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budget bassist

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Everything posted by budget bassist

  1. [quote name='warwickhunt' post='692780' date='Dec 24 2009, 08:47 AM']It could be argued that's the perfect day to end a listing; nobody at work, not likely that there'll be many at the pub @ 19:00, so many folk will be at home lounging off Christmas lunch with access to t'internet at hand. ... or is that just in my lazy world? [/quote] fair enough, i just tend to sit back and get slowly drunk i don't go on the pc much
  2. Ending on christmas day? Not sure the seller thought that one through, not sure too many people will be watching ebay then!!
  3. [quote name='jontywisp' post='692492' date='Dec 23 2009, 06:13 PM']best bass shop in the world! great service, great stock, great people, very knowledgeable and within reason, advertised prices can usually be discussed further[/quote] in fairness the rest of the prices seem reasonable, just the squier VMJ range (the VMP is priced well too) seems to be at a really silly price. I can't help thinking it may just be a typo.
  4. much better, though i can't understand why they've priced the squier vintage modified jazz basses at £350
  5. already?? this was mine - amazing bass, a little silly of me to have let it go, but nevermind! good luck with the sale, TGP is a great guy to deal with
  6. What a moron, of course any bass should be able to have a low action, i don't always want mine like that, but some jazz basses have had the nicest set-ups i've played. As the others said, he's the one that's got to play it, not you.
  7. [quote name='tischbein' post='689490' date='Dec 20 2009, 07:51 AM']Thanx... is says 91,- on Thomann... and that´s what I payed. Well, there is a sucker born everyday. [/quote] nah it's because thomann is based in europe, where the euro is much stronger than it used to be, you paid a good price for it, but over here, thomann is very expensive, as is anything coming from mainland europe or the republic of ireland.
  8. hi not interested in the bass, but every bass i've ever played has had a lower output when on both pickups, something to do with the wiring, someone explained it once but i forgot...
  9. Sweeet, i like that, cool colour. Is the pickup further towards the neck on that? I'd love another G&L some day.
  10. [quote name='waynepunkdude' post='687559' date='Dec 17 2009, 05:56 PM']What else have I ruined? Explain yourself sir [/quote] uhhhhh, nothing..... And that precision looks really nice!
  11. if that feels anything like a '62 jazz bass i'll eat my hat, because it CERTAINLY doesn't look like one!
  12. James hetfield had a similar looking les paul when i saw metallica earlier this year. The man has poor taste in guitars IMO.
  13. [quote]ALL SOLD EXCEPT Small knobs[/quote] Not surprised, who wants a small knob?
  14. i wish you the best of luck with the sale, but it's not all that simple, agree, they're nice basses, but prices go up and down, and right now EBMM's aren't selling too well second hand, you might sell yours at that price, i won't dispute that, as it's still less than a new one, but with people able to get the same thing maybe hundred or two cheaper, people are going to look elsewhere. At the end of the day, it's what people are willing to pay, and with the prices of others going around, personally, i wouldn't pay that. good luck selling though, it's a nice bass, you might get a better deal on a trade though. PS. If you feel i'm out of line here, drop me a PM and i'll delete my post. Welcome to the forum by the way, hope you stick around!
  15. i'm liking it, that burst really is nasty, white should look good. Also, i'm glad that you're actually modding that jazz in good taste, i couldn't bear to see you ruin one of those!
  16. [quote name='wateroftyne' post='680539' date='Dec 10 2009, 07:10 PM'][url="http://feedback.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewFeedback2&ftab=FeedbackAsSeller&userid=music-outlet-shop&iid=-1&de=off&interval=0&items=200"]Apparently not...[/url][/quote] i dunno, he's not doing too bad, sold two 70's fender precisions for over 1000 euros this month alone... though most of his sales seem to be smaller items, pots, knobs, screws etc
  17. [quote name='allighatt0r' post='686460' date='Dec 16 2009, 04:13 PM']Any updates on this project Monsieur Budget Bassist? You left it sat on the cusp of awesomeness! [/quote] haha sorry, i've still not got the right router bit yet! I should really do that soon...
  18. that's mental, a year ago that would have fetched more than double that! The pickup alone would have fetched almost £600 in some cases. Bet the seller is glad he put a reserve on!!
  19. hmm, would be a nice practice amp i guess for at home, not a lot more than that. I don't really see the point in these little amps that are supposed to sound AMAZING in your bedroom, when you're the only one that's going to hear it. I have a cheap £50 ashdown combo for that. Spend the money where it matters, on a LIVE rig. Though arguably, i guess the little bastard could be good for studio recording, as you wouldn't have to crank it to get a nice sound like you would an all valve ampeg or something.
  20. sweeet, and yeah orange are doing LTD ED black and white tolex cabs right now, not sure how long it will last though
  21. mm that is nice, i always have serious GAS whenever these old japanese soundgears come up, seriously nice basses
  22. i have no sympathy for whoever buys that, it's obviously not a fender
  23. get that guy a drum kit
  24. christ, that was an amazing deal just for the amp!
  25. in thailand, he'd probably get shot for something like this, let's hop he gets caught eh?
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