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Everything posted by Roger2611

  1. I've had to learn Separate Ways by Journey for one of the current bands I am with, it was not a song I knew so I did a bit of hunting on Youtube and found a guy who really played it correctly so learnt that version, at the first proper rehearsal we kicked into it and it sounded terrible, the band had been playing some weird quasi version based around the previous bass player playing the same chords as the guitar, I have got them to learn it properly now and it sounds far better for it!
  2. At £70.00 you are not going to go far wrong, I once owned a 79 Precision with a neck that looked much like that and it was probably the best playing Precision I ever owned!
  3. To be totally honest I find it really depends on who you are dealing with at Bass Direct as to the level of service you receive, Mark has always been brilliant with me and has steered me in the right direction on a number of occasions which has led to me spending a good deal of hard earned in his shop, the last item I purchased was a Glockenlang Preamp for a recently acquired Bass Collection bass, it arrived, I installed it....nothing, I checked my wiring, it was right so I was stumped, I farmed it out to a local tech who had it for over a week and finally discovered that the brand new 9V battery terminal supplied with the preamp had a dead short! It cost me £40.00 in total to get the bass sorted....I thought I would feed that back to Bass Direct so they could feed it back to Glockenlang, I rang and spoke to Marcus who basically sounded utterly disinterested when I described the issues I had, I have no belief that it was ever fed back to Glockenlang...which is a shame as the preamp is as good as Mark suggested it would be!
  4. Rocking out on a Westone Thunder 1A, still a criminally underrated bass, in my opinion
  5. My £1.22 offer was declined as was my £1.23 and £1.24 offers, that's all my offers used up so I'm out!
  6. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Vintage-Jazz-Bass-Guitar-1980s/273643655163?_trkparms=aid%3D111001%26algo%3DREC.SEED%26ao%3D1%26asc%3D20160908105057%26meid%3D13f7c6d788d342bda2243d935d41ba14%26pid%3D100675%26rk%3D1%26rkt%3D15%26sd%3D273643655163%26itm%3D273643655163&_trksid=p2481888.c100675.m4236&_trkparms=pageci%3Afb77c865-129c-11e9-9376-74dbd180eea3|parentrq%3A293d3b971680a86195d85a1efffee6f3|iid%3A1&autorefresh=true This time with a buy it now price of only £499.00! I noticed the option to put in an offer, so I have popped a cheeky maximum offer of £1.22 for it, although reviewing the images I might be struggling to see a return on my investment!
  7. I miss the classic Trace look of the UV lit front panel, it looked great, I am surprised more companies haven't done something like that
  8. I don't know why but I quite like it!
  9. I think B is the 8 string, to me clip A sounds like an effect trying to emulate the real thing, either way I much prefer B
  10. I am not sure I can think of any obvious and practical way to protect the back of your bass from the sharp edges of a bullet belt! I guess it's either a case of don't wear the belt or accept that you are going to muller the back of the bass, even with a really smooth and small belt buckle I can still see minor markings in the back of my poly finished basses, as nitro finishes tend to be far thinner you will see damage more quickly
  11. I can only offer basic observations based around two family members having suffered mild (ish) heart attacks in 2017, I have seen that both are far more cautious and aware than they were before it happened, both have done everything they can to eradicate stress from their lives, I help my father in law to do stuff now, he doesn't do lifting or anything overly energetic he is glad to let us do that part of any jobs, he is however back at work and has been for nearly a year. My brother in law had a more severe heart attack, his recovery has been slower but again he has changed the way he does things, avoided stress and heavy lifting but has made sure he is doing regular light exercise on a daily basis. Both have been well guided by the cardio teams and doctors and have made changes to their lifestyles that those of us that have not experienced it should learn from, I am certainly more aware of my stress levels than ever before and I ensure I get some light exercise everyday. Good luck with your recovery my friend
  12. Part of the problem seems to be the quickness of a soundcheck, if you are lucky enough to get one, as a support act it's usually "bass" I hit two notes "thank you, Guitar" and that's my soundcheck!
  13. With a lack of gigs on the horizon for both bands I am going to concentrate on getting some decent recordings of the songs we do, so it will be a case of learning the ins and outs of Reaper and learning some production and mastering skills, that and play more fretless bass again
  14. It looks great but reading the few reviews that are there for it, it doesn't sound like it is very accurate even as just a peak level display, so it will just have to be cool flashing lights in your studio rack!
  15. That is odd! I am struggling to think of any reason as to why it is fret marked as it is
  16. Yodaclub's songwriter says all of the songs were written with a P bass sound in his head, personally I think it's utter tripe! Especially as I tend to gig the USA sub with the band more often than not, although, I do use the P bass for all fretted bass recordings for both Yodaclub and Saving Amy but use my Bass Collection for any fretless recordings as I don't find a fretless P cuts it for recordings...if that makes any sense?
  17. On an upside I ordered a cheapo factory second semi acoustic bass from Gear 4 Music via an Ebay auction in November, I get a message the following day to say that they couldn't actually find the factory second in the warehouse so I could either cancel the sale or they would send me a brand new bass for the same price, I took the latter option and received a spanking new bass a couple of days later, which, to be fair was worth just about what I paid for it!
  18. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Fender-Precision-Bass-with-bag/163455746207?hash=item260eb8c09f:g:tg8AAOSwVcVcJlJb Is it just me or does there seem to be a complete inability for people to do any research and identify a genuine Fender before trying to pass off dodgy copies as the genuine article? Difficult to tell exactly what it is / was, the neck looks like a cheap modern replica, the body possibly an 80's Jap build, the pickups look like Dimarzio's so may be most saleable bit of the bass I have messaged the seller, let's see if the listing gets changed
  19. My only concern with this is that we will likely see it back up on Ebay for some time to come as mug punter tries to pass it on to another mug punter, so one fake bass will rip off a bunch of mug punters, I guess all we can do is keep reporting it every time it appears, what really gets me with this one is the fact there were so many obvious clues in the photos that clearly show it was not genuine yet still it goes for silly money!
  20. Got up, went for a walk, came home played bass, in laws arrived, started cooking and eating, still going.....send help!
  21. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Genuine-Fender-USA-Precision-Bass-Neck-2008/192767562199 I can understand someone wanting to remove the front headstock decal if they wanted to colour match the headstock to the body or, as the add suggests, go for a more vintage decal, however, I can't understand why someone would want to remove the serial number from the rear of the headstock! I have messaged the seller asking for a photo or a record of the serial number as surely if the removal of the decals was for a legit reason then the seller would have taken a photo or kept a record of the serial number?
  22. That is rather lovely! My only reservation is that it will always be a bitsa bass, the serial number will tie up to a neck not a bass, without some kind of provenance from the seller selling it on at that price could be difficult, on the up side the seller has a perfect feedback score of nearly 1000, if I wanted the bass I would be happy to deal with the seller and hopefully get some kind of provenance for the bass
  23. I just concentrate on getting a good signal to the recorder, I run out of the DI out on my Markbass LM3 and couple that with a Red Audio 6 Condenser mic in front of a 1x12 cab, between the two signals I am getting all the bass tone I need for a recording
  24. That'll be mine then, I will share a few photos once it arrives!
  25. I have often wondered about this seller, pretty much everything I have ever seen him list is, in my opinion, overpriced rubbish, yet he has nearly 13000 feedback scores with the bulk of them being positive, who is buying this stuff and being happy with what they got and the price paid? It's a strange one!!
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