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Everything posted by Roger2611

  1. You could sling a tarpaulin over those strings and camp underneath, I actually had a Shaftsbury Ric copy with an action as bad as that!
  2. I sold a mint Thunder III last year for £450.00 so 700 euros is a lot for a Thunder II and as others have said, they are heavy beasts, personally I would go for the Aria
  3. Anti Nowhere League wrote, in my opinion, one of the greatest songs ever in "I hate people" a lyrical and musical "masterpiece" OK I may be pushing things to extremes there but a proper punk sound and a fantastic live band!
  4. I have EMG's via a Glockenlang preamp in my Bass Collection 802 and I don't really like the sound of them, I think my stock Fender Precision Lyte sounds better, I have Bartolini pickups and preamp in my ESP Horizon and I think that sounds pants compared to my stock Yamaha 735a I have Lindy Fralin's in a Precision and a Jazz, I do like what they bring to the mix, quite a squeezed tone, good punch whilst not sounding too far from the classic Fender tones I had a Delano pickup and a John East preamp in a Sterling Ray34, it did little if anything to improve the tone over the original, it never sounded anywhere near as good as my stock USA Sub but then I never liked the Musicman sound so both got sold! The only upgrade that I have been really impressed with was Nordestrand big blades and a Glockenlang preamp into a Spector Legend Custom which sounded utterly pants with the std EMG HZ 35's and stock preamp, it totally transformed the bass into something that can handle anything now! I have been more impressed with what the likes of Tone Rider and Kent Armstrong can bring to an upgrade, they are not massive names but both have impressed me when going into Precision builds I have done and subsequently kept because they sound so good!
  5. I am not even going to try, I know full well I don't need or want anything as we speak, if I am still feeling the same come January 2nd I will be amazed!
  6. I have a Spector Legend 4 and it is a cracking bass, really well built, as per my current avatar I also have a BB735a and it is a stunningly good 5 string, it really is in a different league to my (now) backup 5 string which is a way more expensive ESP Horizon!
  7. Sadly, as with every year now, we will be spending it trying to keep two terrified cats calm once the aerial bombardment starts, which usually seems to be from about 6pm through to 2am!!!
  8. In: Spector forte Spector Legend Custom Yamaha 735a ESP horizon 5 string Matt Freeman Squier Markbass 121 combo Trace Elliott SMX350 Digitech drop pedal Out: 1979 Precision Custom shop 62 Precision Status Energy Matrix Status Matrix S1 Road worn Precision Jap 62 reissue Jazz Bass (in and out very quickly!) Westone Thunder III fretless Usa Stingray Sub Still to go: Bass Collection SB801 Early Fender Precision Lyte Possibly 2 Mesa subway 1x12 cabs and a Walkabout head....still not sure I want to part with that yet!! All in all I put a few grand back in the bank which is a 1st!
  9. I would like to offer up the Digitech Drop pedal, yes, sure it works better on guitar than on bass but for the few songs I need it for it saves a drop tuned bass on stage and another offstage in case of issues with the main bass!
  10. Hated it! Trying to load both in and out and the ignorant just stood there and were completely unable to comprehend an "excuse me please" as you stood there with heavy speakers in each hand, again the ignorant who thought it entirely acceptable to want to walk across the stage to access the loos whilst we were setting up / stripping down, rather than bother to walk down the shot corridor signed "to the toilets!" A pub that couldn't work out how their own light worked which meant we were either in virtual darkness or complete daylight....I have to admit I haven't really enjoyed playing this pub, last night just re-enforced my dislike!
  11. I would like to offer up a bit of Bruce Foxton candy in the way of Down in a Tubestation at Midnight
  12. Definitely a room thing, I was getting rather grumpy that a full fat American Spector Forte through an Ampeg B1E into 2 Markbass 1x12 cabs sounded weak and uninspiring, I moved the cabs to a different position in the room and bang, there was the sound that I expected to get out of a set up like that!
  13. I saw Peter Hook and the Light the other week, the guitarist was fantastic, he played all the Joy Division and New Order stuff really well, don't know who the rest of the band were, I also think they had a drummer but didn't pay enough attention to be certain 🤣
  14. https://www.facebook.com/doublesevenguitars Try this guy, his name is Matt, he was our guitarist in our rock band for a while but also worked for some high end racing teams so was pretty familiar with wrapping for the race cars He is a good guy and would do you a really nice job Rog
  15. I will happily pay more just to ensure I don't buy from Amazon, don't get me wrong they are absolutely brilliant at what they do...prices are usually great, the stuff gets delivered 30 seconds before you even ordered and my high street gets more and more empty every time I see it and my council tax goes up by the maximum amount each year as I am expected to help fill the void left by the drop in business rates from the empty shops in the high street!
  16. I remember seeing Stiff Little Fingers in Leamington Spa some years back, Ian McCallum managed to pink torpedo up his guitar part during the song.....Jake looked over at him and gave the dreaded death stare....at the end of the song he announced "that was called .......... well it was for those of us that could f**king remember the song!"
  17. I had a Fender Custom shop 62 Precision...it was nice, sold it as my standard Mexican made 50's classic was nicer!
  18. I am currently using a Yamaha 735a as it gives me 5 strings and still sounds quite a lot like a p bass
  19. We were "lucky" enough to be joined on stage by a rather drunk young lady who managed to knock the fan over and promptly stand over it, skirt around her neck, knickers on show, we tried to get the older lady she was with to recover her from the stage and were proudly told "that's my daughter!"
  20. Got to be Paul Simonen's Precision seconds from destruction and a step into immortality
  21. We put our sub at the back next to the drummer on the opposite side to me to try and get the bass out evenly on both sides of the stage, however, knowing that sub bass frequencies are not known for doing what we want them to it probably makes very little difference, other than giving us somewhere, away from grubby fingers to sit the PA head!
  22. I was lucky enough to find a Behringer V Verb for a decent price, it was absolutely brilliant for the 2 whole weeks it worked until one day with a tiny wisp of smoke it completely died, Behringer refuse to release schematics for products so once it dies it cannot be repaired
  23. Check whether the XR18 will allow you to link aux's to create a stereo mix, I have a UI24 as an enclosed IEM set up, we tried running as mono in ear mixes but the clarity was poor, switching to stereo mixes allowed us to place all the different instruments in different places in the stereo spectrum and really improved the sound, of course the trouble is that for each IEM out mix you are using 2 aux sends so even the UI24 only really allows for 4 stereo IEM mixes unless you start routing to use the 2 headphone outs as a 5th stereo aux send! Either way, it turned out the drummer was deaf in one ear and the rest of the band were too tight to invest in decent IEM set ups so the whole project was an expensive waste of money!
  24. Reaper, I think it is the most intuitive of the DAW's out there, there are online tutorials for just anything you could wish for, their updates always seem stable and it is a fraction of the price of other DAW's
  25. A final update, Mark rang me today to confirm that it had been paid! Would I sell through Bass Direct again, yep, without hesitation, I did put all the basses out on sale on other sales sites prior to moving them to Bass Direct and had absolutely no sensible interest in them, Mark sold them really quickly and returned the same money I had put them out for on the other sales sites, so the eventual buyers ended up paying 20% more for them, I priced them pretty keenly to try and get a quick sale, maybe I should have priced them 20% higher when I offered them out 1st time!
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