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Everything posted by Roger2611

  1. I got to 2 minutes odd and gave up, such a shame because he had a wonderful voice back in the day, In regard of the bass player, yes he's good but I stand by my original comment of "he ain't no Pino!"
  2. Showing my age here, I was lucky enough to see the original tour when he stopped in at the Derngate Centre in Northampton, from what I can remember he destroyed his voice doing the duet with Clanned for the track Both Sides Now where apparently he sang whilst suffering horrendous laringitis, I saw him a couple of times after the No Parlez tour and sadly his voice was never the same, I always had sympathy for the bass player though as, the elephant in the room was always.....yeah but he ain't no Pino!
  3. Looking at his feedback it is likely to be a Harley Benton bass, a few people have left negative feedback to that effect, still it is only about 2 miles from me if you wanted it checking out before you parted with good money...or bad money even!
  4. It looks accurate to me
  5. I was talking to my local repairer a few months back and mentioned that I had the SVT pro 7 (now sold!) he said "get rid of it whilst it still works" apparently the Ampeg digital amps are incredibly complex and are near impossible to work on (something to do with different amp sections needing to remain linked whilst any work is done) possibly it was having issues before the "service" and the repairer was unable to do anything with it?
  6. I always find a piano / keyboard is odd to play as the left hand handles the simpler bass parts (simple in the early stages of learning anyway) whilst the right hand does the fiddly stuff, for me a guitar has always felt more natural than a piano, my mum, as a left hander and former concert pianist found playing a right handed guitar impossible but to be fair she hated the damn noisy thing anyway! Why are there no other handed piano's?
  7. We decided not to play a venue in Leicester again because the sound guy insisted that the PA must be run at 110% volume on all occasions, last time we played there we were forced to sit well away from the stage because it was painful to sit any closer....strangely the venue lost it's music licence a couple of months back following....yep, you guessed it....noise complaints from local residents!!
  8. I would get him in for an audition, I would sooner have someone who wants to push the boat out over someone who wants to play down the Dog and Duck once a month in front of 10 mates for a bit of beer money? He may well be 20 years too late to "make it" in the music industry (whatever that is these days) but that should not stop him dreaming, hopefully with that will come a willingness to graft, a desire to create the best music he can. We have had more record company interest in Yodaclub than in any other bands I have played in, I am going to be 52 this year with the rest of the band turning 50 during the year. Reach for the stars, if you don't make it you might have to settle for the moon!
  9. You really need to put a clear lacquer coat over the colour coat and then polish it back to get the shine and the strength in the finish, the colour coat alone is not very durable it is the clear lacquer that gives the strength
  10. I am always a little wary of mint vintage instruments, as to me, a virtually unused vintage instrument suggests one that is not that good an instrument, one that people have played, not really taken to and ended up selling on to someone else that soon finds it is not a player and moves it on again or, sticks it back in the box and shoves it under the bed in the hope then can recoup their money somewhere down the line. A well worn instrument suggests a bass / guitar that people have wanted to play and play often which suggests to me a good instrument that plays well and sounds good? It's like when these really early and highly desirable 1st year Fender's or genuine 59 Les Paul's come up for sale on the likes of Ebay / Gumtree etc, there are certainly more serious collectors out there than there are instruments that fit the bill, dealers will know where most of these instruments currently reside and they will likely already have a queue of buyer lined up if they come on the market so, to me, one of these instruments turning up on the likes of Ebay suggests an instrument that has issues or that the collectors don't rate? I know I am generalising and there will be many instruments (some of which have been for sale on here) that would blow my argument out of the water!
  11. I shall dip in and out, to be honest I can't stand anything they do currently so any recent live footage will see me switching over , I just don't get why they brought a "widdly widdly" guitarist in to front most of the songs, Duran Duran were never a guitar dominated band, that was the beauty of their sound? It would be like Motorhead reforming with keys as the lead instrument!
  12. I owned a Greco Les Paul Custom a few years ago, every bit as good as the Gibson of same era but at a fraction of the price, I think I paid £400 for it, used it for about 4 years and sold it for £600, that is the kind of ownership I like!
  13. I am sure there was an Irish band going under the name "Duff Paddy" which kinda works!
  14. Which at £100+ and the actual costs of delivering it for you puts it firmly into "I can take it their and deliver it personally" category! I prefer to meet in person if at all possible which does these courier firms out of work, work I assume they don't really want! We went to Billy Idol at Brixton Academy last night, cost for the 5 of us by train well over £100 and limited return availability suggested as well, cost for me to drive to North London and take the tube £20.00 in fuel and underground tickets = money to BP not the greedy railway! Another example of a greedy business pricing itself out of the market!
  15. Music Man have used 3, 4 and 6 screw fitting for the Stingray over the years, all remain desirable so I can't see it really matters if the bass is accurately built
  16. Bassist is Tim Butler of the Psychedelic Furs
  17. Can anyone identify this bass, I was thinking Modulus but a quick Google search counts it out, added points for anyone who can identify the bassist?
  18. Me as well, most of the Yodaclub songs involve me playing up at the dusty end, we have keyboards who are quite happy to step in and supply the low end whilst I get all high and melodic, in quite a few of our songs the lead riff is taken by me on bass whilst the guitar fills in underneath.....that said, Peter Hook is probably the biggest influence on my bass playing and New Order / Joy Division are a big influence to the rest of the members of Yodaclub.
  19. Paul Young's Wherever I Lay My Hat, Pino sat next to Paul playing that intro, I was hooked from there on in
  20. I am a massive Gretsch guitar fan and loved the look of the Electromatic bass range when they came out, I played one at our local PMT and hated it, it played poorly and sounded worse, PMT also had the Jack Cassidy Epiphone in store which held little or no appeal to me but playability and sound wise it knocked the Gretsch for six. GAS for a Gretsch bass instantly cured!
  21. We learnt it for a wedding we played a few years back I seem to remember it was a PITA to get right especially as we were only playing it once!
  22. I think to test out a guitarists and a vocalists ability Mr Brightside takes some beating
  23. How.....why would Cash Converters be the place to offload an original 54 Precision, surely the likes of Bass Direct or Andy Baxter would be the best place to dispose of such a fine bass.....unless of course it has dark secrets!
  24. Yodaclub were recently offered a support slot with a Noel Gallagher's High Flying Birds tribute band...err OK, surely them High Flying Birds are not really big enough to command a tribute band at this point in time...but hey ho! Anyway, the terms were that we needed to sell a couple of books of tickets if we wanted to be paid for the gig, our managers response was "we are musicians not promoters so sorry, but we are not interested" We are not from the town where the gig is so selling tickets to friends and then expecting them to travel 60 - 70 miles to see us play was not going to happen, my gut feeling was that the promoter knows full well it will be a poorly attended gig so thought getting the support bands to sell tickets was the way to get people into the venue
  25. In my mind I still look like a rock star just a fat balding one!
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