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budget bassist

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Everything posted by budget bassist

  1. your missus looks a lot like janet jackson... And who's that on the right?
  2. That would be my "pretending to play bass" pose
  3. me at a little jam session thing the other week, i kinda like this photo
  4. [quote name='Duarte' post='674627' date='Dec 5 2009, 12:25 AM']True, he did say it would never happen. But hey, it did, and I'm a happy man. He also said ebony on stealth models wouldn't happen, but again, it did. I'm happy about this too. Because let's face it...stealth with a rosewood board looks like crap.[/quote] Aye, they're nice basses, and he's a good businessman, he just doesn't have all of his cards on the table. And yeah, i'm not into the stealth models, but ebony does suit them more than rosewood.
  5. [quote name='Duarte' post='673825' date='Dec 4 2009, 12:49 AM']I don't think matching headstocks are an idea that only fender have used in the past 50 years... for example, my Bongo has a matching headstock... An so did a Dean I had a few years ago...[/quote] i didn't mean that. considering they're [i]classic[/i] stingrays, EBMM never offered matching headstock, it was really only fender that did, back in the day. They never offered any of those colours either (well, trans white, but it wasn't pre-eb i don't think). They're nice basses, but sterling seems to talk out of his arse a lot "we don't make vintage models, we're trying to push the market forward blah blah". Don't get me wrong, he's a clever guy with a good head for business... he just tends to talk sh*t a lot.
  6. [quote name='HeavyJay' post='673804' date='Dec 4 2009, 12:21 AM']I'd be right there with you but for the matching headstock. Not my taste unfortunately.[/quote] yeah, i'm not really feeling that either, they seem to have stolen that from fender, and most of the colours too....
  7. [quote name='danny-79' post='673625' date='Dec 3 2009, 08:57 PM']GAS is getting the better of me for a EB-BONGO 4H[/quote] do it
  8. even if i'm a bit late, in reply to the OP, i'm not a fan of relics either, but i've seen a couple of those roadworn basses/guitars in a local guitar shop and they do look rather tastefully done. I may try one out at some point if i can get over the F word on the headstock
  9. i'd never buy one, but they do look really pretty, especially the seafoam green, sonic blue and shell pink. I think they would look better with the bullet style truss rod nut though, even if it hinders practicality.
  10. aye but bargain bassist doesn't have the same ring this ray is the first new bass i've had since like january though and that ABM head was the first amp i'd bought in about a year so i've slowed down a lot recently! mainly due to the fact that i've spent all my money on bikes instead!
  11. [quote name='MacDaddy' post='672799' date='Dec 3 2009, 07:54 AM']budget bassist? not from bass 4 onwards [/quote] I think with the prices i paid for some of them, i'm still allowed to keep my title
  12. [quote name='OutToPlayJazz' post='672582' date='Dec 2 2009, 10:22 PM']Lots of nice stuff there! How playable were the £10-£40 basses?[/quote] I honestly can't remember, back then as long as it made sound then that was all that mattered!
  13. [quote name='simon1964' post='672581' date='Dec 2 2009, 10:22 PM']Yep - that was possibly the most comfortable bass I've played. Strangely, it felt nicer than my Thumb - although I'd always assumed BO Warwicks all had the same necks?[/quote] yeah i think they do, though i didn't like the body on your thumb when i tried it. it might be different on a strap though
  14. big hands eh? i liked the warwick neck, had a jazz width but really thick profile, really weird but oddly comfortably
  15. yeah the reggie was really nice, AMAZING neck, if i was ever to have another jazz bass, it would be one of them, no doubt about it (if i could find one). I think the ray might stay for a while though, it's a special bass and like you say, a great deal!
  16. very nice bass, looks like a good little treat after a crappy year, but glad to hear things are getting back on track for you, hope you recover soon mate
  17. wow, now that's special!! trans blue burst rays are really well sought after as they're pretty rare, and so are SR5's with white pickup covers, you've got yourself a rare bass there! pretty too
  18. Amps: 1. BB blaster ten watt guitar combo, bought from a friend for £30. Total POS! I don't have any photos of this that i can find. 2. Fat rat 15W amp bought from a friend, again, rubbish! 3. Behringer ultrabass BX1200. Got it for christmas one year, was alright, definitely an upgrade but really didn't sound that great. 4. Ampeg BA115. Nice combo, sounded good but just wasn't loud enough for band practice and the tweeter hiss did my head in, sold again soon after. 5. Ashdown EB180 + MAG 115 + MAG 210. Decent sounding rig, bought for £250 used off ebay and served me well for a few gigs and lots of band practice for over a year until the head blew up not too long ago. 6. Ashdown perfect ten. bought for £50 off a friend a bit over a year ago as a little practice amp to use at my mum's house. It's been perfect for it's purpose since then, decent little amp. 7. Ashdown ABM 300 EVOII. Bought recently from here after my EB180 blew up. Sounds great, has the really gritty sounds i was after and the valve preamp is great! Admittedly i probably shouldn't have gone ashdown after my other blew up but it sounds so good!! A little underpowered though. And there you have it!
  19. I've not had as much gear as you guys, but i've only been playing for four years, and i've only really acquired most of this fairly recently. Here goes: Basses: 1. Cheap stagg PJ bass, pretty rubbish instrument but it's what got me started. A friend of mine sold it me for a tenner, it was purple and COVERED in scratches. It eventually got stripped, varnished with floor varnish and sold for £40 after a £10 set of strings, and i still know the girl that has it. 2. stagg musicman copy. Got totally ripped off on this one, someone i know sold it me for £150 used with monthly payments of £15. Was an ok bass but REALLY heavy. Sold later on for £45, i think it's still within my circle of friends too. 3. Jay turser musicman copy, not too sure why i bought this, other than the fact that it was cheap. Bought from a friend for £40. It was my main bass for quite a while, mainly because i hadn't tried anything better! Came with a really bad blue refin, so i stripped it and refinished it equally badly in the same colour... 4. Tobias toby pro 5-b custom. My first 'real' bass. By this point i had sold all the other basses. Really nice neck on this bass but didn't get on with the sound that much, ended up changing the pickups for bartolinis and then swapping them out again for the originals and selling the bass earlier this year. 5. Musicman SUB bass. Got this for christmas a few years ago, really nice bass for the cash, came practically new for £350. Great sound, decent neck and really pretty too. Sold earlier this year when i realised i barely used it anymore. My no1 bass for quite a while. 6. Here's where i get a little hazy, i *think* this was the next bass, this or the one after that, but that's not important. G&L Tribute L2000. Nice sounding bass and very versatile, but lacked something next to my musicman, swapped shortly after. 7. Musicman frankenSUB/OLP. This was bought in pieces from various places, spent about £200 and it's a HELL of a lot of bass for that! Still very much a work in progress, but hopefully will be complete in a few months. Just need the right router bit and a better soldering iron. 8. Fender Reggie Hamilton Jazz. Acquired in a trade for the G&L. Great neck on this, the sound was nice for what it was but it wasn't what i was after. Sold a few months later again. 9. Warwick Corvette $$. Bought earlier this year and swapped for my stingray very recently. One of the best basses i ever played, fantastic neck, huge and versatile sound, lovely body and just generally brilliant. Traded on a bit of a whim i suppose when something i really fancied came up. I'd love another of these some day, i don't regret the trade though. 10. Musicman Stingray 2008 LE. Amazing bass, traded for my corvette. Tonally very similar but totally different, chunkier neck but great action and very playable. STUNNING colour! The main reason i went for it really. Lovely lovely bass.
  20. [quote name='MoonBassAlpha' post='639136' date='Oct 28 2009, 03:17 PM']I never knew that. I'll add that to a very long list (of things I never knew). Stingrays feel a bit clumsy to me.[/quote] yeah the pickups are ever so slightly smaller too, so you can't replace them without butchering the bass
  21. [quote name='Duarte' post='671731' date='Dec 1 2009, 11:49 PM']They changed to this when they introduced the dual pickup models. There shouldn't be any difference in tone - only less cuts on your fingers and less annoying pops when the strings touch the excessively long pole pieces. A StingRay will not have this problem if it is set up to EB factory specs. Another problem is that people tend to cut mids - and that will not help. There's plenty of threads about this on the EB forum, and they all get pissed off as it is an easliy solved problem that crops up very often. Due to the nature of the build and electronics of the stingray, you must abide by a simple set of guidlines...it's not a problem on mine so I don't know exactly what those uidlines are though....[/quote] '05 then i think, my '03 SUB had the staggered pole pieces but my '08 doesn't. As a lot of people have said on EB forum though, either your pickup isn't raised in the right place, you need new strings, your technique is dodgy or you're EQing wrong. You cut/boost the wrong frequencies and you'll lose the G string on any bass.
  22. just played mine acoustically... i can't hear any problem... I've never noticed any problem amplified either
  23. [quote name='simon1964' post='668464' date='Nov 28 2009, 04:57 PM']So you should be, Sam - that's stunning! You'll miss the $$ though [/quote] haha yeah i do miss it a little (ok we're both silly for letting it go now!), the stingray doesn't have the raw power of the $$, but it's a great bass anyway, and just look at it!
  24. [quote name='MythSte' post='668882' date='Nov 29 2009, 03:33 AM']You appear to be listening with your eyes! I see a ginger but i still think the tracks well played and recorded [/quote] i never said the track wasn't good!!!! i just really dislike cubase...
  25. sounds really good i preferred the fingerpicked stuff though, not really big on slap
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