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Everything posted by Roger2611

  1. I have asked for some images of the back of the body, let's see if he actually has the bass!
  2. I bet there are a whole bunch of "look what I built home "luthiers"" out there that are now saying "see mine wasn't that ugly after all"......hideous monstrosity, even my browser didn't want to load the page properly, i had to have two or three goes before I got to see it! I wish I hadn't bothered now
  3. My serious bass playing life started with a Westone Thunder III fretless and from then on to a Bass Collection SB602 fretless, it was many years before I added a fretted bass to the armoury but even then it was a largely unused back up, sadly that changed after I stopped touring and, stupidly, sold the Bass Collection bass, I was offered a fretted early 70's Precision which I snapped up and that was the changing point....I played that as my only bass for a few years but it signified the complete change.....I am lucky enough to have found another Thunder III fretless and another Bass Collection SB512 fretless but sadly they don't get played very often as I no longer feel half as confident with an unlined fretless as I do with a fretted Precision, I am a little saddened by that!
  4. I have decided to dispose of both of my 5 string basses, I find the string spacing on the 5's could become addictive, having a few few really nice 4's I don't want to get used to that 5 string spacing at the expense of the 4 strings so out the 5 strings go, I have to admit that other than a short period doing Pogues and Waterboy's covers where the low B was handy I haven't found a need for the extra string....I hope that makes sense!
  5. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/ESP-The-Horizon-P-Bass-1984-MIJ-Guitar/162924737032?ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT&_trksid=p2055119.m1438.l2649 Anyone know anything about these? I like to look of it but can find nothing online to enable me to check prices, it is a decent price? Cheers Rog
  6. I always wondered about this with in ear monitors, could someone tune into the same frequency and share "The Birdy Song" with them midway through a song!
  7. My first impression was how cool it looks as well
  8. The SVT 7 Pro is a decent head, it does have some of that classic SVT tone to it but I wouldn't say it emulates the classic all valve heads, I have been pleased with mine, it's been reliable and has always received good comments about the way it sounds and it is pretty lightweight unlike the classic vale heads that weigh more than a small planet......if you are local to Northampton you are welcome to give mine a try
  9. I imagine much like both Fender and Gretsch the name will survive and remain a premium brand, sometimes a company needs to reinvent itself, if Gibson has been badly run and managed for a good few years now then a grassroots reinvention maybe the best thnig that can happen to it. They still have the Thunderbird in the latest range along with the RD Artist and the EB.....none of which have any appeal to me as Fender do basses and electric guitars.....Gibson do electric guitars and acoustic guitars
  10. We supported Midge Ure a few years back, he really does use out of the box Vintage Midge Ure Signature guitars he played through a Marshall Bluesbreaker pedal into a stock Vox VT120 amp......a set up that would be sneered at by many pub band players, it just shows how talented he is as a guitarist
  11. Would you consider something like a Westone Thunder 1A, you will find a number of used ones on Ebay for £150 or so, they really were / still are bloody good guitars
  12. That just begs so many questions......who, why, were they drunk, stupid, both!
  13. Totally agree, I love Precision's basically it is all I play now, I brought a Yamaha 1024X last year and just cannot bond with it, it plays brilliantly but just doesn't sound like a Precision, I love Precision's and I realise I am wasting my money trying to find something that to my ears betters it, interestingly my next favourite bass is a Precision Lyte which is active but just seems to be able to deliver that Precision passive sound and some!
  14. There is an early JV Jazz on the bay at the moment at a very very optimistic price of £2750.00!
  15. I quite like the body shape, it's a shame the headstock looks so "Heath Robinson" as it looks like he used decent materials to build it, I would be tempted to chop the headstock off and convert it to a pretty cool looking headless bass?
  16. The seller seems to be inviting you to scam him! Paypal payment and collect only, you pay via Paypal, you send someone to collect the bass, a few minutes after it is collected message him to say you can't make it today and will pick it up in a couple of days.....he says "it's already been collected"....you say "not by me it wasn't"......you open a case with Ebay who always seem to side with the buyer, you get your money back and a free Rickenbacker....sadly it's a well known Ebay scam, I will never accept Paypal on a collection only item. I am not suggesting for a moment you scam him but he is laying himself wide open to it
  17. I guess I am lucky, the guitarist / singer / songwriter / dictator of Yodaclub has said on many occasions that when he writes a new song he is always really excited to see what bass melody hooks I will come up with, at mixing stage it's usually me saying "don't you think the bass is a bit far forward in the mix!" To be fair he is a very considered guitarist as is the drummer and keyboard player which is probably why we sound like we do
  18. Wow, I wonder if the seller was on acid when he listed that! I read the description a couple of times and still had no idea what it was actually saying!
  19. Brilliant bit of kit, it made 50% of the best sounding rig I ever owned, GLWTS
  20. Hi Steve, best share your location if you are looking for a local meet up or collection
  21. Just to put the other side to this, we played in Leicester on Saturday night supporting Mathew Logan Vasquez (Delta Spirit) Mathew and his band came straight over when we arrived, introduced themselves, offered us beer and to use any of their amps, they were brilliant, after the gig the drummer said "I love it when a support band is really good because it makes me nervous and makes me play better, you guys rocked it!" top comments from some top guys I know from previous experience support bands can get treated badly by the main acts but as per the above the reverse can also happen.
  22. "Freedom to screw you before you screw me" [sic] comes to mind, it's a sad world we live in!
  23. I will stick up for Mark Bass as well, I really like the tone of my LM3 2x10 and 1x15 Traveller set up, I have used it for many gigs and have always had compliments on it, I run the eq flat on the amp and all adjustments are just with the VLE and VPF controls, that said I only really like the sound of a P bass through the rig but irrespective of what rig I have played through I never seemed to get the sound I wanted out of anything other than a P bass. I brought a Mesa Boogie Subway rig last month as I always wanted to return to Mesa gear, if I am honest i really don't think the Mesa rig sounds massively better than the MB rig, yes there is a difference but not a huge one!
  24. I can offer up the OLP basses, especially the Tony Levin model, stupidly good bass to a few hundred pounds! I also think the Fender Precision Lyte is a hugely undervalued bass although asking prices for good examples are now starting to look a bit optimistic at times!
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