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Posts posted by Jonse

  1. Few additions to the setup. Not wired up the power yet but its all running off a Walrus Audio Phoenix mounted underneath the board. The RTG and Echobrain at the top right are linked in a loop to the LS2 which I use for a creepy intro / outro to the bands set. 

    The position of the Diamond compressor kinda annoys me but the large ends on the mogami cables force me to do it. Its always-on and I never fiddle with it so whatever. 

    The STOP tin at the top contains my ear protection and reminds me to STOP playing too many notes... 


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  2. 2 hours ago, Deedee said:

    All joking aside, has this issue since been resolved on the newer cabs? I'd like to try a Four10 in the future but I must admit as a current user of a Super Twin and having owned several other models over the years, I personally would prefer them to be coated as the other cabs are instead of vinyl covered.

    I've owned a six10 from new for the past 2 and a bit years. I leave it in hot cars and stages and don't particularly baby it. No issues regarding the tolex or anything else for that matter. 

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  3. I've owned a Road Worn Precision from new and apart from the aged lacquer, there was no knocks or dings in the neck (plenty on it now though!) 

    Anyway, is the lacquer cracked or is it a sort of V-shaped ding? If you're keeping it, I've had varying success drawing those knocks out with a wet rag and an iron and steaming the knock out. There's a bunch of instructional videos on YouTube but YMMV of course! Either that or learn to live with it, the roadworn series seems pick up knocks and dings like no other. Kinda let's you add your own stamp to it in a way! 


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  4. In my opinion (!!!) the best stuff they've done in the last decade is their roadworn line, why can't they expand on that?

    Roadworn 60s Precision?

    Roadworn 51 Precision?

    Roadworn Telebass? 

    Sure they pre-aged look is polarising but it's more original than this. 🤷‍♂️

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  5. 6 minutes ago, Skinnyman said:

    Music Junkie's gone? That's a shame - although I'm not surprised as it was tucked out of the way and always seemed pretty quiet.

    I used to be the same and worry about trying stuff out. I could never decide which i hated more; the silent shop where I'm the only person making a noise, or the busy shop with two people playing different parts of Stairway To Heaven, one metal head playing a Marshall stack at full volume, a fourteen year old playing EVH licks faster than EVH himself and a middle aged bloke (me) thumping out Seven Nation Army over and over and over.....

    They went earlier this year some time. Consensus is that they were doing okay but the parent company folded and therefore so did they. 

    Took a mate in there to try out some beginner acoustics and he ended up pranging the £150 Epiphone against a £3500 Taylor. Fortunately it was tuning peg against strings over the soundhole so no damage was done but I about had a heartattack. The shop assistants didn't seem too bothered, whether they noticed or not... 

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  6. I'm in Leicester, our guitar shops (apart from one sparsely stocked one) have all shut down so it's somewhat rare that I get to try anything in a shop. 

    I'm always pretty nervous when trying out gear in shops, it always feels like an audition and I can never really spend enough time with a piece of gear before the shop assistants' gaze gets the better of me. 

    A lot of the time I just browse now without trying anything. 

  7. 4 minutes ago, chris_b said:

    I know presentation/looks is important, but are you sure you're not choosing that Markbass amp because it looks like a  traditional valve amp? IMO sound should be first, second and third in any list when choosing an amp.

    Find the amp you prefer the sound of and then decide if the looks are going to put you off.

    Yes I totally am at the moment. I need to take a trip somewhere that stocks a wider range of amplification, thinking Bass Direct or Bass Gallery is on the cards. 

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  8. I'm in the same boat, two massive amps that I don't really want to lug about any more. I'm thinking of going class - D but I have an issue with how a lot of those amps look. Gotta have form and function! Markbass Casa looks pretty good though, features and looks-wise. 

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