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  1. Obligatory ‘if you split’ post - I’m interested in the head but don’t have any need of cabs.
  2. 10 Guinea Pigs?!?! That sounds amazing. They make the best sounds. Agree with every take in this thread. It’s a shame that it has to be that way, but also Barefaced are a great company and hopefully this won’t impact their sales. I personally am the proud owner of one Big Baby already and have another in the works.
  3. Thread title! What does everyone think now that they've had a (pretty dramatic - £180 so 20% on the Big Baby 2) price increase? As their email says: Not something that can be helped really, but regardless it'd be interesting to hear what people think generally and whether the consensus is that they are still a good value proposition?
  4. I already have one and if I could afford it I’d be tempted to grab it as a backup 😅
  5. If it was a 5 string I’d be all over it. Sadly I don’t play 4-string any more…
  6. Well, this is keeping me up late so I think I’ve gotta say I’ll take it. I’ll send you a PM tomorrow and we can organise logistics
  7. I did spend quite a while reading and researching yesterday, and I’m strongly leaning towards taking this off your hands - still not quite 100% yet as I’d like to be really sure We are thinking of doing an IKEA trip near Exeter soon. Do you think that’d be a good place to meet? It’s free parking and just off the M5. We can take it to PM to figure out the details if you’d like also. Thanks!
  8. Just wanted to register interest in this and maybe get a temporary hold on it if you're happy to do so? I'm in Plymouth so it's not too bad of a drive to get to Exeter for me to meet half way - just checking and doing some research to see whether the volume will keep up with my current rig (ABM-500 Evo II, but I don't exactly rag it - only run the volume at about 1o'clock).
  9. I have a MIM Geddy and it's a beast. Plays like butter, sounds great and the fit and finish is perfect. I haven't tried the American Geddy but the MIM one beats out the MIA Standard J/P basses I've tried every time. And it looks SWEET (Strings are DR Blacks)
  10. Awesome, thanks! I'll try some P-basses. At the moment I'm playing a Yammy BB415.
  11. Hey all, So I've been tweaking my bass tone recently and there's a specific type of tone I've heard a few times that I can't figure out. Basically, it's really obvious in the verse of this Foo Fighters song: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CHbX3ukV6dI In the verse, about 34 seconds into the video. It has a very harmonic-rich 'ringing' tone, almost with a high overtone in the bass. It just sounds super rich and sweet, especially on those lower notes. I can't even really figure out how to describe that sort of tone, let alone how to go about achieving it! At first I thought it might be some kind of compression trick, but listening to compressors in action I can't hear anything that would hint at it being able to bring out that sort of sound! Any info or advice appreciated!
  12. [size=4][color=#000000][font=verdana, arial, helvetica, sans-serif]Thanks for your fast response! I've done some further digging (along with stringently checking their site) and found this document speaking about changing the diamond inlays: [url="http://www.bandm.co.uk/barnes-and-mullins-news.asp?$=18&o=90#.UmBbRJTXQwY"]http://www.bandm.co....90#.UmBbRJTXQwY[/url][/font][/color] [color=#000000][font=verdana, arial, helvetica, sans-serif]I've also found a couple of similar looking Faith guitars on eBay (Saturn ones):[/font][/color] [color=#000000][font=verdana, arial, helvetica, sans-serif][url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Faith-Saturn-12-String-Acoustic-Natural-Guitar-/200974520981?pt=UK_Musical_Instruments_Guitars_CV&hash=item2ecb03d295"]http://www.ebay.co.u...=item2ecb03d295[/url][/font][/color] [color=#000000][font=verdana, arial, helvetica, sans-serif][url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Faith-Saturn-12-String-Acoustic-Natural-Guitar-/370901757416?pt=UK_Musical_Instruments_Guitars_CV&hash=item565b77ade8"]http://www.ebay.co.u...=item565b77ade8[/url][/font][/color] [color=#000000][font=verdana, arial, helvetica, sans-serif]I found these pics from an early 2003 brochure on their official facebook site from way back when it first started: [url="https://fbcdn-sphotos-h-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-frc3/528833_10150704077542880_284189271_n.jpg"]https://fbcdn-sphoto...284189271_n.jpg[/url]and [url="https://fbcdn-sphotos-e-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash2/546402_10150704077612880_761631683_n.jpg"]https://fbcdn-sphoto...761631683_n.jpg[/url][/font][/color] [color=#000000][font=verdana, arial, helvetica, sans-serif]I guess this more or less confirms that it's just one of the first guitars they made. In my mind that makes it all the more special! [/font][/color] [color=#000000][font=verdana, arial, helvetica, sans-serif]Thanks again for your input![/font][/color][/size]
  13. So I've just purchased a second hand Faith Venus that was originally bought from a music shop in 2005. After buying I've been googling a bit to find out more about it... but now I'm not sure if it's real or not as I cannot find any Faith guitar that looks the same (ie has the same inlays/rosette design, preamp, binding etc). I was hoping someone here might be familiar with Faith guitars and be able to confirm whether or not what I have is the real deal! Pics: http://imgur.com/a/wCEE2 Thanks!
  14. LS-2 has two channels I think I'd still prefer Big Muff + LS2... modularity rocks
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