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budget bassist

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Everything posted by budget bassist

  1. I thought I'd give this a sneaky bump, as a few people said they would like to go, however it's looking pretty likely that I won't be able to.
  2. [quote name='funkassassin' post='928723' date='Aug 18 2010, 03:16 PM']if your interested in it then i can hold it for you..[/quote] Sorry bud, as much as I'd love it, I'm really in no position to be spending £500 on anything, let alone another bass! As I said, it'll shift quick at that price
  3. [quote name='Bobo_Grimmer' post='928221' date='Aug 17 2010, 11:59 PM']I'm the one in the top hat... [/quote] Damn, that was my second guess
  4. 500 smackers?! You evil person! If i wasn't supposed to be saving for uni, i'd totally have that! I daresay it won't be around for long at that price! sam
  5. [quote name='Bobo_Grimmer' post='927669' date='Aug 17 2010, 03:50 PM']Here's a shot of us a few weeks back. Got an awesome guy down to where we jam to take a few pic's. was fun. more of his work here at [post="0"]http://www.wip-tricky.com/[/post] [/quote] I'm gonna make a guess.... you're second from the right?
  6. Sorry mate, forum rules say you have to post a price, I'm going to make an educated guess, and say somewhere in the £700-£800 ballpark. Sam
  7. budget bassist


    Such a shame, we never really talked at length, but from the few times I've spoken to him on here, he seemed like a genuinely nice bloke. My condolences to you, Rich, and the rest of his family and friends.
  8. Rounded pole pieces are a newer thing, the pickup poles are not adjustable, and they are staggered to give an even response across the strings. If it really bothers you (your technique must be very strange as it never happened to me), you can either lower the pickup itself (just tighten the screws) or you can put electrical tape or something under the pickup cover. Simply unscrew the pickup completely and the coils will come right out, they're very simple and you shouldn't have much problem getting them back together unless you're REALLY ham fisted.
  9. Just for a laugh, me at a pirate party a few weeks ago!
  10. [quote name='7string' post='924568' date='Aug 14 2010, 12:40 AM']Found the weight listed online as 85lbs.[/quote] That's half of one of me! Makes my back ache just thinking about it!
  11. As jim.c seems to have said, seems like a load of marketing bollocks to me, like most of Sterling Ball's "new products".
  12. [quote name='Mykesbass' post='924023' date='Aug 13 2010, 03:24 PM']10?[/quote] Damn, beat me to it as well!
  13. I'm going to be REALLY original and say, me. (however, i'm not well known)
  14. haha brilliant! Did you just tape a pickup, a bridge, a tuner and a jack to a curtain pole?
  15. [quote name='snip' post='922199' date='Aug 12 2010, 12:18 AM']What exactly goes wrong with the jack socket. I have a streamer jazzman 5 string and sometimes the volume I'm playing at drops and then comes back. I used to think it was my amp, but I'm not so sure. Love the bass though....[/quote] They buzz/hum/cut out when moved etc. They wear out pretty quick. Every bass I've ever owned with a barrel jack has had to have the bass replaced, it's by no means exclusive to Warwick.
  16. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' post='918837' date='Aug 8 2010, 04:34 PM']Dont you think its just from where your hand finishes going up the neck,Mine has the line but It was not there when I bought it new? It just being a dirt ending line also explains why the laquered necks are the same, There is no way they would blend 2 types of laquer at the head joint.IMO[/quote] No, as i said, the headstock is lacquered and the neck is not. I'm not sure about the one with the lacquered neck, sounds a bit odd to me. If it was wear, it definitely would not form a perfectly straight line!!
  17. Not too sure what you're on about, all the slots on the tailpiece of my warwick are cut to the same size.
  18. [quote name='warwickhunt' post='922113' date='Aug 11 2010, 10:55 PM']Run that past me again! So it doesn't come with the correct tempered EADG sized slot (I correct myself, the early basses only had two sized slots EA and DG)? If it does have different sized slots are you saying that direct from the factory they arrive strung for right handed i.e. the G string sitting in an E sized slot and vice-versa... if so I'd be kicking off big style (in the meantime taking the bridge saddles out and reversing them whilst typing a snotty letter to Warwick hoping for a free box of strings ).[/quote] Aye, I'm sure the bridge saddles can be removed and moved around... Correct me if I'm wrong.
  19. Had a streamer $$ (still have this) and a corvette $$, only thing i can complain about is the jack socket. Had to have them replaced on both as soon as i got them. Aside from that, great basses.
  20. If i do get into trouble financially though, my plan is to sell either one of my bikes or one of my basses, they're fairly good investments in that they're still worth quite a bit of money, rather than spending all my money on going out partying etc!
  21. [quote name='blackmn90' post='912413' date='Aug 2 2010, 01:08 AM']Iv just looked through the whole 16 pages and i love the fact that so many of you were like me and whinged about EMA for the 2 years i was at school. But how many of you are in the new and much worse situation where people at uni get £2900 grant based on their parents income for the same reason. I of course didnt get it and for that reason couldnt afford the rent while everyone who did have it funily enough bought lovely new equipment. Having said all this im a spoilt brat and although i work, my dad gave me £200 so i could get my latest addition, my Warwick thumb fretless NT5.[/quote] Aye, i should be getting the full grant or most of it. I'm going to try not to spend it on crap like bass gear or a games console or whatever like a few people i know have. I refuse to have to use my overdraft.
  22. [quote name='thepurpleblob' post='896913' date='Jul 16 2010, 09:54 PM']Yes - both my four string with the waxed neck and my older five string with the lacquered neck.[/quote] [quote name='WarPig' post='896991' date='Jul 16 2010, 11:43 PM']Same here [/quote] It's because the back of the neck is oiled, while the back of the headstock is laquered... you can feel it if you touch it. Not sure about the lacquered one, i can only assume it's a different type of lacquer.
  23. that was short lived
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