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budget bassist

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Everything posted by budget bassist

  1. Ah yeah that's probably the case, i wouldn't trust anything after 87 tbh. If you want a half decent musicman copy though i say go for OLP, not bad quality, nice sound and they just started making some even better ones you can find on ebay with the smaller MM style bridge rather than that big ass looking one and dual humbuckers. EDIT: give [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/NEW-OLP-by-Music-Man-Stingray-4S-2-HB-aktiv-Super-Bass_W0QQitemZ330222402541QQihZ014QQcategoryZ4713QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem"]this[/url] a look, or you could wait until a cheap sub bass comes up like i did, closest you'll get to a stingray without actually owning one IMO. Mine was £350 BIN, sometimes you can pick them up a bit cheaper than that, sometimes a bit more but i think that's about the benchmark. EDIT again: [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Music-Man-SUB-Bass-Black_W0QQitemZ260225019648QQihZ016QQcategoryZ4713QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem"]here's[/url] a sub that's on now! 99p start with reserve. Looks to be in alright nick.
  2. I don't like rotos because they're too bright for me all the time, even after they've dulled. I go for ernie balls because they're nowhere near as snappy. But the problem could be the strings, just try putting on your old strings if you kept them or put on a new batch of what you normally use.
  3. Is the thunder any good? i really want one, could probably get one off the bay for £100 or so...
  4. lmao, no strap?? what a con artist! haha that made me laugh
  5. If you want the genuine thing there's a [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Musicman-Sabre-bass-body-and-pickups-Music-Man-1986-USA_W0QQitemZ190209878007QQihZ009QQcategoryZ4713QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem"]sabre body[/url] on ebay at the moment with the pickups in it, you could take the pickups and sell the rest on. Might cost you a bit though.
  6. Ahhhh ok then that probably wouldn't be too hard if you know how to wire them.
  7. No 8 Ohms each but i only really used one with it. The other hasn't really been used. Also bump for new stuff added
  8. Damn! i remember seeing this up on ebay and thinking that's REALLY pretty! Shame i don't have the money but good luck selling it, that's a good price, i can't understand why it's not sold yet! (it really is a small world though eh? )
  9. Changing your jazz p'ups for split coils? That could be difficult, you'd have to re-route the body for that and i wouldn't do it unless you've had experience with this before or if you get a pro to do it. You'd also have to get a custom pickguard cut. I wouldn't imagine wiring that would be too hard if you know what you're doing though.
  10. Yeah i rather like that actually, i'm not usually a fan of sunburst but that looks really nice.
  11. I'm not sure westone ever made one of them but in case they did all the info you need is [url="http://www.westone.info/indexbasses.html"]here[/url]. After a brief look it appears westone didn't make that and someone has just slapped a westone sticker on a cheap musicman copy. Westone are a japanese made brand made in the 1980's in the matsumoku factory. They were high quality instruments and there's still a lot of them around today because they were so well built. I'm after one actually...
  12. The best bass i've ever owned would be my musicman sub bass. It wins in almost every category. It sounds fantastic, like a stingray because it has stingray electronics, pickups and the same woods as a ray, it plays pretty nicely with the satin neck (though that's going glossy with use), it looks really nice after i changed the pickguard, the paint looks sparkly in the right light and for £350 off the bay in pristine condition i'd call that a bargain! Before that though i owned a cheap tobias (which i still own) and a jay turser and two staggs so it's not got a lot to compare to but still a fantastic instrument. The best i've eve played, probably a real ray, they have the sound, the look and the feel of a stingray.... just a really nice bass. I love stingray necks. a little bit fatter than what i might like ideally but the finish on it is a smooth as butter.
  13. Yeah i have a friend with a squier VM fretless jazz, he swears by it and it is a nice bass. The fretted one with the maple body and board is pretty damn nice too.
  14. Bump! Come on somebody must be vaguely interested! These are funding my download ticket!
  15. Yeah i find a lot of music shops are like that. I've been asked to stop playing a few times. Why stop playing? If i'm thinking about buying it then i want to try it out don't i! Yes The internet is taking over but only because the high street music shops don't fancy lowering their prices (and their attitudes) a bit. Though ironically I have probably had the best service from sound control nottingham, me and the bass guy there get on fairly well and we actually know each other by name now, haha. their prices are pretty high but they are pretty helpful. The other month i went in and spent a good while trying out 3 basses at around £350 pretty convinced i was going to buy one and think they were too. Ended up getting the sub on ebay instead. But they never treated my badly after that, i bought the ampeg from sound control a good month or so ago, good service but it arrived 3 weeks late (admittedly that was the fault of the other stores, not theirs) but it was service with a smile all the way. I find that if you want a lot of music shops to take you seriously you actually have to show them the money or actually have spent money there before. I've had rude sales staff from a couple of shops in nottingham until i actually bought something, now they treat me like the king or something. Oh well, until they lower their prices or change their attitudes they're going to be faced by the same problem
  16. A wah pedal i use it for about one song Oh and a string winder that doesn't fit over my tuning pegs.... fantastic
  17. So are the any of the muffs any good? (mig muff, little big muff, whatever other muff) I know burton used one, but i asked some guys in a shop and they reckoned it was crap for bass, so what do you guys think? I'm looking for a decent upgrade from my crappy old behringer overdrive pedal.
  18. For sale is a pair of Skytec 12" 125W RMS PA speakers with horn. They're decently loud and would probably suit a small gig/band practice. They're just over a year old. I was using them in conjunction with a crate powerblock for 9 months when i played guitar, they've been sat around for the last 5-6 months doing nothing i might as well sell them. They also have metal mounts at the bottom for mounting on top of a bass bin/speaker stand. I'm asking £70 for them as i paid £100 new and they're in great condition. Also cash on collection from nottingham, they're too big to post. The photo isn't new but they don't look much different, i just took off the sticker residue. [b]SOLD[/b] Behringer Tu300 Chromatic tuner pedal - almost brand new, selling because it doesn't really like to tune bass frequencies but i think it's all good on guitar (hoping someone here plays guitar!). I'm asking £15 + postage because it's almost new. [b]SOLD[/b] Master of puppets guitar tab book very good condition - asking £10 + postage (wont be much) Prices are negitiable, Ask if you want more photos of anything. EDIT: turns out the speakers are 125W not 75W.
  19. Just wondering, it's a long shot, but would you by any chance trade that little big muff for a well used behringer bass overdrive pedal, behringer chromatic tuner pedal (almost new) and a master of puppets guitar tab book (good condish)? I need to get rid of them so if you want them let me know... (just so you know the tab book is £20 new, the OD is £15 new and the tuner is £20 new)
  20. Just wondering, it's a long shot, but would you by any chance trade that little big muff for a well used behringer bass overdrive pedal, behringer chromatic tuner pedal (almost new) and a master of puppets guitar tab book (good condish)? I need to get rid of them so if you want them let me know... (just so you know the tab book is £20 new, the OD is £15 new and the tuner is £20 new)
  21. Damn that's a good price.... I was looking for one of those a while back, if i come up with £300 any time soon i might have to look you up.
  22. My list is relatively short as i've only been playing 3 years. Currently own: Musicman Sub bass Tobias toby pro 5 Previously owned: Stagg musicman copy Jay turser musicman copy Cheeeeeap stagg, not sure what it was called Yup, i like my musicman shapes
  23. Ernie ball (sub bass) that's my main baby And a crappy cheapy tobias
  24. Hi, i'm 17, i come from nottingham, I've been playing bass 3 years, picked guitar up for about 9 months and decided to concentrate on bass again. I own a Tobias toby pro 5 and a musicman sub bass run through an ampeg BA115 and i mainly play metal EG dream theater, trivium etc and Funk (flea etc) on my musicman (that's nearly all i bought it for!) Sam P.S. my gear:
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