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Everything posted by Roger2611

  1. One minor frustration, I have sold 5 basses through Bass Direct over the last couple of months, all sold for what I wanted back for them and all sold really quickly, my frustration is on how you get paid, I have had to chase on every bass to confirm I had been paid for them, I am still waiting for confirmation that the money for the final one sold has been paid in to my account! There doesn't seem to be any process to let a seller know they have been paid for the bass sold by Bass Direct on their behalf! I have brought loads from Bass Direct in the past and have always found them a pleasure to deal with, this was my first ever experience of selling on a commission basis and again I was impressed and generally happy with the process all I needed was a text or email to confirm that payment had been made! Just checked with my bank who have confirmed that it has been paid!
  2. And joy of joys the rest of the rock band tested positive on Saturday and I finally tested positive this morning! That's next weekend's gigs out then! Bloody Covid!
  3. Our guitarist in the rock band tested positive yesterday, we had rehearsed on Wednesday evening, I am gigging tonight with the covers band so took a lateral flow test yesterday and this morning, fortunately both came out negative so the band are happy for the gig to go ahead this evening
  4. Very much this, I realised over the last couple of days how much I was starting to dislike the sound of an Ampeg B1E into 2 1x12 Markbass cabs with a full fat American Spector with EMG X pups fitted, it was giving this horrible mid range with no focus to the bottom end at all...the answer, move the amp from one wall to another position in the room and I now have the sort of sound you would expect to get with a quality set up!
  5. I looked at an early Fortress for sale locally last year, the neck was badly twisted, a bit of digging confirmed this was a reasonably common thing with the early basses, we tried adjusting the neck but it didn't want to know, the seller ended up taking it to a luthier who confirmed the neck was stuffed, I believe he just ended up hanging it on the wall as an ornament!
  6. I have brought quite a bit from them, always been happy dealing with them and happy with the stuff they sent me....there's a stonking recommendation for you!
  7. Pretty much for all of the genres you mentioned, P bass and a decent amp!
  8. Best gig, probably The Ramones at Hammersmith Palais but Sisters of Mercy 1st tour at Nottingham Rock City was right up there, and on the flip side Sisters of Mercy again at Rock City many years later was definitely the worst gig, so bad we left after about 20 minutes! I have to admit I saw The Smiths on their first proper tour and only lasted 3 songs before leaving for the pub!
  9. The 2nd solo section of Stevie Wonder's Masterblaster the final run down bit, I know exactly what it is doing but I keep missing a note out which throws the rest of the run out!
  10. Possibly a little bit of Slayer or Anthrax but far happier in the Thin Lizzy area but even then I seem to get board quite quickly, never really got in to rock or metal...not sure why!
  11. Jazz basses, I love the looks, I love the neck, I love how it sounds out front but I just cannot hear them in the mix on stage, it's there for some notes but then gone at other points so I just have no confidence in them.....nice Jazz out for sale then!
  12. I would like to suggest a "Consideration of bassists" after all we are normally the voice of reason in any band?
  13. Seeing as my current favourite is an Indonesian built Spector then I will offer this up
  14. I seem to recall there was an Irish rapper who went out under the name Duff Paddy! That one still makes me chuckle!
  15. The rock band I have been playing with a for couple of years is in turmoil yet again! We have management, we have a stunning vocalist, we have an album, we have some good gigs and festivals lined up but no drummer and no lead guitarist now.....here's a brief summary of recent events (last 3 years) I join band at the same time as the now departed guitarist We write and record our album, I have to write and record the drum parts as the incumbent drummer was far more enthusiastic than he was talented. Guitarist decides drummer needs to go if the band is ever going to move forward Drummer is asked to resign and guitarist brings in his drummer from the other band Band gets back up to speed however drummer bails out of rehearsals at short notice and finally bails out of a video shoot 2 days before we were due to do it Band sacks said drummer and I recruit a pal of mine to try out Wednesday night we rehearse, it goes really well...after the rehearsal guitarist says "he's not a rock drummer" and goes home Friday, guitarist says the band is not going where he wants so is leaving, half an hour later, drummer comes back and says he can't commit to 2 bands so won't be joining us! What do we have to do to get a settled line up! Bands, who needs em! Rant over!
  16. I am slightly confused, I have a bitsa Precision with a genuine Fender neck on it, should I now sand the genuine decal and serial number off just because it might not be a Fender body? (I do actually have a MIM body which wears a Squier Matt Freeman neck so really confused as to what I should do with that one!) I suppose I could swap the two over and have a bitsa bass which was all Fender....it all seems a bit futile really!
  17. The Deco theatre in Northampton
  18. Somewhat hard to spot in the distance but a Markbass 102 cab a LM3 head and a Status bass......and a bloody good FOH pa to play to absolutely no one!
  19. It's surprising just how many errors do make it to release, with a good quality amp and speakers there are an awful lot of minor mistakes to be heard that are buried in the general noise stage created by lower quality HiFi, earbuds and blue tooth speakers!
  20. I would like to offer up the often forgotten Stuart Morrow as having delivered some awesome bass lines, all done with a Westone Thunder Jet as a weapon of choice!
  21. I picked up a Japanese Fender Jazz in 3TS a few weeks back, it came with a Red Tort guard which I immediately swapped out for a black one!
  22. The Smiths, I hated them when they first came out, went to see them on their first tour (only because we had guest tickets) and only stayed for about 5 songs, ignored them for 10 years or more, mellowed slightly, quite liked a few songs for a bit......didn't listen to them again for a while, played a few songs recently and decided young me was correct and they are pants!
  23. Did a trade with Russ for some Spector tuners, all I can say is, a top fella to deal with Thanks again Russ and hope you enjoy the new pedal! Rog
  24. Yes but Asschat would have a free run at things!
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