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Everything posted by Roger2611

  1. Some twenty five years ago now I was the bass player for a band called Sack The Drummer, we recorded a couple of albums part of which were done at Whitfield Street studios (Sony's studio in London at the time) we recorded the week after the Spice Girls were in......a week's difference and Mr Beckham may not have been so lucky! We were managed by a director of Sony Music and were being touted as Britian's answer to REM...........except REM had already been around for about 3 years and were already a global success, still we played some good festivals including supporting Peter Green on one of his first comeback gigs....we worked bloody hard for a good few years but eventually fell apart. Now at just over 50 I am still playing in an originals band we are still courting national radio play and are still getting excellent reviews and I am still playing with the keys player and guitarist of Sack The Drummer
  2. I am not a Jazz bass player but I know a couple of people with the Flea signature Jazz and they rave about them
  3. I liked the sound of 1 the least, I assume that is the Yamaha purely on the basis that I had a 1024X recently that just didn't quite pull off the P bass sound, 2 and 3 I am guessing are the Vintage basses and 4 the Ibanez bass? I preferred the second one overall
  4. I just added us in at number 21 just because it looks good! On a success level I have now achieved what I set out to do!
  5. Probably more than I think I can!
  6. Would I stay to watch a band play Rebel Yell......hell yeah, would I stay to watch a band doing a Chemical Brothers groove thing...err no, tell the drummer to go form a Chemical Brothers style groove band and tell him you will try and pop along to the one gig he gets a year, that's if you are not too busy gigging!
  7. I have ordered some as well, I gigged the other week with my USA sub which has the biggest markers of all my basses and yet I still couldn't see a thing, it's amazing how quickly it saps the confidence!
  8. That is worrying, it looks absolutely proper and there would be no question in dealing with them until you start checking the address given on the web page, no postcode shown, 308-310 Park Road seems to be a totally different audio outlet, there is no Leeds Road in London according to Google Maps When you start looking at the text next to the address you start to see some dodgy grammar and wording which raises suspicion but all in all that looks pretty convincing on first view and no doubt a good few people will fall victim to it. Why are there so many dishonest people on this planet?
  9. Northampton circa 1987 One of the above posts reminded me of another "interesting" audition / short lived band, I have always loved Reggae and really fancied creating a band, I fell in with a older Jamaican guy whose name I seem to remember was Glenroy, he was a decent singer / songwriter / guitarist who had some musicians lined up but no bass player.....I was in, we booked a rehearsal room and everyone turned up, Glenroy would start playing something and we would join in, for a first rehearsal we actually sounded pretty good, after each jam / song I would score out a very basic bassline ACDG x4 etc, we recorded on an old double cassette machine a horribly distorted tape of the rehearsal which we copied so everyone had a copy....at the end of the rehearsal we agreed it was worth taking forward and the band shall be known as Culture Mix.... We agreed to get together the following week for another rehearsal prior to playing at the Riverside festival in Bedford the following day!!! We met up, set up and started to play.....everything in a different key to the week before, it ground to a halt, I said "we play this in G"..... "No man we have always played it in D".... "err no I wrote it down last week".....the keyboard player nods in agreement, he also scored the parts the previous week..... "nah man you are both wrong I have never played it in G"..... so we fire up the tape which shows it was in G..... "nah man your tape player is playing it slow!" Virtually every song was in a different key to the previous week! We still managed to finish the rehearsal....the singer says we are still playing the festival in Bedford tomorrow.... We got to the festival about 11.30 the following day, what time are we on? I ask.... "Later on" is the reply 2 pm comes and goes still nothing. so I ask again "in a bit" is the reply 4 pm comes and goes and still nothing.....by 6 pm the singer finally comes clean, we were not even booked for the festival he just thought we would turn up and blag our way onto the stage, which unsurprisingly wasn't going to happen That was the end of the band and the end of me playing in a Reggae band!
  10. I have only had one really iffy audition....so far, I auditioned for a band called Dry Till Friday who were a pretty decent rock band playing original songs, they sent me material which I liked and learnt over a week or so, we agreed on an audition date and the singer said bring your full set up (which at the time was a TE AH300H amp and 2 4x10 cabs, I thought it would be somewhat excessive for a rehearsal but did as asked, I turned up, the others were set up waiting, guitarist with 2 4x12 cabs and 100w Marshall head, ditto vocalist / 2nd guitar, a fully miked drum kit and something like a 5k pa with bass bins....impressive set up indeed and possibly slightly overkill for a small village hall that fortunately was a good few hundred yards from the nearest house, so we kicked off....I swear Motorhead would have been quieter, these guys played everything at full volume, it was painful, anyway I played the songs well, the vocalist liked my basslines and it all looked good....we had a chat as we packed up and it became apparent that they loved Guns and Roses, I said I liked them but they were not my favourite band......A week goes by and I get a call to say thanks but they were going with another bass player purely because he liked Guns and Roses more than me (we didn't even play and GnR songs ffs!)....I was slightly relieved that I wasn't going deaf but was annoyed because they were a good band with good songs and a good singer....a couple of weeks later I got a call from the vocalist....the new guy works shifts so can only do every 3rd weekend and would I fancy depping for him on the weekends he couldn't do....I politely declined
  11. Sorry I must have misread the add, has he got 15 of them for sale
  12. I am sorry to hear that you lost "the one" I stupidly sold my "the one" Precision bass, despite having a whole bunch more I still miss that one everyday. Have you tried the USA sub bass? From what I understand it has wiring that is the same as the original basses which is the opposite of most of today's Ray's....or something like that! Anyway for me after many years of trying to find a Ray that I liked the sound of, I picked up a USA sub and bang! I have that perfect Ray that I always wanted, I did A/B it against a modern 3 eq Ray and for me and the rest of the band the USA sub won hands down, if you are local to Northampton you are more than welcome to come and have a play on it
  13. It's interesting how, fundamentally, they all do the same thing. To me anyway, they are not radically different, with the possible exception of the Rick which sounded weaker in all the styles demonstrated, as a Precision bass played with a pick lover, for me the P sounded better in all the styles except the slapped bit where I favoured the Jazz bass sound, overall, unsurprisingly, I would take the P bass all day long, as a back up I would take the Stingray, then the Jazz, after that, I would ask the support band if I could borrow their P bass!
  14. I can't recommend Reaper enough, it is so intuitive to use and set up was a doddle compared to Cubase which flatly refused to acknowledge my interface, whereas Reaper sort of says "hey I have found this interface lets use that" perhaps not quite that simple but way easier than I expected it to be! Once you have everything installed it as easy as setting up a track and just selecting instrument track or Midi track. Interface wise they are all pretty capable, modern Windows operating systems are pretty good at installing them nice and simply, I think you will have to tell the computer to make it the default sound device but again that is pretty easy, with most interfaces you will get a control screen which allows you to see what it happening and get the set up right. I am using a M-Audio Ultra 8r as I was familiar with M-Audio products, it is older and is only supported up to Windows 8 I have it running seamlessly with Windows 10
  15. A steal at that price, looks to be in decent condition as well
  16. The big brother to my Thunder ll six string, GLWTS
  17. I saw this earlier and was dubious, as far as I am aware Bakerlite was only used on the earliest basses and would not have been used on the later shape Precision, the fact it is 13 hole says it is a later pickguard, it could be a genuine custom shop order from someone wanting something a bit different but personally I wouldn't be buying it unless the seller can produce the floor traveler build sheet that would confirm it was a custom shop part
  18. I guess he was aiming for £4999.99 which is ballpark correct for a refin but otherwise original Fender bass of that age
  19. I think that depends on where you look, I haven't knowingly brought or downloaded a "chart" song for many years but I have brought many songs from newer bands via hearing them on BBC radio 6 music, especially Ratcliffe and Marconi and Steve Lamaq in the afternoons, I am really encouraged that at 52 years of age new music can still really excite me some 30 years after I should have been a "set in my ways" old school punk!
  20. You don't have to tell me what it is I invented the damn thing!
  21. My Precision Lyte is TSB with matching headstock, I hate the colour with a passion but the bass is just so good, it will probably the last Precision I part with, I do keep looking out for a pearl white of metallic red but they are starting to fetch silly money nowadays and those that do come up for sale are not in as good condition as mine
  22. Of all things I have a Windows Vista laptop to run any backing tracks, the laptop was affectionately known as "Old Bluey" when it was a serviceable laptop as all it ever did was blue screen, since I have removed all none vital programs including the modem so it can't ever connect to the net it has been as good as gold, I also believe there is a setting within the sound programs of Vista that allow you to use multiple sound outputs that was removed in XP and later Windows versions but don't quote me on that one
  23. I reckon about £13500 in bass gear at the moment and god only knows how much more in guitars, keyboards and studio gear! I guess having no kids and virtually having paid off the mortgage has it's perks, it really is an obscene amount of money tied up in gear, but it is my passion and is the only thing I have stuck at for over 30 years!
  24. Reply from seller this afternoon: hello mate , the back is not bad I dont have photos , the black color is hard to see painting little things Amazing Bass USA Fender , massive sound So do they actually have the bass?
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