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budget bassist

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Everything posted by budget bassist

  1. I haven't tried a standard jazz actually, but the neck is undoubtedly the best part of the bass, IMO, very slim and fast! I *think* it can run without a battery, though i'm not sure. I don't see what's wrong with active basses, though the preamp in that particular bass is rubbish.
  2. Depends on the dates and colours. The trans finishes used to be made of ash, whereas the solid finish ones were alder, though they stopped doing that a good few years ago. If the lighter one is a trans finish and the heavier one is a solid colour, that would make a lot of sense. All stingrays are made of ash now though.
  3. I don't think it's likely i'll be gigging there again mate! At least not for a while, i'm going to uni in wales in two months.
  4. [quote name='bassmanAzz' post='895182' date='Jul 14 2010, 10:44 PM']Me with my band at 'The Shed' a year ago... it was full im closest the camera [attachment=54276:a_full_shed.jpg][/quote] Git, we only ever had about half that many at the shed!
  5. [quote name='Big_Stu' post='895164' date='Jul 14 2010, 10:29 PM']What I have no tolerance for is the homophobic bandwagon being jumped on when the fact that someone who's entire "talent" is to emphasise to the point of pastiche their gaydom is highlighted. Step into the frame "Alan Carr" and "Graham Norton". [i]Cue the pro-homo line any minute now - that if you don't find them funny you must be homo-phobic.[/i] Having said that, I would say that Dale Winton has the balance just right & does a cracking job, closely followed (resisting strongly the opportunity for an "oo-er missus" there) by Paul O'Grady. Handbags at the ready ............ 4, 3, 2, 1, ................[/quote] I agree completely (except paul o grady, he does my nut in aswell, he's just completely un-funny)
  6. [quote name='jake_tenfloors' post='895083' date='Jul 14 2010, 09:04 PM']But seriously, i hope that wasn't verging onto a homophobic comment as i really have no tolerance for that.[/quote] Alan Carr is a prat, regardless of his sexuality.
  7. [quote name='OldGit' post='894890' date='Jul 14 2010, 05:49 PM']Hence my offer [/quote] I'm in no position to be buying new basses right now!
  8. [quote name='OldGit' post='894867' date='Jul 14 2010, 05:14 PM']Depends .. I'll await the pics but I think BudgetBassist may be a tad ambitious on that price (unless you are buying BB, in which case I may be able to get you a few )[/quote] I don't claim to be an expert on fender prices
  9. Yeah that does actually sound very nice!
  10. That's looking pretty nice, some good grain on there. Part of me says leave it natural! Would look good with black hardware and pickguard.
  11. Nice one! I really want to see this finished, looks like a lovely bass! looking forward to the finished product
  12. Just bought a bass from Dave, nice guy and very easy to deal with, many thanks
  13. I don't tend to start on bass usually, if it's a rock based song, i'll usually come up with a few guitar riffs first. If it's something more synthy, i'll usually start on drums.
  14. [quote name='Maverick' post='890618' date='Jul 9 2010, 05:23 PM']Just a quick one, but has anyone actually reported this as a scam to gumtree?[/quote] It's an ad on gumtree, it's almost a given.
  15. Hmm, 1978, i hadn't even been born until 12 years after that! Makes me appreciate the quality gear we have now!
  16. Lovely grain on that, good luck with the sale.
  17. I'd definitely be interested in buying one! Having seen some of your other work, lysdexia, you take some great shots of both the basses and the ladies!
  18. It'll be a scam i'd imagine, one where he's more than happy to ship the bass, but any mention of you coming to pick it up, and you suddenly lose all contact from the guy... Had that on gumtree a couple of times.
  19. [quote name='BigRedX' post='889328' date='Jul 8 2010, 10:33 AM']Personally I think sound clips are a bit meaningless. All they show is how the current player of the bass sounds with their choice of whatever extra gear they have the bass plugged into. That doesn't mean that I'll ever get the same sound even with exactly the same signal path. The only meaningful sound for me is how the bass sounds with me playing it through my gear in the musical context that I want to use it. Someone else's playing can't show me that ever.[/quote] What BRX said, it depends so much on the pedals, backline etc and most definitely the playing of the person demoing the bass, to the point where video clips mean very little. I never bother listening to them if they are offered.
  20. [quote name='munkonthehill' post='889901' date='Jul 8 2010, 09:49 PM']well i knew if i didnt like it, it would be eas enough to shift on.[/quote] I suppose, although it's generally a good idea to at least look into resale prices etc before buying one if that was your intention.
  21. [quote name='munkonthehill' post='889874' date='Jul 8 2010, 09:18 PM']yip[/quote] Like MB1 said, i think you got a bit lucky with this one!
  22. I'm late to the thread, but i just wanted to get this straight.... You bought a stingray on ebay, having never tried one previously, with absolutely no idea of how one might even feel to play and no idea of the price you should have paid for it.... and then came on here to ask about it, [i]after[/i] you bought it?
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