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budget bassist

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Everything posted by budget bassist

  1. Lowering the bridge saddles can be an easier way of lowering your action without messing about with the truss rod, but you don't want it too low. Basically just turn the grub screws in the saddles with an alan key keeping them level and every time just give it a quick play to see if it's still buzzing, i usually keep going until it's so low that it buzzes and just make them a touch higher to stop it.
  2. I'm thinking about getting an ernie ball shirt, they do a fair bit of stuff on their site. Am i the only person that thinks it's wrong to wear a shirt if you don't own/never have owned one of those basses/amps/whatever?
  3. i've not cut pickguard laminates before, but i've cut acrylic a lot of times and for that i just used either a jigsaw or a hack saw, and they both worked fine, i'd have thought the same for pickguards too...
  4. [quote name='simon1964' post='244894' date='Jul 21 2008, 10:37 PM']That would be me They are cracking basses. As I've posted before, I actually prefer the sound of my ATK to my old Stingray.[/quote] Haha sorry!
  5. [quote name='tauzero' post='244938' date='Jul 21 2008, 11:34 PM']Ah, how I yearn for that now-lost crackle with every move I made, the delicate crunch as a foot pressed on the cable, and the spasmodic leaps of effects pedals as the limits of elasticity were reached on my travels around the stage.[/quote] Hahaha all so true
  6. Hi, could you confirm the dimensions of the barts for me please? I have a tobias toby pro 5 and might be interested in swapping them out.
  7. Yeah i was oggling over that one the other day, there's another nice one in one of the shops too [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/OLP-BASS-BASED-ON-STINGRAY-4-STRING-LICENCED-COPY_W0QQitemZ150267317046QQihZ005QQcategoryZ4713QQrdZ1QQssPageNameZWD1VQQcmdZViewItemQQ_trksidZp1638Q2em118Q2el1247"]here.[/url] Damn, a nice OLP MM3 [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/OLP-Stingray-Music-Man-Endorsed-5-String-Brand-New_W0QQitemZ320276148889QQihZ011QQcategoryZ4713QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem"]here[/url] too, i'm liking all the flame top OLPs >_<
  8. Yeah i tried IwTait's dad's at the bass bash (i forget his name >_< ) and though it was a 5 the neck profile was pretty nice with the flat D shape, if a bit wide p-style, but it sounded really nice, ver musicman-esque, though don't get me wrong, i'd much rather have a musicman, but the ATK is a nice bass for the price, if a bit ugly.
  9. Yeah that's what i was thinking, i might have a punt on the chaos 4 or 5 some time... looks like it could have some real growl with those dual MM buckers, though the lack of active circuitry on that one is a bit disappointing. EDIT: that chaos 4 does have active circuitry, but GAK have put it in the passive section (not the first time), sounds like a good deal for £170
  10. It's The dark eternal night by Dream Theater now I love a bit of progressive metal!
  11. Just noticed GAK.co.uk are stocking traben as well now, must have been within the last couple of days, awesome. [quote name='BetaFunk' post='244599' date='Jul 21 2008, 05:20 PM']A few months ago i bought a 4 string Traben Bootzilla from a dealer in the U.S. After one month of waiting for the Bass to turn up here in the U.K. i was informed by them that it had been returned to them undelivered and in a damaged condition. My payment was refunded and i was told that they don't make 'em anymore. So no Traben for me. Oh well [/quote] [url="http://www.guitarampkeyboard.com/en/77175"]Traben bootzilla[/url] on GAK, enjoy
  12. [quote name='phil_the_bassist' post='244552' date='Jul 21 2008, 04:39 PM']You gotta love JPJ on that track! [/quote] Damn right, ace song to play along to!
  13. Aye, what bass is it? Just buy a new neck or truss rod!
  14. [quote name='Sarah5string' post='244540' date='Jul 21 2008, 04:32 PM']We saw them at the Sugarmill in Stoke... they were AMAZING. Got the whole room literally bouncing..[/quote] Yeah, for a band that was so far down on the lineup i was VERY impressed at how they got the crowd moving! [quote name='phil_the_bassist' post='244542' date='Jul 21 2008, 04:32 PM']o yeah, and I'm listening to Ramble On by LedZep atm, it's the only band I can play at work without gettin shouted at![/quote] Haha me too now funnily enough
  15. Led Zeppelin - the crunge Skindred are awesome, played an ace set at download this year
  16. He took pictures of the top of the neck but couldn't take any of the body? something fishy for sure...
  17. Uh, not to be cheeky or anything but i believe the grind has bubinga wings with a wenge/maple neck? I'm pretty sure it has the same specs as my toby. If so, nice basses for the money Good luck with the sale. EDIT: sorry imbuya wings but you were right about the neck, mahogany and maple. Still similar though
  18. Sweet setup there man, very diverse, i'm loving the 5 string fretless acoustic, very different! (and VERY pretty!), that peavey is nice too, not seen one with a finish like that before, did you get a refin?
  19. I've just noticed [url="http://www.giggear.co.uk/home/index.php?m=shop&keyword=traben"]GigGear[/url] are stocking trabens now! I'm actually quite interested, some of them are rather nice looking basses! They look a good price too.
  20. Quite a while ago, late 2007 i believe. Basically the agreed licence ran out and now sterling ball is looking for another company for make OLP musicman basses/guitars, i think he's after something of higher quality of what they were doing before, and slightly lower quality than the SUB bass.
  21. Anybody want to start a glam rock band?
  22. Actually it does look like someone might already have drilled the outer screws for one, because there are two extra holes near the bridge that i'm sure shouldn't be there... hmmm
  23. Yeah, you're also forgetting that everything in the USA goes for peanuts anyway...
  24. I could try it... could be difficult though because they've lost the musicman licence EDIT: just as i suspected, they can't sell me one because they're discontinued.
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