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Everything posted by Roger2611

  1. I had issues recently with a 1986 Telecaster I sold to a guy in Cornwall, it was described by me as "the electrics can be a bit hit and miss but everything works fine but it needs a bit of switch cleaner from time to time" It was brought at the Buy It Now price and shipped to the buyer, I get a message the day after it arrived saying the bridge pickup doesn't work and he wanted a refund of £50.00 to replace the pickup!.....I said to him that it needs a bit of switch cleaner and please don't start chopping out pickups as the guitar is totally original! Next thing I know he has filed a claim to return the guitar saying the electric are not original and various other things are wrong with it, I spoke to eBay who advised me that he had the right to return it at my expense... so I am forced to accept the return claim and end up paying out for a return label 2 days later I get a message of apology from the buyer saying he had taken it to a shop who had confirmed all it needed was switch cleaner and that the guitar was completely original and was indeed a really nice example! He cancelled the request to return! But that is it for me with eBay, I can't be doing with the hassle and stress involved, I have ended any items I had for sale and will not sell through them again. It's a shame as it was a good selling site but sadly spoilt by idiots trying it on, I sold everything else via Facebook pages, once you have seen off the "I'll give you £50.00 for your £500.00 guitar" idiots, all sales went really smoothly!
  2. Having just picked up what looks to be quality management with the rock band I play with which had resulted in some quality gigs in the book and also landing a job with a an original old school punk band which had gigs booked at some of the most iconic small venues around the UK for this year, I have to admit I am gutted at losing out on what, so far, was looking to be my most promising year musically for 30 years or more!
  3. At odds with @mrtcat I didn't take to my 1024x at all and sold mine on a few weeks after buying it and I know the chap I sold mine to also sold it on fairly quickly! I found it did a Precision bass sound quite well but not as well as a Fender Precision bass (it sounded a little to transparent but not in a good way, if that makes any sense) but the killer for me was weight, mine was well over 10lbs and just too heavy for regular gig use Rog
  4. That is a seriously pretty bass, thankfully, one too many strings for me! GLWTS
  5. Possibly less the perils of paint stripper and more the horrendous job it is to remove those think poly finishes! All those nasty relic jobs on cheap Fender / Fender copies, a complete nightmare to sort out!
  6. Great, I thought I had got over gas for the holoflash Spector's and now you have gone and started it again Lovely looking bass!
  7. It is sort of comforting to know that even Mr Grey can't find a use for one of these, it makes me feel slightly better that I have one hanging on the wall that has probably only been played 5 times in five years.....once a year it gets picked up, tuned, briefly played before I realise I still don't see how it fits into anything I ever play or record and gets hung back up on the wall!
  8. I still have my first and second guitars, the remains of a Saterlite Stratocaster brought used for £25.00 back in 1984 and a Columbus Les Paul copy brought used in Leicester for £40.00 in 1986
  9. I am loving everything Fontaines D.C are doing at the moment, the first album is fantastic
  10. As a massive, lifelong Ramones fan, if money were no object I would buy it, I saw him use it live at one of those life changing gigs. Was Dee Dee a great bass player, no, but he certainly played in a band that influenced a whole bunch of future musicians to pick up a bass or guitar and start playing, that for me makes n him an "actual" musician!
  11. On the basses I have converted none have required a shim with the Gotoh bridge
  12. I swap out the bridges on my main gigging Precision's to Gotoh 201 bridges, I find them more comfortable if I am palm muting and I have had a couple of bridge failures at gigs over the years where a grub screw that has been stable for years has suddenly decided to unwind during a set leaving a flappy out of tune string sitting right on the fret board, I have never had that with a Gotoh bridge. Does it give more sustain or change the sound in any way.....not that I have noticed
  13. PM'd
  14. I don't mind it but I certainly don't like it enough to pay that kind of money for it!
  15. I have a play list for songs on my PC with a play count against them, stuff I used to gig regularly I have probably practised 200+ times so they become completely ingrained, I could join in a jam with them tomorrow despite not having played them for a good 4 or 5 years, but some of the newer stuff I only gigged once or twice (One Republic's Counting Stars) have only 30 or 40 play counts against them, now a few years down the line I wouldn't have the faintest idea how they go. Practice, practice and some more practice!
  16. A happy chappy indeed, the finish is a blood red the above photos look more orange than it actually is to the naked eye, not that my pictures show it any better as is definitely not pink!! I have decided to go back to the original black knobs as they contrast the red finish a better. A big thanks to Andy for all his hard work Rog
  17. I am just surprised he took 5 minutes to realise there was no cab in there, I know MB stuff is light but it's not that light!! I would think that flight case should sell pretty quickly!
  18. Only 1 out of 10 for me (Cannonball) like @ezbass said, for me music largely died in the 90's
  19. I think you have the best colour as well, I have been looking at the idea of adding one to the stable but I have not seen a white one come up for sale for a while now.
  20. No 81, 84 and 86 got me, I got the rest though
  21. It.s a difficult one, I guess some of the really small open air festivals may be doable sooner rather than later but for indoor gigs and going to see bigger bands we will be driven by the figures of new infections I guess, hopefully Mrs2611 and I will both agree when that time feels right.
  22. One that didn't quite come off! Many years ago, I had not been playing long but had just brought my first new guitar a lovely looking Marlin Sidewinder guitar and was busy learning to play Sex Pistols stuff, a young lad I vaguely knew from school came around and asked if I would teach him to play the Pistols stuff, he had this battered tatty old Gibson thing, I taught him everything I knew in about 10 minutes! He wanted a go on my guitar so we swapped over, he loved my guitar and suggested we do a swap, I have to admit I wasn't sure as his was so beaten up and tatty but it played really nicely so we did the swap and away he went.....a couple of hours later he turned up with his dad who said unfortunately we would have to reverse the swap as the 1962 SG he had just traded with me was not actually his to trade it was his dad's guitar which he had lent to him to learn to play on! I lost touch with him after that but bumped into a mate of his quite a few years later, apparently the lad had ended up as a guitar tutor at the London School of Music, I said to his mate, "next time you see him tell him he owes me some guitar lessons!"
  23. Two in two weeks for me, many years ago I was at a car boot sale and a chap was selling what looked like a good condition 4x12 Hiwatt guitar cab and an unnamed 1x15 bass cab, I only wanted the bass cab but the guy said you can have both for £20.00! I sold the Hiwatt cab for £800.00 a couple of weeks later, it turned out it was a mint and totally original late 60s cab! Two weeks later at another car boot sale I spotted an interesting looking record deck, it was an elderly gentleman selling it, he apologised for asking £15.00 for it but that was what he had just spent getting it serviced, I brought it because it looked cool, it wasn't until the advent of eBay many years later that I found out it was a Rega turntable but mine was nothing like the ones on sale on eBay, I contacted Rega and quoted the serial number and what I had brought for £15.00 was a prototype Rega Planet record deck, still not sure, or really bothered what it is worth to this day as it will never be for sale whilst I am still breathing but I would expect it would fetch a wee bit more than the £15.00 I gave for it!
  24. Looking at the sellers name, I am guessing they brought a couple of dirt cheap basses, smoked a large amount of the stuff the sellers name suggests, bolted a cheap neck to the equally cheap body and decided they had created a completely new idea for the world of bass and priced it accordingly....personally I am looking forward to the next custom jobby, which I am guessing might be a "genuine" Fender Jazz body, mated to a "genuine" MM neck!
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