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budget bassist

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Everything posted by budget bassist

  1. [quote name='Marky L' post='265448' date='Aug 19 2008, 01:11 PM']Hey, when were you in there? I did a tour of Denmark St last week on Thursday and when I wandered down the back of that store there was a guy playing a P bass if I remember and another guy sat by him with a six string. It was just before the rain tipped down, sorta early afternoon? I was there with my daughter, dragging her into all the stores I had silly pointy boots on, black jeans and spiky black hair. I looked at that bass that Sid supposedly owned. I'm no expert, but I really don't recognise it as one he obviously used. I like the unyellowed sellotape holding the jack in place. That's obviously from the 70's M.[/quote] I was there on the friday, though that does sound like me! I can't remember seeing you though.. EDIT: i am actually sending them an email now.
  2. welcome shredder! I recently upgraded to a budget stack, got an ashdown EB180 head with MAG 210T and 115 cabs off ebay for £250 and for a budget rig it really does sound pretty good, not amazing but it sounds good for the price. The only drawback is that it's f***ing heavy! EDIT: oh yeah and i like to play rock, metal, funk and stuff and this amp sounds very good for it, fairly versatile.
  3. hey, that looks like it could be a fairly cool build, does the neck i sold you fit alright? I'll be posting photos of a smallish project that i was going to use that neck for soon (got a neck that SHOULD fit off kevbass)
  4. I only skim read it, but if you haven't gotten a decent answer yet, the pickup on my musicman (measuring from the closest edge of the pickup to the point i'm measuring to) is 320MM from the bottom of the 12th fret, 752mm from the bottom of the nut, and around 60mm from the bridge saddles at the closest. On my G&L the same measurements in the same order for the bridge pickup are 348mm, 778mm and 40mm.
  5. [quote name='lowhand_mike' post='265112' date='Aug 19 2008, 12:08 AM']annoying thing is that if you go across the road to the other shop (can't remember the name right now) they are much more approachable and friendly yet they are part of the same company (music ground i think) which is where i tend to head instead of the bass cellar.[/quote] Yeah after i'd been in the bass cellar i went into another shop accross the road, looked very retro, there was a p bass that had apparently been owned by sid vicious behind the counter along with a guy wearing a hawaiian shirt with greased back hair, can't remember what the shop was called though. That was a cool place, went in there, tried out a precision, had a short jam with a guy playing guitar, the guy working there asked what i thought and i told him i didn't like it much, wrong pickup placement and i couldn't get used to it and all that and he was very nice about it all and was like yeah come back in and try stuff out whenever you like mate, really nice bloke and a pretty cool shop. That's what they should ALL be like.
  6. I've never actually missed any bass i've sold, i sold a jay turser MM copy... a stagg MM copy... and a cheapo stagg crappy thing, i've never really sold anything worth missing! Though i'm sure if i sold anything i had now i'd miss it.
  7. Ah cool I might have to look into how to do this sort of thing, i've always been interested in it
  8. You've got a cool room man, and i like how your amp isn't actually on top of your speaker
  9. [quote name='waynepunkdude' post='264321' date='Aug 18 2008, 07:32 AM']Was it the long haired arrogant bloke who sits in there with his girlfriend?[/quote] It was some blonde haired gay looking guy...
  10. just out of interest, do you make these yourself?
  11. I was in london this weekend and i thought i'd pop into the bass cellar to see what's what, particularly the EBMMs. Some VERY nice basses in there, they have a redwood stingray, a couple of 30th anni rays, a blue dawn, my jaw dropped, some real eye candy in there. Like a polite citizen i went to the front counter and asked "would you mind if i tried out a stingray please?". Now being young as i am, maybe i didn't look too rich, sure, but surely that shouldn't stop me trying something out? Much to my surprise "are you going to buy one?" well how the f*** should i know? that's why i want to try one! I wasn't going to buy one that very minute, but towards the end of the year i'll be looking to buy something second hand maybe. Which is what i told him. So then he fed me all this bullshit about how they'll all be sold within about a month and the new stock will be entirely different. I mean come on, i saw the same SUB basses in there last year, and i KNOW they didn't get any new ones in! I've also seen the blue dawn, the redwood and the 30th SR4 on ebay several times, and none of them sold either. New stock my arse. You could tell he just didn't want to let me give one a go because i didn't look like i had any money, and i wasn't going to buy one that VERY second. I mean the point of trying one out is that maybe you'll like it, but maybe you wont. I was hardly going to drop or break one was i? I treat all instruments, be they mine or anyone elses with utmost care because i wouldn't want mine being damaged. Thing is, customer care goes a long way, and maybe if he'd let me have a go on one i'd have come back and bought one later in the year, or bought some little bits like strings or something. But no, f*** 'em, they're not getting a penny of my money now. And i thought instead of flipping him off and telling him where to go, or telling him exactly what i think. I walked out of the shop calmly, and posted on an internet forum about their service which has 3500 registered users and where anybody in the world can read this. You may think i'm overreacting, but a lot of other basschatters have expressed the same displeasures, and NEVER have i been into a music shop and been told that i can't try anything out because i'm not looking to buy this very second, ever. Like i say, good customer service goes a long way, and i thought i'd spread the word.
  12. [quote name='Apothem' post='264217' date='Aug 17 2008, 10:11 PM']OK, the provocation was: let's make the "For sale" section what it says on the tin. Anybody could have done opinion/tip exchange, price research and other soul-searching/mulling over in other sections BEFORE, so that when the axe is placed up for sale, the vendor has ALREADY clear in mind that the bass is DEFINITELY up for sale (first) and at what price (second). This is what the thread was about. In the "For sale" section I would prefer the brutal honesty of vendors stating clearly "if it does not sale within X, it will go back under the bed or to the 'bay".[/quote] Then you've obviously not spent much time on this forum. I'd say 95% of basses and other equipment for sale get sold with minimal fuss, i've bought a few things and not been let down yet. I did back out of one deal, but that was because the seller (no names mentioned) had slightly poor communication and i'd just seen something i'd rather have from someone that i trusted more, but i did apologise for this (though i haven't heard back anyway... figures). But wouldn't you do the same if you saw something you wanted more, that maybe you;d been after for a while for a good price? And a lot of people DO say that if "X" item isn't sold by "Y" then it's staying at home or going on ebay, which is fair enough in my view. It's a free forum and nobody is forcing anybody to do anything.
  13. £550 for one of these is a deal and a half! i wouldn't expect to spend anything under £700 on ebay! Awesome basses, if i was in the market i'd snap this right up, cheapest i've ever seen one!
  14. this is me: And again: I really don't have any better photos of me than that... I'll try and get some taken at my next couple of gigs.
  15. [quote name='waynepunkdude' post='264037' date='Aug 17 2008, 05:52 PM']If you don't like it f*ck off.[/quote] +10000 I'll add some consistency to this post though. What keeps basschat running is that's it's a FREE forum, where people can say what they want near enough, it's a nice thing for the mods let us have a for sale forum and it's a privilege. I don't think that they should begin charging to list items for sale, that's the beginnings of a money making corporate machine, and that's not what this is, it's a nice place for us to discuss basses. I think if basschat did something like that, a lot of members would refuse to post here, and rightly so too. People have the right to withdraw their basses from sale, it's not an official marketplace like ebay, it doesn't have tight rules and it allows the space for the seller and other people to discuss the item in question, price etc, and if somebody realises they actually like that bass, or that it's not selling and they want to keep it or put it on ebay then that's their choice. This isn't communist russia and we're only human, we make mistakes/change our minds. And i think you'll find that 99% of the members on here are genuinely nice people and really don't care at all if somebody decides to withdraw an item from sale, and i think most would entirely understand. I don't think you have the right to complain, not having been a member for very long, not having very many posts and you can't have bought/attempted to buy many things from bass chatters with those 21 posts, much less had anyone withdraw something you wanted. So stop complaining about something that probably doesn't even affect you, particularly when you have so little experience of this forum. [/rant]
  16. I don't think that is bubinga mate, the grain on bubinga is much tighter and it doesn't come in a stain i don't believe. Not all wood behaves the same, it could just be a heavy ash body. Which it looks like.
  17. Ahhh yeah i believe we may have had this conversation before. and i thought you would
  18. That's rather pretty! shame i can't afford it really, would make a nice base for a project.
  19. Cheers guys, i do try
  20. Yeah i noticed this one too and i was waiting for a duplicate thread to pop up on here too. Also what's your tag on the EBMM forum Dub? From our discussion in the musicman thread the other night(or morning whatever) i kind of gathered that you might be a member on there.
  21. [quote name='OutToPlayJazz' post='221785' date='Jun 18 2008, 10:40 PM']Never seen one of those before! That's the first Gibson bass I've actually liked the look of! Good luck with the sale [/quote] Same here!
  22. That's a VERY nice guitar, seems like a good price too from what i can remember, can't seem to find any new on the net though. Shame i gave up on the skinny stringer a while back.
  23. My current rig: I've got a few effects and bits too but i can't be bothered to photograph them. (haha i've just noticed you can see them on the left) I'm going to have another SUB bass soon too, but i'm going to have to split it all up at the beginning of september as the G&L and the new SUB bass (once completed) are going to live at my mum's house when she moves. I'll need an amp too... EDIT: i'm 17, reason i have that is just saving pocket money, working a bit, selling and buying stuff, christmas/birthday presents etc and buying used, it's much cheaper. That rig cost me £1305, bought new it would have cost more along the lines of £2150, so i've saved £800 from buying the majority of it used (apart from a hardcase, a tuner pedal and an overdrive pedal).
  24. thanks, it is rather nice, and i put it on both pickups, active, not sure if it was series or parallel and treble on full pretty much and rolled off the bass a bit.
  25. Was just doing a bit of funky noodling and i thought why not record it to see how it sounds just straight into the PC? And i have to say, i'm very impressed! lots of growl and definition with some good low end, i like it! [url="http://soundclick.com/share?songid=6805168"]Here[/url]'s the link. I may have to record my SUB bass too, just to see how they sound in comparison. EDIT: probably should have used a metronome or something, but whatever.
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