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Everything posted by Roger2611

  1. I have to agree regarding Joss Stone being just too much and both Mrs2611 and I thought Wilco needed a front man, it was nothing until he stopped the singing and started playing the guitar then he came to life, we switched over in the end and watched the Queen gig instead......that was OK I guess
  2. I love Nice and Sleazy....but still can't play it properly.
  3. At 15lbs in weight you would need to save some money for a replacement spine as well!
  4. Out 79 Precision Status series 3000 Bass Collection SB320 In Lighter 79 Precision Sterling Ray 34 Eastwood Classic 4 What have I learned.....No matter what I do to a Jazz bass I don't like them.....The pre-amp in a Musicman Bass makes all the difference and despite being a cheap poorly built bass the Eastwood looks ace, sounds good and is very gigable
  5. Get our 2nd track played on national radio....play some bigger festivals.....continue to enjoy what I do....that's it
  6. I fitted the John East 3 band to my Sterling along with a Delano pickup, totally transformed the bass to what I always thought a MM bass should sound like.....possibly doesn't help you a lot as you don't know what I thought a MM bass should sound like in the first place........so basically....brought Sterling....disappointed with the sound....fitted pick up and pre-amp.....happy with sound Hope that helps
  7. Hi, Merry Christmas everyone. I made a bit of a cock up and sent my wife details of some bass strings I wanted for Christmas and managed to include a set of double ball end strings......which would have been fine had I not sold my Status bass a couple of months back! The strings are boxed and brand new Anyone want to trade for an equivalent single ball end set? I would be fine with 40-100 or 45-105 set Cheers Rog
  8. From a covers band doing The Jam, Green Day,Mighty Lemonheads and a bit of the Cult, the recent selections have been Counting Stars by One Republic, some song by John Numan (who doesn't appear to be Gary Numan's son) an INXS song and the Verve's Lucky Man.....I am feeling like I ought to be taking some puppies and sweeties to future gigs to try and woo what appears to be our future target audience.....I am also feeling that my days in the band may be numbered!
  9. I have a feeling I have seen that description on Ebay before a couple of years back, I would guess it has scammer written all over it!
  10. Is it a [s]Balalika[/s] [s]Balaclava[/s] [s]Ballystringything[/s] Balalaika, I know it's a wooden instrument thing!
  11. RIP Joe.....another great gone
  12. I started aged 15 on six string as at the time I couldn't afford or find a useable bass, my mates were all out nicking motorbikes and getting arrested, I decided my time was better spent mastering bar chords and playing along to Stiff Little Fingers songs....anyway eventually one of my aforementioned friends decided he needed to sell his bass (no doubt of dubious origins) to pay a fine, from memory! It was a stripped back Precision copy, I never looked back......I guess I did the really hard work starting out on six string, so switching to the bass was so much easier (at first) and as I became reasonably competent fairly quickly I enjoyed it more so stuck at it....it also annoyed my mum as she always said I never stuck at anything.....well mum 35 years on 2 albums and 1000's of gigs later, I can officially say she was wrong!! I am still totally passionate about music and playing bass, I cannot imagine that ever changing now
  13. I only own two Hip Hop records, this and White Lines! I never came across any others after that that worked for me, the more the genre turned to Rap, being gangster and popping a cap in someone's ass the less it appealed
  14. Just to add to the above, I have just brought an Eastwood Classic 4 in white.....well it's the closest thing to a White Falcon this side of £2000.00! I wasn't expecting a great deal for a £300.00 outlay and build quality wise it isn't fantastic, one of the tone knobs is broken and will be a pain to change if I decide to, the gold is already tarnished and well it just feels a bit fragile like. As the OP put the wiring is something of a mystery but to me that just makes it more Gretsch like as their wiring has often been illogical in the extreme. I was really just looking at this bass as a bit of fun however, through a decent amp it actually sounds pretty good, plenty of thump on the neck pickup but just enough bite to cut through a mix on the bridge pickup and with both pickups selected it is a decent mix of bite and thump, I decided to give a go live, use it for a few numbers then switch to one of the "better" basses, well I have now used it for two entire gigs, it's light, pretty well balanced, stays in tune and looks awesome, I have had loads of comments on how it looks and sounds, I really cannot fault the plucky little fellow, as for £300 it punches well above its weight, I did try a Gretsch Electromatic bass but at nearly £900 I wasn't impressed enough to consider buying it. So if you like the look of em, realise they are a cheaply built bass and don't expect the world from it you certainly won't be disappointed and it will leave you with a smile on your face....now where can I find an Orange one!
  15. I have just brought a 70's Antoria 335 Guitar.....I don't even play guitar in a band anymore so certainly didn't need another six stringer, if the right guitar comes up at the right price GAS will just jump out and hit the "buy it now" button It's a cracking guitar and at £150.00 delivered well, it would have been rude not to!
  16. It still makes me smile, I used to play rhythm guitar in the band I now play bass in, the main guitarist always used to moan that his set up didn't sound as good as mine (I used a 15W Fender Deluxe Reverb and a Strat he still uses a 50W Marshall JVM and a Les Paul) Sure I was worried turning up to a gig with a 15W amp but it was absolutely fine and as I could push it to it's sweet spot I was getting the best out of the amp whereas he cannot run it above 2 on the volume so gets nowhere near the sweet spot. I still can't envisage persuading him to change to a smaller amp though
  17. If nothing else it's an excellent read, if you are into a bit of Fender bass DIY it's invaluable
  18. I have a case exactly like that, if I stencil "The Clash" on the side any takers at a reasonable starting price of say £1500.....no?.......I thought not!
  19. I guess the internet is really to blame for the current situation, I was lucky enough to get tickets for Pink Floyd at the Nordorf Robbins gig at Knebworth Park back in the late 80's? I remember it being advertised on Radio 1 my mate rang up and booked six tickets....it sold out pretty quickly.....Radio 1 kept stating that it was sold out, there were no tickets available on the door and if you didn't have a ticket there was no point in turning up as you wouldn't get in. When we arrived we were greeted by touts selling tickets at 4 x face value but as we got closer to the entrance touts were selling at face value and by the time we got to the entrance tickets were on sale for £10 (from memory we paid £30 for the tickets) Radio 1's message seemed to have got through and if you didn't have a ticket you didn't turn up. Obviously those were the days before the internet so tickets could not be brought and promptly put back up for sale at extortionate prices. I am not sure what the answer is nowadays other than banning the resale of tickets and as others have suggested tickets have your name and address on them and without proof of identity and address you don't get in....the problem with that is customers are not going to be prepared to stand around for hours whilst these things are checked
  20. It's definitely one of those famous Ricky from East Enders basses
  21. I sent my young apprentice out for skirting board ladders once, she came back saying they were on back order....that shut me up!
  22. Take the deal he is offering, it's far less hassle....then don't keep an eye out for him forming another band.....don't turn up to their first gig and definitely don't accidentally tip a pint of lager over the mixer and amp No actually don't do that you will electrocute yourself...bad idea....I'm going back to sleep now
  23. I always carry a spare....I am often loading the car and the question comes to mind.....you've never needed it so why bother taking it....but as someone else put earlier in the thread "the only reason I have never needed it is purely because I have a spare to hand!" That's why I always have a spare amp of some form available
  24. Don't like Blackstar....they have no plans to venture into the bass market
  25. Roger2611


    I have always had a hankering for a nice 335, I still think they are the best looking guitar available, I saw this come on Ebay on Saturday and thought...well it would be rude not to! I eagerly await it's arrival, I think its description adds up to it being a Japanese built guitar as the Korean and Chinese ones only happened in 2006 onwards and I don't think a 335 was available [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/131371016867?_trksid=p2060778.m2749.l2649&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT"]http://www.ebay.co.u...K%3AMEBIDX%3AIT[/url]
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