

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  2. Lovely all valve Orange up for sale. 

    I've owned and used this for a few months at band rehearsal but I'm moving it on since picking up a Traynor Yba-300 which I prefer. I sold another one of these last year. Yes, I had two.

    Cosmetically the amp is in good condition, there's a couple of small nicks in the tolex which I've tried to picture but as you know that's quite difficult.

    Valves sound very good and deliver ample power, I'm not certain how old the valves are but there's still plenty of life in them - no pops or odd noises. Pots are smooth without crackle. 

    There's a two smart covers included: one Orange and one Roqsolid. The Roqsolid fits over the Orange one quite tidily. 

    Somewhat sad about moving this on as I really do like the sound however I can't justify owning two valve behemoths. I'll definitely miss the excellent valve saturation you get at higher volume, which the Orange delivers in spades. 

    Will not ship, simply too heavy and fragile at 26kg. You can come round and try this through my cabs if you like. I am in Leicester. I will drive reasonable distances to meet.

    Offers considered, no trades though thanks, too much gear already. 

    Thanks for looking,






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  3. 41 minutes ago, Roger2611 said:

    I have a reverse situation as well, a couple of years back we supported a former chart topping band from the 80's at The Soundhouse in Leicester, a venue apparently well known for being a pain to get a good sound in, a mate of mine had said "make sure you let the in house sound guy do your sound" we duly did and given the reaction from the crowd it was a good thing, the main band used their own sound guy who appeared to ignore any advice given by the venue's sound man, the result was that they were possibly the worst sounding headline band I have ever heard!

    A win for us as a support act!

    The Soundhouse is okay, I think they always crank it too loud for the size of the venue though. Supported a female - fronted band a while ago and her screams and yelps were just ear piercingly awful - way too loud and too much treble.

    It's cool that they have their own lighting guy though. 

  4. 13 hours ago, radiophonic said:

    I just don't get why they don't offer the neck as an option on the other MIM basses (since they make it anyway) and why are they able to offer a rosewood board on this single MIM model. Fenders are basically modular after all. OTOH I suspect they are a bit embarrassed by the bridge being a significant mechanical upgrade on the usual sardine can. It even has a Fender logo on it! For the record it was a toss up between this and a 'Performer' P/J. They look like good basses, but this is waaay cooler.

    You made the right choice. 

  5. A KCC Precision that was my brother's originally and some no-name combo amp that came with it. Both were P.O.S linked together by some garbage cable that never worked properly. 

    Ragging aside, they let me start my first punk bands with my friends and, several thousand pounds later, here we are. 

    The KCC eventually got a viking funeral and the practice amp ended up in a skip after we decided to spray paint our band name (Hell Tramp) onto the front of it, thinking nothing of the speaker cone 😂

    I still remember practising in my best friend's car-port trying to nail Misfits songs. Me and my brother with two tiny practice amps while he pounded the hell out of his drumkit. Good times.

    Edit: Bass and amp were off a website called Ebuyer (think it's still going and sells computer parts.) This would have been about 2004/5 when I was 12/13.



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