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Everything posted by Iheartreverb

  1. So the simple question is can it be done? How does it look? My cab is in really good condition but I would prefer to have it in a different colour and I was thinking of spraying it rather than paying to have it re covered. Any thoughts or advice? Cheers!
  2. Part of it is down to perceived desireability. The musicmaster being an entry level or student model at the time gives people the impression they wouldn't want them now. Just like old fender bullet or lead models. In terms of modern playability, the musicmasters are mega heavy, another reason why people wouldn't always want them. I own a 70's musicmaster that I've had custom, creamery pickups made for but due to weight it is my back up/ stay at home bass and a reissue Mustang bass (with Seymour Duncan precision put in) which stays at our practice space.
  3. What a shame! Feel free to message me for details if you want, might not move straight away. Just out of interest, where on Facebook is good for this stuff?
  4. Thanks mate. Just a bit more than I need and find it difficult to not underpower it
  5. still there mate?
  6. hi all, Fancying a change and without a head at the minute I think I might move his on. Specs are as follows, Custom electric blue basket Rolex finish (perfect condition) Grey grill cloth Including orange (brand) soft cover 4x10 300w speakers at 8ohm/ 1200w total Sounds brilliant on all my recordings. No use age issues at all! Collection only from Glasgow. Priced at less than I paid with your petrol money in mind! Might trade for another 4x10 or a head (ampeg/ fender) get in touch with any questions or offers. I will post photos as soon as I can but have them ready so if you want to see them I can email them right away! http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a237/deanjones999/F5BFDCFC-80BA-48C5-8B3A-F99651C6407E_zpsswu2eb6y.jpg~original
  7. [quote name='LewisK1975' timestamp='1443527007' post='2875498'] I think we've all been here at some point - please dude IMHO you (and the other guys in the band) should seriously consider reducing the volume levels for rehearsals. Apart from being completely unnecessary and possibly even counter productive when you're writing or honing a song - as Lozz says you could end up with damaged hearing. Also consider this - when you do get to gigging (I'm assuming you're an original material band who are aiming to be on larger stages rather than pub gigs) - sound guys usually HATE a massively loud backline. That's what FOH systems are for. Backline should only really be for monitoring if you have FOH support and if you are used to having an ear splitting stage volume, you are going to run into constant problems with angry sound men, and ultimately end up having to turn the amps down and be p1ssed off coz you can't get into it with the stage volume being quieter. You may already know all of this and not care! That's fine and I really don't want to be condescending either, so please don't think I'm a know all kn0bhead, believe me I'm not! I'm just speaking from my own experiences with this and I really think you'll benefit in the long run from getting used to playing at lower volumes. I certainly have. For info - I run a 500w class D amp into 2 barefaced super compacts and rarely need to turn the output past 10 o'clock. That's with a pretty loud drummer too. Good luck! [/quote] Thanks for some good advice. Two guitarist are both running 100w twins on about 4. Is a bit too loud for practice but is a small room and seems needed once drummer starts going. I was running my 7pro at 8ohm with the master about 2 o'clock to keep up. But I completely appreciate your point about volume both in practice and live.
  8. Thank for all the advice so far guys! Really appreciated. A fair mixed bag of opinions! Still don't know if 500W will be enough volume wise
  9. Gigging isn't a massive concern yet, my band are about 12 months away from that and I have a DI on my board should I need to use it. This is really for our practice space but I need volume as I'm competing with two 100W Fender twins and rightly or wrongly, we practice very very loud. Again, output wise I needed to run my 7pro quite hard to get the volume I wanted but would occasionally use the -db input to clean the signal up too. My concerns at this point are really with the power ratings of the a,p against the cab and if anyone can offer any advice on this. But take onboard what you say that the smaller options might not be loud enough
  10. Thanks so far guys. In the case of the 500w options I'm just a bit worried of only sending 250(ish)W into a 1200W cab and any negative aspect sound wise or otherwise I might get from that. On my 7pro I would run the gain just before I got the clip light and then adjust volume to taste but even then I would need the volume at around 2 o'clock
  11. hi all, So my Ampeg SVT 7pro just died on me which is being refunded and I'm going to buy another amp head. Trouble is I have a 1200 watt Matamp 4x10 cab (that I got a deal on here on the forums). I'm aware that underpowering isn't s massive issue and in no way detrimental to your gear as over doing it buuuuuut, on my 7pro which is 600W into 8ohm I needed to have the volume fairly high and it's a pretty high powered head, will a "normal" amp even cut it? My shortlist at the minute is Aguilar TH500 Orange OB500 Ampeg PF800 But which the 500W options I'm going to get just half of the total output which is then less than 1/4 of the amps total output; can't help but feeling I'm going to need to nail the amp just to get reasonable volume, am I wrong? At the time of getting my head I nearly bought an Orange TB500 and the guy I was buying it from advised me against it based on power. Any and all a device appreciated. Any questions then fire away.
  12. Raygun effects have them on their site, I think they make lengths to order too
  13. I'm trying to get away from anything that low on my short scale
  14. Hiya. Sorry, should have said. Really dot want to 5 string. To add context I'm playing a 4 string short scale. Some of the issues I'm having are caused by having super heavy strings on it to achieve tuning and getting no subtlety from my playing. The other is that on any recordings if I'm playing root notes they just sound far too low against he guitars. I assume another tuning would sound bette, I just don't know how to play the stuff or how to write (and any potential issues of this) if not in same tuning
  15. hi all, So this band I'm in so far has about 30 mins of music (just two songs. Long instrumental stuff you see) and when we started the guitarist preferred to be in drop C# so has written everything in that tuning. At the time I matched this tuning thinking it would be much easier and quicker if I did. I'm really not happy with it for a number of reasons but I really don't know where to start with re writing the music I have a,ready written in this tuning and writing new stuff going forward. I'll probably tune to Eb so that the other 3 strings are the same but some of the stuff so far utilises both the top and bottom of the neck (the second and 15th frets) and if I tune to this I simply won't have these notes anymore, or at least anywhere I know. Any advice for how to deal with this without playing something that just sounds odd?
  16. Aaaaaaarrrrgggghhhh I want this so bad! (I already have one), I go on holiday tomorrow, might have this if its still here when I get back.
  17. Thanks. Bump again. Someone people take this off me as a project, interested in bass and pedal trades too
  18. I play a short scale 30" in C#, I just had the nut re-cut and put a 5 string set on for tension. Works fine for me. Only comment is that it sounds mega boomy rather than a piano like bass tone. But that's the only comment really
  19. Sorry, the white bass isn't for sale. Is only there as its in my photo bucket album. Sorry if the description is confusing? Are you genuinely interested? What is confusing about the description? I'm Trying to be as honest as possible about the condition of the guitars
  20. Hi mate. Fancy trade plus cash on a programmable sansamp?
  21. Hi all, As the title says, I want to swap my Tech 21 sansamp BDDI programmable (3 channels) for the standard version BDDI plus a little bit of cash my way or maybe another pedal included (I'm open to offers). Reason being is that I'm not using all 3 channels (although I may use another drive pedal alongside if I had one) and I'm not getting along with the lazy pot but it works perfectly as it should and besides a few scratches and stuff is great. Thanks
  22. Hi All, I'm trying to set the level of my sansamp to match my amp volume but I'm having loads of problems because of the lazy pot on the programmable one (the pot doesn't jump up in gain or volume if you change it from its preset suddenly, it's slopes the sound to its new position). I'm finding it doesn't work brilliantly and I only get the effect of the change once I've saved it as a preset rather than when I've moved the knob and allowed it time to change. At the minute I'm using the -db on my amp to calm down the hot signal on from the pedal but I'm sure I would be better if having them matched. Anyone found these issues? Any/ all advice appreciated Cheers!
  23. Don't really have the money at the min but would love this! Any trades?
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