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Everything posted by Roger2611

  1. If you do change your mind the USA Sub basses are utterly brilliant basses and to me are the only bass that truly captures that early Stingray sound, I actually have a passive version and it sounds fantastic, it is certainly one I will be keeping hold of for the foreseeable future
  2. Seeing Poorly Trained Radicals in Brighton, Diablofurs in Leicester, Holy Youth Movement again in Leicester and catching The Dollheads again in Northampton, each gig was utterly brilliant and each gig was under £10.00 to get into!
  3. Bass: Bruce Foxton Stuart Morrow (early New Model Army) Peter Hook JJ Bunel Pino Ali McMordie (SLF) Guitar: Jake Burns (SLF) Billy Duffy Andy Gill (Gong of Four) Keith Levine (PIL)
  4. 3 months out with a trapped nerve in my shoulder (the most painful thing I have ever gone through) followed by three stinking colds in close succession! 2024 was not a good year health wise!
  5. Two of my longest serving instruments are a Tokai Les Paul and a Crafter acoustic, when I brought the Les Paul the shop had about 15 or them hanging on the wall, I knew I wasn't bothered whether it was a standard or a custom and wasn't fussed over colours so I played them all and brought the one I liked best Acoustic guitars have never been my thing, but I needed one and so decided I would buy one and only one and it would be a keeper, I went to a shop in Kettering that had a good twenty or more acoustics ranging from a couple of hundred quid to £1500.00 again I played them all and picked the one that played and sounded best, A Crafter ltd edition SM Rose with this horrific salmon swimming upstream fret inlay (Google it!) I still utterly hate it but it is still the only acoustic I have ever owned or needed....try before you buy....every time if possible!
  6. We used to do the Kaiser Chief's Everyday I love you Less and Less...for some reason every time we were asked to do a wedding the brides and grooms always put it in the set list!
  7. Worth sticking with, we almost gave up at episode 3 but kept going for the promise of a bit of SLF's suspect device, episode 4 onwards was much more enjoyable!
  8. A Hiwatt 4x12 cab with a none descript 1x12 bass cab for £15.00, I only wanted the bass cab and had no idea about the Hiwatt, it turned out to be a mint all original 1960's cab still loaded with Celestion Greenbacks, my local guitar shop gave me £1200.00 in px on it against a Les Paul, so god only knows what it was actually worth!
  9. Played a gig in Corby once, we were told the pub had just been refurbished, from what we could see they had painted the walls and recovered the pool table to cover up the bloodstains, as we sound checked a rather large tattooed fella stomped up and said "play some Coldplay!" then mumbled in a rather high voice "Fix You" before staggering out of the joint, on the upside the landlady was rather attractive and spent the entire evening perched on a bar stool advertising to everyone that knickers were clearly optional...we never went back!
  10. My old band Saving Amy are looking for a new bassist, a rock band with a cracking female singer and some very good songs, nothing overly heavy, they have a number of festivals lined up in the next few months, I have said I will dep for a few festivals if needed whilst they get a new bassist up to speed Lots of stuff available on Facebook Give Duncan a call on 07842 380647 Rog
  11. Right, here we go! Hotpoint, my still in warranty fridge started leaking air in, we tried a new seal, no change, Hotpoint came out and viewed it, said it needed a new door, still leaked, they then realised the whole frame had warped, guess what, yep, that's not covered by warranty...b'stards! Gillette for putting the crappiest gel on the Mach 3 blades that barely last one shave now....40 years a customer now lost! Amazon for the same reason many other have mentioned Weatherspoons because Tim is a cockwomble Milton Keynes and Nottingham for money grabbing tricksy parking rules! Seat, every time I was away from home the darned car broke down on my wife Microsoft, for constantly trying to kill my computers with rubbish updates...hello Chromebook which is far better Bartolinni because every time I have had a bass with Barts installed I have hated the sound There are probably loads more but I am just old and grumpy! Rog
  12. Blimey, I have just realised I haven't brought or sold anything bass related this year! I have to admit to buying 4 six stringers and a nice new lightweight amp set up so the GAS is still there, just pointing in a different direction at the moment
  13. Big dots on my neck, set list, largely committed to memory, but also written in big letters and I look as cool as I did 30 years ago, just with a bit less hair🤣
  14. I am told I can play but remain unconvinced!
  15. Too much to list them all, a Rockbass $$ Corvette being the stand out turd it was horrible in every single way, Thunderbirds, I just don't get them...well stop buying them you idiot! A Custom Shop 63 Precision but that helped me understand why there are so many CS guitars looking for new owners, yes they may be great instruments but not necessarily the great instrument you wanted! A Spector Forte, it was nice but not that nice, a Mesa Boogie D800, yes it says Mesa on it but old school Mesa it certainly isn't
  16. If you can make an extra 30 miles to Northampton I have a Precision Fretless or a top of the range Bass Collection you can borrow for as long as you need it?
  17. Amazingly, I am gas free, I have more bass gear than I will ever need, I seem to have finally settled on the basses I need and am ever going to use, I just need to build up the courage to sell the stuff I really don't need!
  18. I believe Prince was quoted as saying his favourite of his songs was Paisley Park which I think stands head and shoulders above pretty much anything else he did despite only just scraping the top 20 over here!
  19. I am pleased to say I am not actually gassing for anything bass related for the first time in many years! I still want a Gretsch White Falcon but that has been gassing away in the background since the 1980's when Billy Duffy turned up sporting one and looking ultra cool with it!
  20. I think Raidohead's The Bends would be very interesting, on a personal note I would love to see Stiff Little Fingers do Now Then but I doubt that qualifies as a classic album as even SLF's loyal following can never quite agree on that album!
  21. Just buy it, try it, find you do or don't like it and decide the route forward from there, I have gassed for a Gretsch White Falcon since I saw Billy Duffy sporting his back in 1986, I still want one today, the pain doesn't go away.....that's it I'm off to buy a Falcon and the scratch that itch, I knew Basschat would help me see sense
  22. Friday Fontaines DC Saturday OMD Sunday Dire Straights
  23. Pretenders sounding very good on the Park Stage
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