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budget bassist

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Everything posted by budget bassist

  1. [quote name='stoo' post='203715' date='May 21 2008, 01:43 PM']But have you tried any of the HH OLPs? They come with an active preamp and 3EQ setup and bucketloads of fat sound. Can't see any problems with the tuners on mine either - they're way better than the ones on my MIM Jazz anyway - not that that's saying a great deal. Seems odd that EBMM decide not to renew the license/contract with OLP just as they start getting their act together - maybe they've decided to run their own asian budget range manufacturing plant rather than see a share of the profits from their designs go elsewhere...[/quote] Actually according to sterling ball they're looking for a better company that can do something more like the SUB basses again i believe, so it might be worth waiting for this new batch to come out.
  2. Yeah, same here. Probably the most useful part of it is being able to mute everything but one track and slow it down, makes the learning process so much easier.
  3. ah fair enough And there's nothing wrong with a bit of pointy porn
  4. Oh dear, i did notice that earlier and wonder.... but i'm not too interested in p-basses... it's just a standard MIM, jesus, it's almost as bad as that 'steve harris p-bass' but with a slightly more realistic price XD
  5. Good idea, i might do that in a bit actually.
  6. [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/WESTONE-THUNDER-III-ACTIVE-BASS-BLACK_W0QQitemZ280228946790QQihZ018QQcategoryZ4713QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem"]westone thunder III[/url]..... niiiiiice! nice looking [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Aria-Pro-II-Bass-Guitar-CSB-450-Excellent-Condition_W0QQitemZ120261261523QQihZ002QQcategoryZ4713QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem"]aria pro II[/url] Anyone know what aria STB jazz copies are like?
  7. haha awesome, looks a bit heavy though
  8. There's some nice stuff on denmark street, but they key is to haggle them down a bit, i found them expensive too. If they think you're genuinely interested in an instrument they'll most likely let you do it considering most of the shops down there aren't owned by big companies and the people working there don't get a fixed paycheque.
  9. Quite honestly, i get bored learning bass on it's own. What i'd recommend is that you get guitar pro (pay for it or otherwise) and let her play along to that, then once she's competent at playing to a song on guitar pro, let her play along to the actual track without the guitar pro tabs in front of her. That's how i do it, i much prefer playing to music than not and if she's someone that gets bored easily that's probably the way to do it. Of course i'm assuming that you play an instrument... if not, drop me a PM or something and i can dig up a guide how to read tabs and a few links to some good tabs/guitar pro file sites and all that stuff if you want her to teach herself (i did it). Oh and i can explain what guitar pro actually IS haha (very useful is what it is!) Also you're never too young to be in a band, my first band when i was 14 i think had like a 9/10 year old drummer! (we were crap, he was good for his age though )
  10. [quote name='lwtait' post='203134' date='May 20 2008, 06:47 PM']they seemed bigger than that, but im not 100% so ill have a lok tommorow. he's not a bass geek, hes not very good, hes much more of a drummer. i think he just fancied doing one up. how are they not humbuckers if they have two rows of pole pieces? have they only got 1 coil or something?[/quote] They're probably not wired as humbuckers, am i right in thinking humbuckers in parallel and single coil in series? If so those two rows of pole pieces are probably just wired in series but in a case to look like a humbucker.
  11. Damn, looks like MIM jazzes sell fast on here judging by the other one a few threads down, nevermind.
  12. sh*t, you're joking? I was looking for a MIM jazz and that price is just too good I'm really going to have to give that some serious thought tbh...
  13. That's good postage! glad to see it finally sold dood!
  14. I'm thinking about getting a MIM jazz sometime soon, reckon these are better than standard jazz pickups? if so i might look you up if i get one
  15. nice garden Nice bass though, i've always wanted one, in black though
  16. Bearing in mind they haven't even bothered putting any in nottingham there's at least 7 missing that come to mind.
  17. I do think that's over the top, but conklin make some VERY nice extended range basses. Not many 5 strings though, which sucks. They do some really beautiful stuff, though as i say, that's a bit of an exception, though i guess he likes it.
  18. [quote name='ashevans09' post='202549' date='May 20 2008, 12:42 AM']Can't really claim to have an "other half" since me and my lady haven't been together that long in the grand scheme of things...but she's been to all but two of my gigs in the time we've known each other, and actively encourages me to go to practices and *shock* buy basses. She helped me set up and unwrap my new cabs.[/quote] We all wish we were that lucky My ex used to like it because she played guitar, we used to jam a little bit, was pretty cool. Also a couple of girls that like me (i know i know, can't get enough) keep asking me to teach them bass too bad i suck! haha
  19. [quote name='Bassman101' post='202441' date='May 19 2008, 09:34 PM']Anybody have any suggestions for this one, ive got a Warlock Bass, Nj series, the ones with the widow headstock (i think) its the one which has two horns, anyways, i need a case for it, a hardcase, and ive tried looking for one for a long time, only coming up with cases in the USA which are cheaply prices, but the postage is amost twice the proce of the bloody case!, ive seen one on ebay for like £70, but i was wondering if anyone knew of a UK Dealer who supplies BC Rich Cases (I duno, id like a matching case, just seems more... Matching?) Thanks Guys. Dazz.[/quote] Would it fit in a coffin case? it wouldn't be molded to the exact shape but it would look damn cool with it. Also i'm not too sure on the BC rich dealer thing, give BC rich an email and they should give you an address/number for their UK distributor.
  20. Man that would look pretty damn sweet
  21. £1250 sounds reasonable i suppose... i mean they are pretty damn rare, and supposedly pretty good, however i'd never buy it as it's pretty ugly and probably weighs a tonne... plus i couldn't really warrant spending that sort of money, as said, it's worth whatever you're willing to pay.
  22. man i bet that sounds like crap! is the neck joint nice and flush? [quote name='NickThomas' post='201785' date='May 18 2008, 10:00 PM']I'll bet you get a lot of bottom on those pickups![/quote] LOL
  23. I had this a while ago, i found that you just need to keep the tip of the iron clean, use either a damp sponge or flux (great stuff) as mentioned before, and also remember to tin all components first. It's pretty simple as long as you remember those two things.
  24. [quote name='Huge Hands' post='202061' date='May 19 2008, 01:17 PM']At the cheaper end of the scale, my Cort C5 has tight string spacing, which is one of the reasons I'm now thinking of getting something else. I had a look at a Squier p5 recently and it was like a workbench in comparison![/quote] Yeah, the squier P5's neck is like a spade, it's horrible. Also SR5 necks are pretty wide, i wouldn't recommend it. My tobias' neck is pretty nice feeling though, nice and tight and the asymmetrical neck feels really nice. Nicest neck i've ever played on a budget 5, or any 5 for that matter. The SR505 has a nice thin neck too though.
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