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budget bassist

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Everything posted by budget bassist

  1. Wow he's really good, i love his tone. I was looking at one of those rogue basses at one point too.
  2. I was fed up of the boring old tobias pickups, so i went and installed some barts earlier today courtesy of garbev. They're a little thin though, so there are gaps either side of the pickups, they're not amazingly level either, but the sound makes up for that. I'm thinking of asking a lutheir or something for some bubinga offcuts for free so i can fill the gaps, what do you reckon? I would also like to put a new bridge, bartolini preamp and grover or schaller tuners on it at some point too. Pictures:
  3. I like that rick with barts! very nice!
  4. budget bassist


    Got some pickups from garbev today and installed them, very fast delivery, all working perfectly and he gave me a great price considering! I'd deal with him again no worries Thanks mate.
  5. My friends think i'm mad for wanting another couple of basses, and i only have two! Thing is... you can never have enough... ever! Non musicians don't seem to get that. In fact some of my musician friends don't either. My motto is "if you can afford it... why not?"
  6. [quote name='thebeat' post='248247' date='Jul 26 2008, 03:23 AM']Anyway...back to the question in hand: are bassists, particularly those of the North American persuasion, strange?[/quote] I can be a bit strange, but probably nothing to do with being a bassist, i just have a very strange sense of humour/wacky personality.
  7. I enjoy being a member or the EBMM family I suppose it's just little ways to join in on different things and meet different people. You remember the cliques at school surely? Besides, it's no different from bassists having a separate forum to guitarists and the like...
  8. Oh dear, the level of immaturity in this thread is beyond belief (heh boobs )
  9. [quote name='steve-norris' post='248092' date='Jul 25 2008, 09:01 PM']Hal leonard bass method [color="#FF0000"]boobs[/color] 1-3 with CD's spiral bound £10 posted[/quote] They sound quite interesting
  10. Crap! i was going to bid on that but i forgot! Ah well...
  11. NO PICS NO BASS Lol sorry, pictures would speed the sale along though, good luck, very nice basses, i can't understand why so many are just sitting on the for sale forum not going anywhere, in fact i can't understand why you're selling it! Good luck though mate.
  12. [quote name='waynepunkdude' post='247418' date='Jul 24 2008, 11:51 PM']Just to clarify that isn't a real close up.[/quote] Really? it's a good likeness that...
  13. [quote name='markytbass' post='247085' date='Jul 24 2008, 06:03 PM']Budget Bassist, I wouldn't sell my bass any cheaper than what it was worth even to my best mate. I might chuck in some strings etc but at the end of the day I'm not a chartity.[/quote] Oh yeah i understand that, and to be honest i don't really do it, i just try to sell things at a fair price, after all, money doesn't grow on trees. However some people do think that way, and good on them! Personally though i think basschat can be easier in some ways, potentially not as safe as ebay, but a lot of the people on here are very trustworthy. I forgot my point now... ah well!
  14. Hmm, i don't like it, the skinny stringer looks alright, but the basses = bleurgh
  15. I think part of the thing with basschatters selling gear on here cheap is the fact that a lot of us know each other from bashes or just chatting online and it's a nice community and some of them just feel generous enough to sell it for a bit of a discount on here, and they know that most of the time, if it's sold to someone on here it will go to a good home and they're not going to sell it on for a profit. I agree about ebay though, there's still plenty of people using it, me for one, there are some amazing bargains to be had on there, but like you say, some things really don't go that far off their new price, like a squier vintage modified P i saw go for £155 i think + £20 postage, that's £15 off it's new price.
  16. Looks like something they knocked out of a chinese factory for a tenner. And who else HASN'T heard of the brand "russtone"?
  17. Yeah that's what i'm thinking, and the seller's description wasn't great
  18. [quote name='bass_ferret' post='246557' date='Jul 24 2008, 01:02 AM']Sorry - but dont f*** about with this sh*t if you dont know what you are doing, unless you are prepared to write off your learning mistakes. Its not a cheap way.[/quote] Well considering it was advertised as a 21 fret neck and the measurements were about 1mm off i assumed it would only be a little sanding job and it should fit... Like i say though, it's only a VERY cheap neck and it's only going to be temporary until i can find a stingray/SUB neck that i KNOW will fit.
  19. Ok so i bought a 21 fret neck off ebay for a project body that i'm going to be doing over the summer, and it needs a 21 fret neck, obviously. When it came today i found that the fretboard extended over the neck itself, so the bulk of it is only the length of a 20 fret neck, but the fingerboard is 21 frets long and sticks out over it. If you don't get what i mean i'll attach a picture. basically is there a way of getting that to work with this body without moving the bridge itself and the intonation being all out? IE moving the neck back in the pocket, or screwing the bridge saddles all the way back. If not then i've already left positive feedback for the seller, so i don't think i can return it... i might just sell it on here... or on ebay again.
  20. [quote name='cetera' post='246259' date='Jul 23 2008, 05:11 PM']I'd go for a see-thru pickguard.....[/quote] There are routes in the top of the body.
  21. hmm, black might look good, try getting a load of similar pictures of the same bass in different colours and with different pickguards, (like the photos on musicians friend, they're all the same size and roughly the same angle) and shop a black/white guard onto a red body and see how it looks. I've done it before to see how my SUB would look with a maple neck Also if i were you i'd try and find an SR5 pickup, might take a while but won't cost you much when one does come up, it will make it sound so much better.
  22. Haha saw this thread over in the EB forum too, it's a small world! Looks nice that, maybe a white PG or something would go well?
  23. I'd rather like an ibby of some description... maybe an SR300 or something, or an SX jazz, or a squier jazz.... i have too much GAS
  24. Fair enough, it's a nice bass that, hope you like it!
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