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budget bassist

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Everything posted by budget bassist

  1. Haha sounds like a fun night, the girl wasn't too bad looking, i wouldn't have complained
  2. if that had a maple board i may have been willing to trade my two babies for it but probably not
  3. I actually rather like that precision The finish looks really good for something home made.
  4. hmm that's true, i'd still want to try it though, that's a damn good price. Damn! i wish i hat the money for that beasty!
  5. some nice gear there, i like the white and tort on the precision.
  6. some people dont, depends if you like fret cheese or not
  7. I can almost guarantee that guy is american, just by the fact that it's a ridiculous idea and the stupid 'i'm a moron' grin he seems to have on his face. (yeah i'm not fond of a lot of americans, not all, just a lot) [quote name='queenofthedepths' post='181299' date='Apr 20 2008, 08:18 PM']It's a bit like [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cqeyvKQKEq0"]this[/url] only crap?[/quote] I'd understand if it was a double neck or something, they're not quite as ridiculous....
  8. Buy what you can afford mate and you certainly did that! there's nothing wrong with what you bought, looks rather nice and much better than a standard p-bass! you'll be miles happier with the cort, nice to see a beginner with a bass that's better than either of mine and i've been playing 3 years EDIT: markbass amp too? ok now i don't like you, your gear is much better than mine! nah i'm just joking (it is better though haha)
  9. haha yeah that's one hell of a pay off!
  10. for the frets on my bass i generally just mask the board off with tape and use wire wool, works pretty well for me. Can't comment on the window and glass cleaner though, not sure that would go down to well on rosewood
  11. ampeg BA115, and i'm pretty confident that that particular stack would be a good deal louder than my ampeg. and i would suggest that to them but if we turned down we wouldn't have been able to hear ourselves over the drummer.
  12. [quote name='bass_ferret' post='181295' date='Apr 20 2008, 08:14 PM']If you like it like that who is to say you are wrong. What you will usually get in response to a post like this is loads of posters saying what they do on the assumption that it is correct. What I will say is it sounds like you are leaving yourself with nowhere to go. If you want more bass you have none left. If you get funny acoustics that suck out the bass you have none left. Boosting the eq does have a significant effect on percieved volume. If it is too quiet then turn it up. If you are boosting the EQ because it is not loud enough then you need a [color="#FF0000"]louder rig[/color].[/quote] Yeah, well i bought this a couple of months ago thinking 15" speaker, should be plenty loud. Took it to brand practice the other day and it was clipping all night because i couldn't hear it otherwise. I'm thinking of saving for a warwick profet 3.2 or something similar and get a 4x10 and a 1x15 for it.
  13. [quote name='nick' post='181232' date='Apr 20 2008, 07:04 PM']Another one for those with 'acquired tastes'. Obviously too much time on his hands, possibly in addition to a new Black & Decker [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Customized-Precision-Bass-One-Off_W0QQitemZ290224195577QQihZ019QQcategoryZ4713QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Customized-Precision...1QQcmdZViewItem[/url] One for you Oli? [/quote] Is it bad that i think that would look good without the holes? [quote name='nick' post='161282' date='Mar 21 2008, 10:52 AM']Not a Wishbass, but still weird [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Really-Strange-4-String-Electric-Guitar-Bass-Lead_W0QQitemZ250225356523QQihZ015QQcategoryZ68175QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Really-Strange-4-Str...1QQcmdZViewItem[/url][/quote] Sweet jesus, it looks like it's been nailed together out of old 80's kitchen worktop cutoffs
  14. Sweet jesus that has to be the stupidest looking thing i have EVER percieved, no joke there. And in anwer to your question... i wish i knew too On a side note, how in god's name would you be able to reach the bass side of that bass comfortably and play it fluently? And is there even an application that warrants such a retarded instrument?
  15. Yeah to be honest i have to play a bass to see if i like the neck or not. A lot of people may say the like X neck, but i go and try it out and find it's nothing special, like the warwick i tried the other day, really didn't get along with the neck. Then there's the stingray, that neck shouldn't be much special to me but i love the finish on ray necks, it's not slim but it's soooo comfortable. It also depends what i fancy playing on it. If i want to use that bass for funk and slapping and stuff i don't mind it being a little bit fat and a little wide because i need the space. But if it's a bass i could use for metal and technical fast stuff then i prefer the neck to be nice and thin with a thin profile.
  16. Sorry, typo. I meant to say IF i turn the EQ down. And i know it generally gets quieter if i turn the EQ down but i didn't think it should be as quiet as that.
  17. Thing is, on my amp if i leave the EQ flat or cut much back then it's really quiet... which really puzzles me.
  18. So here's the deal, i SUCK at EQing my bass, does anyone have any tips/guides on how to EQ your bass for myself and other members? That's including the onboard EQ and amps EQ. I'd be very grateful I know you're not supposed to 'dime' your controls (turn them all the way up) but i don't know how to get a good sound otherwise. I dime the volume and bass on my bass and keep the treble rolled back a bit and on my amp i have the bass, mids and treble near enough all the way up, i kinda like the sound but i hear it's wrong?
  19. I see no images, put the URL of the image in [ img ] [ / img ] tags but without the spaces. Most forums don't allow HTML just FYI.
  20. Yeah i think that's one of the old ones before they really took off.
  21. gutted on his part!! nice one, i shall be awaiting the porn
  22. Nice man, that jazz is VERY well kept to say it's a 64! Also gotta love a bit of stingray, Lovely basses, i have yet to upgrade my sub to a stingray but i'm working on it... [quote name='Old Horse Murphy' post='180721' date='Apr 19 2008, 09:31 PM']Jeez I knew someone would be eagle eyed enough to spot that!! I "borrowed them" for the Jazz as I didn't have any spare straplock buttons- all sorted now though![/quote] Haha i noticed that too
  23. Holy GAS batman! twin lane poors!!?? that must sound sweet! I want but i can't afford
  24. haha sweet! how much was it if you don't mind me asking? The MM pickup is cool too, if it's not an EB one try and get one then it will look and sound sweet
  25. Yeah that's pretty much what they are new.... i think people saw the black and chrome and went nuts XD EDIT: i just read the listing closer and if it is what the seller says it is they sound pretty rare
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